2021-11-26 10:35:07 +01:00

264 lines
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package graph
import (
sq ""
// GraphQL validation should make sure that no unkown values can be specified.
var groupBy2column = map[model.Aggregate]string{
model.AggregateUser: "job.user_id",
model.AggregateProject: "job.project_id",
model.AggregateCluster: "job.cluster_id",
// Helper function for the jobsStatistics GraphQL query placed here so that schema.resolvers.go is not too full.
func (r *queryResolver) jobsStatistics(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobFilter, groupBy *model.Aggregate) ([]*model.JobsStatistics, error) {
// In case `groupBy` is nil (not used), the model.JobsStatistics used is at the key '' (empty string)
stats := map[string]*model.JobsStatistics{}
// `socketsPerNode` and `coresPerSocket` can differ from cluster to cluster, so we need to explicitly loop over those.
for _, cluster := range config.Clusters {
corehoursCol := fmt.Sprintf("SUM(job.duration * job.num_nodes * %d * %d) / 3600", cluster.SocketsPerNode, cluster.CoresPerSocket)
var query sq.SelectBuilder
if groupBy == nil {
query = sq.Select(
"SUM(job.duration) / 3600",
).From("job").Where("job.cluster_id = ?", cluster.ClusterID)
} else {
col := groupBy2column[*groupBy]
query = sq.Select(
"SUM(job.duration) / 3600",
).From("job").Where("job.cluster_id = ?", cluster.ClusterID).GroupBy(col)
for _, f := range filter {
query = buildWhereClause(f, query)
rows, err := query.RunWith(r.DB).Query()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
var id sql.NullString
var jobs, walltime, corehours sql.NullInt64
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &jobs, &walltime, &corehours); err != nil {
return nil, err
if id.Valid {
if s, ok := stats[id.String]; ok {
s.TotalJobs += int(jobs.Int64)
s.TotalWalltime += int(walltime.Int64)
s.TotalCoreHours += int(corehours.Int64)
} else {
stats[id.String] = &model.JobsStatistics{
ID: id.String,
TotalJobs: int(jobs.Int64),
TotalWalltime: int(walltime.Int64),
TotalCoreHours: int(corehours.Int64),
if groupBy == nil {
query := sq.Select("COUNT(").From("job").Where("job.duration < 120")
for _, f := range filter {
query = buildWhereClause(f, query)
if err := query.RunWith(r.DB).QueryRow().Scan(&(stats[""].ShortJobs)); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
col := groupBy2column[*groupBy]
query := sq.Select(col, "COUNT(").From("job").Where("job.duration < 120")
for _, f := range filter {
query = buildWhereClause(f, query)
rows, err := query.RunWith(r.DB).Query()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
var id sql.NullString
var shortJobs sql.NullInt64
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &shortJobs); err != nil {
return nil, err
if id.Valid {
stats[id.String].ShortJobs = int(shortJobs.Int64)
// Calculating the histogram data is expensive, so only do it if needed.
// An explicit resolver can not be used because we need to know the filters.
histogramsNeeded := false
fields := graphql.CollectFieldsCtx(ctx, nil)
for _, col := range fields {
if col.Name == "histWalltime" || col.Name == "histNumNodes" {
histogramsNeeded = true
res := make([]*model.JobsStatistics, 0, len(stats))
for _, stat := range stats {
res = append(res, stat)
id, col := "", ""
if groupBy != nil {
id = stat.ID
col = groupBy2column[*groupBy]
if histogramsNeeded {
var err error
stat.HistWalltime, err = r.jobsStatisticsHistogram("ROUND(job.duration / 3600) as value", filter, id, col)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stat.HistNumNodes, err = r.jobsStatisticsHistogram("job.num_nodes as value", filter, id, col)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// `value` must be the column grouped by, but renamed to "value". `id` and `col` can optionally be used
// to add a condition to the query of the kind "<col> = <id>".
func (r *queryResolver) jobsStatisticsHistogram(value string, filters []*model.JobFilter, id, col string) ([]*model.HistoPoint, error) {
query := sq.Select(value, "COUNT( AS count").From("job")
for _, f := range filters {
query = buildWhereClause(f, query)
if len(id) != 0 && len(col) != 0 {
query = query.Where(col+" = ?", id)
rows, err := query.GroupBy("value").RunWith(r.DB).Query()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
points := make([]*model.HistoPoint, 0)
for rows.Next() {
point := model.HistoPoint{}
if err := rows.Scan(&point.Value, &point.Count); err != nil {
return nil, err
points = append(points, &point)
return points, nil
// Helper function for the rooflineHeatmap GraphQL query placed here so that schema.resolvers.go is not too full.
func (r *Resolver) rooflineHeatmap(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobFilter, rows int, cols int, minX float64, minY float64, maxX float64, maxY float64) ([][]float64, error) {
jobs, count, err := r.queryJobs(filter, &model.PageRequest{Page: 1, ItemsPerPage: 501}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(jobs) > 500 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many jobs matched (matched: %d, max: %d)", count, 500)
fcols, frows := float64(cols), float64(rows)
minX, minY, maxX, maxY = math.Log10(minX), math.Log10(minY), math.Log10(maxX), math.Log10(maxY)
tiles := make([][]float64, rows)
for i := range tiles {
tiles[i] = make([]float64, cols)
for _, job := range jobs {
jobdata, err := metricdata.LoadData(job, []string{"flops_any", "mem_bw"}, ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
flops, membw := jobdata["flops_any"], jobdata["mem_bw"]
if flops == nil && membw == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'flops_any' or 'mem_bw' missing for job %s", job.ID)
for n := 0; n < len(flops.Series); n++ {
flopsSeries, membwSeries := flops.Series[n], membw.Series[n]
for i := 0; i < len(flopsSeries.Data); i++ {
if i >= len(membwSeries.Data) {
x, y := math.Log10(float64(flopsSeries.Data[i]/membwSeries.Data[i])), math.Log10(float64(flopsSeries.Data[i]))
if math.IsNaN(x) || math.IsNaN(y) || x < minX || x >= maxX || y < minY || y > maxY {
x, y = math.Floor(((x-minX)/(maxX-minX))*fcols), math.Floor(((y-minY)/(maxY-minY))*frows)
if x < 0 || x >= fcols || y < 0 || y >= frows {
tiles[int(y)][int(x)] += 1
return tiles, nil
// Helper function for the jobsFootprints GraphQL query placed here so that schema.resolvers.go is not too full.
func (r *queryResolver) jobsFootprints(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobFilter, metrics []string) ([]*model.MetricFootprints, error) {
jobs, count, err := r.queryJobs(filter, &model.PageRequest{Page: 1, ItemsPerPage: 501}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(jobs) > 500 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many jobs matched (matched: %d, max: %d)", count, 500)
avgs := make([][]schema.Float, len(metrics))
for i := range avgs {
avgs[i] = make([]schema.Float, 0, len(jobs))
for _, job := range jobs {
if err := metricdata.LoadAverages(job, metrics, avgs, ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
res := make([]*model.MetricFootprints, len(avgs))
for i, arr := range avgs {
res[i] = &model.MetricFootprints{
Name: metrics[i],
Footprints: arr,
return res, nil