2025-01-30 15:06:02 +01:00

99 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File

echo ""
echo "|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Welcome to cc-docker automatic deployment script. |"
echo "| Make sure you have sudo rights to run docker services |"
echo "| This script assumes that docker command is added to sudo group |"
echo "| This means that docker commands do not explicitly require |"
echo "| 'sudo' keyword to run. You can use this following command: |"
echo "| |"
echo "| > sudo groupadd docker |"
echo "| > sudo usermod -aG docker $USER |"
echo "| |"
echo "| This will add docker to the sudo usergroup and all the docker |"
echo "| command will run as sudo by default without requiring |"
echo "| 'sudo' keyword. |"
echo "|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"
echo ""
# Check cc-backend if exists
if [ ! -d cc-backend ]; then
echo "'cc-backend' not yet prepared! Please clone cc-backend repository before starting this script."
echo -n "Stopped."
# Creates data directory if it does not exists.
# Contains all the mount points required by all the docker services
# and their static files.
if [ ! -d data ]; then
mkdir -m777 data
# Invokes the, which then populates the required
# static files by the docker services. These static files are required by docker services after startup.
chmod u+x
# Update timestamps for all the checkpoints in data/cc-metric-store-source
# and dumps new files in data/cc-metric-store.
perl ./
# Create archive folder for rewritten ccms checkpoints
if [ ! -d data/cc-metric-store/archive ]; then
mkdir -p data/cc-metric-store/archive
# cleanup sources
if [ -d data/cc-metric-store-source ]; then
rm -r data/cc-metric-store-source
# Just in case user forgot manually shutdown the docker services.
docker-compose down
docker-compose down --remove-orphans
# This automatically builds the base docker image for slurm.
# All the slurm docker service in docker-compose.yml refer to
# the base image created from this directory.
cd slurm/base/
cd ../..
# Starts all the docker services from docker-compose.yml.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
cd cc-backend
if [ ! -d var ]; then
tar xf job-archive-demo.tar
rm ./job-archive-demo.tar
cp ./configs/env-template.txt .env
cp -f ../misc/config.json config.json
./cc-backend -migrate-db
./cc-backend --init-db --add-user demo:admin:demo
cd ..
cd ..
echo "'cc-backend/var' exists. Cautiously exiting."
echo ""
echo "|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Check logs for each slurm service by using these commands: |"
echo "| docker-compose logs slurmctld |"
echo "| docker-compose logs slurmdbd |"
echo "| docker-compose logs slurmrestd |"
echo "| docker-compose logs node01 |"
echo "|======================================================================================|"
echo "| Setup complete, containers are up by default: Shut down with 'docker-compose down'. |"
echo "| Use './cc-backend/cc-backend -server' to start cc-backend. |"
echo "| Use scripts in /scripts to load data into influx or mariadb. |"
echo "|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"
echo ""