2023-02-21 17:33:27 +01:00

111 lines
5.6 KiB

import { Icon, Button, InputGroup, Input, Collapse,
Navbar, NavbarBrand, Nav, NavItem, NavLink, NavbarToggler,
Dropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem, InputGroupText } from 'sveltestrap'
export let username // empty string if auth. is disabled, otherwise the username as string
export let authlevel // integer
export let clusters // array of names
let isOpen = false
const userviews = [
{ title: 'My Jobs', href: `/monitoring/user/${username}`, icon: 'bar-chart-line-fill' },
{ title: 'Tags', href: '/monitoring/tags/', icon: 'tags' }
const managerviews = [
{ title: 'My Jobs', href: `/monitoring/user/${username}`, icon: 'bar-chart-line-fill' },
{ title: `Managed Jobs`, href: '/monitoring/jobs/', icon: 'card-list' },
{ title: `Managed Users`, href: '/monitoring/users/', icon: 'people-fill' },
{ title: 'Tags', href: '/monitoring/tags/', icon: 'tags' }
const supportviews = [
{ title: 'My Jobs', href: `/monitoring/user/${username}`, icon: 'bar-chart-line-fill' },
{ title: 'Jobs', href: '/monitoring/jobs/', icon: 'card-list' },
{ title: 'Users', href: '/monitoring/users/', icon: 'people-fill' },
{ title: 'Projects', href: '/monitoring/projects/', icon: 'folder' },
{ title: 'Tags', href: '/monitoring/tags/', icon: 'tags' }
const adminviews = [
{ title: 'My Jobs', href: `/monitoring/user/${username}`, icon: 'bar-chart-line-fill' },
{ title: 'Jobs', href: '/monitoring/jobs/', icon: 'card-list' },
{ title: 'Users', href: '/monitoring/users/', icon: 'people-fill' },
{ title: 'Projects', href: '/monitoring/projects/', icon: 'folder' },
{ title: 'Tags', href: '/monitoring/tags/', icon: 'tags' }
const viewsPerCluster = [
{ title: 'Analysis', authLevel: 4, href: '/monitoring/analysis/', icon: 'graph-up' },
{ title: 'Systems', authLevel: 5, href: '/monitoring/systems/', icon: 'cpu' },
{ title: 'Status', authLevel: 5, href: '/monitoring/status/', icon: 'cpu' },
<Navbar color="light" light expand="lg" fixed="top">
<NavbarBrand href="/">
<img alt="ClusterCockpit Logo" src="/img/logo.png" height="25rem">
<NavbarToggler on:click={() => (isOpen = !isOpen)} />
<Collapse {isOpen} navbar expand="lg" on:update={({ detail }) => (isOpen = detail.isOpen)}>
<Nav pills>
{#if authlevel == 5} <!-- admin -->
{#each adminviews as item}
<NavLink href={item.href} active={window.location.pathname == item.href}><Icon name={item.icon}/> {item.title}</NavLink>
{:else if authlevel == 4} <!-- support -->
{#each supportviews as item}
<NavLink href={item.href} active={window.location.pathname == item.href}><Icon name={item.icon}/> {item.title}</NavLink>
{:else if authlevel == 3} <!-- manager -->
{#each managerviews as item}
<NavLink href={item.href} active={window.location.pathname == item.href}><Icon name={item.icon}/> {item.title}</NavLink>
{:else if authlevel == 2} <!-- user -->
{#each userviews as item}
<NavLink href={item.href} active={window.location.pathname == item.href}><Icon name={item.icon}/> {item.title}</NavLink>
<p>API User or Unauthorized!</p>
{#each viewsPerCluster.filter(item => item.authLevel <= authlevel) as item}
<Dropdown nav inNavbar>
<DropdownToggle nav caret>
<Icon name={item.icon}/> {item.title}
{#each clusters as cluster}
<DropdownItem href={item.href +} active={window.location.pathname == item.href +}>
<div class="d-flex">
<form method="GET" action="/search">
<Input type="text" placeholder={(authlevel >= 4) ? "Search jobId / username" : "Search jobId"} name="searchId"/>
<Button outline type="submit"><Icon name="search"/></Button>
<InputGroupText style="cursor:help;" title={(authlevel >= 4) ? "Example: 'projectId:a100cd', Types are: jobId | jobName | projectId | username" | "name" : "Example: 'jobName:myjob', Types are jobId | jobName"}><Icon name="info-circle"/></InputGroupText>
{#if username}
<form method="POST" action="/logout">
<Button outline color="success" type="submit" style="margin-left: 10px;">
<Icon name="box-arrow-right"/> Logout {username}
<Button outline on:click={() => window.location.href = '/config'} style="margin-left: 10px;">
<Icon name="gear"/>