This is a `docker compose` setup to try out the complete ClusterCockpit Application Stack including all external components. This docker setup can be easily configured to be used as demo or as a development environment.
*`docker-compose` installed on Ubuntu (18.04, 20.04) via `apt-get` can not correctly parse `docker-compose.yml` due to version differences. Install latest version of `docker-compose` from instead.
* You need to ensure that no other web server is running on port 80 (e.g. Apache2). If port 80 is already in use, edit NGINX_PORT environment variable in `.env`.
* Existing VPN connections sometimes cause problems with docker. If `docker-compose` does not start up correctly, try disabling any active VPN connection. Refer to for further information.
*`APP_CLUSTERCOCKPIT_INIT` (Default: true): Wether the Symfony tree (located at `./data/symfony`) should be deleted and freshly cloned and initialized on every container startup.
*`APP_ENVIRONMENT` (Default: `dev`): The Symfony app environment. With `dev` you get the symfony debug toolbar and more extensive error handling. The `prod` environment is a setup for productions use.
*`$ ./`: **NOTICE** The script will download files of a total size of 338MB (mostly for the InfluxDB data).
If you want to test the REST API and also write to the job archive from Cluster Cockpit you have to comment out the following lines in `./data/`:
echo "This script needs to chown the job-archive directory so that the application can write to it:"
Before you can use ClusterCockpit the following disclaimer must be shown. To download and build all ClusterCockpit components may take up to several minutes:
By default, you can access ClusterCockpit in your browser at `http://localhost`. If the `NGINX_PORT` environment variable was changed, you have to use `http://localhost:$PORT` . You can shutdown the containers by pressing `CTRL-C`. Refer to the common docker documentation how to start the environment in the background.