A number of services is readily available as docker container (nats, cc-metric-store, InfluxDB, LDAP, SLURM), or easily added by manual configuration (MariaDB).
*`docker-compose.yml.default`: Docker-Compose file to setup cc-metric-store, InfluxDB, MariaDB, PhpMyadmin, and LDAP containers (Default). Used in `setupDev.sh`.
*`env.default`: Environment variables for setup with cc-metric-store, InfluxDB, MariaDB, PhpMyadmin, and LDAP containers (Default). Used in `setupDev.sh`.
*`env.mysql`: Additional environment variables required if MySQL is desired instead of MariaDB.
3. The setup-script launches the supporting container stack in the background automatically if everything went well. Run `$> ./cc-backend/cc-backend -server -dev` to start `cc-backend`.
4. By default, you can access `cc-backend` in your browser at `http://localhost:8080`. You can shut down the cc-backend server by pressing `CTRL-C`, remember to also shut down all containers via `$> docker-compose down` afterwards.
5. You can restart the containers with: `$> docker-compose up -d`.
> Note: You need to be in cc-docker directory in order to execute any docker command
You can view all docker processes running on either of the VM instance by using this command:
$ docker ps
Now that you can see the docker services, and if you want to manually access the docker services, you have to run **`bash`** command in those running services.
> **`Example`**: You want to run slurm commands like `sinfo` or `squeue` or `scontrol` on slurm controller, you cannot directly access it.
You need to **`bash`** into the running service by using the following command:
$ docker exec -it <dockerservicename> bash
$ docker exec -it slurmctld bash
$ docker exec -it mariadb bash
Once you start a **`bash`** on any docker service, then you may execute any service related commands in that **`bash`**.
But for Cluster Cockpit development, you only need ports to access these docker services. You have to use `localhost:<port>` when trying to access any docker service. You may need to configure the `cc-backend/config.json` based on these docker services and ports.
## Slurm setup in cc-docker
### 1. Slurm controller
Currently slurm controller is aware of the 1 node that we have setup in our mini cluster i.e. node01.
In order to execute slurm commands, you may need to **`bash`** into the **`slurmctld`** docker service.
$ docker exec -it slurmctld bash
Then you may be able to run slurm controller commands. A few examples without output are:
$ sinfo
$ squeue
$ scontrol show nodes
### 2. Slurm rest service
You do not need to **`bash`** into the slurmrestd service but can directly access the rest API via localhost:6820. A simple example on how to CURL to the slurm rest API is given in the `curl_slurmrestd.sh`.
You can directly use `curl_slurmrestd.sh` with a never expiring JWT token ( can be found in /data/slurm/secret/jwt_token.txt )
You may also use the never expiring token directly from the file for any of your custom CURL commands.
## Known Issues
*`docker-compose` installed on Ubuntu (18.04, 20.04) via `apt-get` can not correctly parse `docker-compose.yml` due to version differences. Install latest version of `docker-compose` from https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ instead.
* You need to ensure that no other web server is running on ports 8080 (cc-backend), 8082 (cc-metric-store), 8086 (InfluxDB), 4222 and 8222 (Nats), or 3306 (MariaDB). If one or more ports are already in use, you have to adapt the related config accordingly.
* Existing VPN connections sometimes cause problems with docker. If `docker-compose` does not start up correctly, try disabling any active VPN connection. Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45692255/how-make-openvpn-work-with-docker for further information.
## Docker services and restarting the services
You can find all the docker services in `docker-compose.yml`. Feel free to modify it.
Whenever you modify it, please use
$ docker compose down
in order to shut down all the services in all the VM’s (maininstance, nodeinstance, nodeinstance2) and then start all the services by using