2022-09-19 17:36:45 +02:00
cluster.json Refactor package structure 2022-09-05 17:46:38 +02:00
config.json Make api test pass and cleanup 2022-09-06 14:40:14 +02:00
config.schema.json Add json schema validation for config file 2022-09-19 16:16:05 +02:00
env-template.txt Add configuration examples with documentation 2022-06-22 11:18:04 +02:00 Update config README. Add helper script for subClusters 2022-09-19 17:36:45 +02:00 Update READMEs 2022-07-25 08:58:44 +02:00 Update config README. Add helper script for subClusters 2022-09-19 17:36:45 +02:00


cc-backend requires a configuration file speciyfing the cluster systems to be used. Still many default options documented below are used. cc-backend tries to load a config.json from the working directory per default. To overwrite the default specify a json config file location using the command line option --config <filepath>. All security relevant configuration. e.g., keys and passwords, are set using environment variables. It is supported to specify these by means of an .env file located in the project root.

Configuration Options

  • addr: Type string. Address where the http (or https) server will listen on (for example: 'localhost:80'). Default :8080.
  • user: Type string. Drop root permissions once .env was read and the port was taken. Only applicable if using privileged port.
  • group: Type string. Drop root permissions once .env was read and the port was taken. Only applicable if using privileged port.
  • disable-authentication: Type bool. Disable authentication (for everything: API, Web-UI, ...). Default false.
  • embed-static-files: Type bool. If all files in web/frontend/public should be served from within the binary itself (they are embedded) or not. Default true.
  • static-files: Type string. Folder where static assets can be found, if embed-static-files is false. No default.
  • db-driver: Type string. 'sqlite3' or 'mysql' (mysql will work for mariadb as well). Default sqlite3.
  • db: Type string. For sqlite3 a filename, for mysql a DSN in this format: (Without query parameters!). Default: ./var/job.db.
  • job-archive: Type string. Path to the job-archive. Default: ./var/job-archive.
  • disable-archive: Type bool. Keep all metric data in the metric data repositories, do not write to the job-archive. Default false.
  • validate: Type bool. Validate all input json documents against json schema.
  • "session-max-age: Type string. Specifies for how long a session shall be valid as a string parsable by time.ParseDuration(). If 0 or empty, the session/token does not expire! Default 168h.
  • "jwt-max-age: Type string. Specifies for how long a JWT token shall be valid as a string parsable by time.ParseDuration(). If 0 or empty, the session/token does not expire! Default 0.
  • https-cert-file and https-key-file: Type string. If both those options are not empty, use HTTPS using those certificates.
  • redirect-http-to: Type string. If not the empty string and addr does not end in ":80", redirect every request incoming at port 80 to that url.
  • machine-state-dir: Type string. Where to store MachineState files. TODO: Explain in more detail!
  • "stop-jobs-exceeding-walltime: Type int. If not zero, automatically mark jobs as stopped running X seconds longer than their walltime. Only applies if walltime is set for job. Default 0;
  • ldap: Type object. For LDAP Authentication and user synchronisation. Default nil.
    • url: Type string. URL of LDAP directory server.
    • user_base: Type string. Base DN of user tree root.
    • search_dn: Type string. DN for authenticating LDAP admin account with general read rights.
    • user_bind: Type string. Expression used to authenticate users via LDAP bind. Must contain uid={username}.
    • user_filter: Type string. Filter to extract users for syncing.
    • sync_interval: Type string. Interval used for syncing local user table with LDAP directory. Parsed using time.ParseDuration.
    • sync_del_old_users: Type bool. Delete obsolete users in database.
  • clusters: Type array of objects
    • name: Type string. The name of the cluster.
    • metricDataRepository: Type object with properties: kind (Type string, can be one of cc-metric-store, influxdb ), url (Type string), token (Type string)
    • filterRanges Type object. This option controls the slider ranges for the UI controls of numNodes, duration, and startTime. Example:
    "filterRanges": {
                 "numNodes": { "from": 1, "to": 64 },
                 "duration": { "from": 0, "to": 86400 },
                 "startTime": { "from": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z", "to": null }
  • ui-defaults: Type object. Default configuration for ui views. If overwriten, all options must be provided! Most options can be overwritten by the user via the web interface.
    • analysis_view_histogramMetrics: Type string array. Metrics to show as job count histograms in analysis view. Default ["flops_any", "mem_bw", "mem_used"].
    • analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics: Type array of string array. Initial scatter plto configuration in analysis view. Default [["flops_any", "mem_bw"], ["flops_any", "cpu_load"], ["cpu_load", "mem_bw"]].
    • job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics: Type string array. Initial metrics shown in node statistics table of single job view. Default ["flops_any", "mem_bw", "mem_used"].
    • job_view_polarPlotMetrics: Type string array. Metrics shown in polar plot of single job view. Default ["flops_any", "mem_bw", "mem_used", "net_bw", "file_bw"].
    • job_view_selectedMetrics: Type string array. Default ["flops_any", "mem_bw", "mem_used"].
    • plot_general_colorBackground: Type bool. Color plot background according to job average threshold limits. Default true.
    • plot_general_colorscheme: Type string array. Initial color scheme. Default "#00bfff", "#0000ff", "#ff00ff", "#ff0000", "#ff8000", "#ffff00", "#80ff00".
    • plot_general_lineWidth: Type int. Initial linewidth. Default 3.
    • plot_list_hideShortRunningJobs: Type int. Do not show running jobs shorter than X seconds. Default 300.
    • plot_list_jobsPerPage: Type int. Jobs shown per page in job lists. Default 50.
    • plot_list_selectedMetrics: Type string array. Initial metric plots shown in jobs lists. Default "cpu_load", "ipc", "mem_used", "flops_any", "mem_bw".
    • plot_view_plotsPerRow: Type int. Number of plots per row in single job view. Default 3.
    • plot_view_showPolarplot: Type bool. Option to toggle polar plot in single job view. Default true.
    • plot_view_showRoofline: Type bool. Option to toggle roofline plot in single job view. Default true.
    • plot_view_showStatTable: Type bool. Option to toggle the node statistic table in single job view. Default true.
    • system_view_selectedMetric: Type string. Initial metric shown in system view. Default cpu_load.

Some of the ui-defaults values can be appended by :<clustername> in order to have different settings depending on the current cluster. Those are notably job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics, job_view_polarPlotMetrics, job_view_selectedMetrics and plot_list_selectedMetrics.

Environment Variables

An example env file is found in this directory. Copy it to .env in the project root and adapt it for your needs.

  • JWT_PUBLIC_KEY and JWT_PRIVATE_KEY: Base64 encoded Ed25519 keys used for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. You can generate your own keypair using go run ./cmd/gen-keypair/gen-keypair.go. More information in
  • SESSION_KEY: Some random bytes used as secret for cookie-based sessions.
  • LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The LDAP admin user password (optional).
  • CROSS_LOGIN_JWT_HS512_KEY: Used for token based logins via another authentication service.
  • LOGLEVEL: Can be err, warn, info or debug (optional, debug by default). Can be used to reduce logging.