* **Demo** Includes everything to try out ClusterCockpit including initial Database Fixtures. No SSL and no reverse Proxy.
* **Develop** Only includes all external components of ClusterCockpit. A functional PHP environment and the ClusterCockpit source must be maintained on host machine.
* **Production** Includes everything to run ClusterCockpit in a Production environment including SSL and traefic reverse proxy and container orchestration.
*`docker-compose` installed on Ubuntu (18.04, 20.04) via `apt-get` can not correctly parse `docker-compose.yml` due to version differences. Install latest version of `docker-compose` from https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ instead.
* You need to ensure that no other web server is running on port 80 (e.g. Apache2). If port 80 is already in use, edit NGINX_PORT environment variable in `.env`.
* Existing VPN connections sometimes cause problems with docker. If `docker-compose` does not start up correctly, try disabling any active VPN connection. Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45692255/how-make-openvpn-work-with-docker for further information.
By default, you can access ClusterCockpit in your browser at http://localhost . If NGINX_PORT environment variable was changed, use http://localhost:$PORT .
To reuse an existing Symfony tree at `./data/symfony` you may change the environment variable `APP_CLUSTERCOCKPIT_INIT` in `.env` from `true` to `false`.
## Using for DEVELOP purpose
### Info
*`APP_ENVIRONMENT` variable in `.env` used to switch `php-fpm` container to development environment.
*`APP_CLUSTERCOCKPIT_INIT` variable in `.env` used to prevent container from initializing a new ClusterCockpit instance on every start.
* In this case, an existing Symfony tree at `./data/symfony` is required.
* Due to additional dependencies of the development environment, the instance has to be prepared with `composer` and `yarn` devel-options.
* By default, this also uses prepared fixture data for databases (Changes will not be preserved). In order to use an existing database, changes in `.env` and `docker-compose.yml` are required (see below).
### Setup
If not using an existing database, the fixture data needs to be prepared before the first start of the containers:
*`$ cd data`
*`$ ./init.sh`
If an existing database is to be used, do the following:
* Change variables under `MySQL` and/or `INFLUXDB` in `.env` to match the credentials of your database(s).
* Uncomment the mapping of default volume paths in `docker-compose.yml` for `cc-db` and/or `cc-influxdb` under `volumes`.
* Comment or delete the line `- ${DATADIR}/sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d` for `cc-db`.
In `.env`, change the following variables under `APP`
After that from the root of the repository you can start up the containers with:
*`docker-compose up`
* Wait... and wait a little longer
By default, you can access ClusterCockpit in your browser at http://localhost . If NGINX_PORT environment variable was changed, use http://localhost:$PORT .
If default database fixture were used, the credentials for admin user are:
* User: `admin`
* Password: `AdminDev`
You can shutdown the containers by pressing `CTRL-C`.