/* Slurm Rest API API to access and control Slurm. API version: 0.0.37 Contact: sales@schedmd.com */ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT. package openapi import ( "encoding/json" ) // checks if the V0037Node type satisfies the MappedNullable interface at compile time var _ MappedNullable = &V0037Node{} // V0037Node struct for V0037Node type V0037Node struct { // computer architecture Architecture *string `json:"architecture,omitempty"` // BcastAddr BurstbufferNetworkAddress *string `json:"burstbuffer_network_address,omitempty"` // total number of boards per node Boards *int32 `json:"boards,omitempty"` // timestamp of node boot BootTime *int64 `json:"boot_time,omitempty"` // number of cores per socket Cores *int32 `json:"cores,omitempty"` // Default task binding CpuBinding *int32 `json:"cpu_binding,omitempty"` // CPU load * 100 CpuLoad *int64 `json:"cpu_load,omitempty"` // free memory in MiB FreeMemory *int32 `json:"free_memory,omitempty"` // configured count of cpus running on the node Cpus *int32 `json:"cpus,omitempty"` // Features *string `json:"features,omitempty"` // list of a node's available features ActiveFeatures *string `json:"active_features,omitempty"` // list of a node's generic resources Gres *string `json:"gres,omitempty"` // list of drained GRES GresDrained *string `json:"gres_drained,omitempty"` // list of GRES in current use GresUsed *string `json:"gres_used,omitempty"` // mcs label if mcs plugin in use McsLabel *string `json:"mcs_label,omitempty"` // node name to slurm Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // state after reboot NextStateAfterReboot *string `json:"next_state_after_reboot,omitempty"` // node state flags NextStateAfterRebootFlags []string `json:"next_state_after_reboot_flags,omitempty"` // state after reboot Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` // node's hostname Hostname *string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` // current node state State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // node state flags StateFlags []string `json:"state_flags,omitempty"` // operating system OperatingSystem *string `json:"operating_system,omitempty"` // User allowed to use this node Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` // assigned partitions Partitions []string `json:"partitions,omitempty"` // TCP port number of the slurmd Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // configured MB of real memory on the node RealMemory *int32 `json:"real_memory,omitempty"` // reason for node being DOWN or DRAINING Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` // Time stamp when reason was set ReasonChangedAt *int32 `json:"reason_changed_at,omitempty"` // User that set the reason ReasonSetByUser *string `json:"reason_set_by_user,omitempty"` // timestamp of slurmd startup SlurmdStartTime *int64 `json:"slurmd_start_time,omitempty"` // total number of sockets per node Sockets *int32 `json:"sockets,omitempty"` // number of threads per core Threads *int32 `json:"threads,omitempty"` // configured MB of total disk in TMP_FS TemporaryDisk *int32 `json:"temporary_disk,omitempty"` // arbitrary priority of node for scheduling Weight *int32 `json:"weight,omitempty"` // TRES on node Tres *string `json:"tres,omitempty"` // TRES used on node TresUsed *string `json:"tres_used,omitempty"` // TRES weight used on node TresWeighted *float64 `json:"tres_weighted,omitempty"` // Slurmd version SlurmdVersion *string `json:"slurmd_version,omitempty"` // Allocated CPUs AllocCpus *int64 `json:"alloc_cpus,omitempty"` // Idle CPUs IdleCpus *int64 `json:"idle_cpus,omitempty"` // Allocated memory (MB) AllocMemory *int64 `json:"alloc_memory,omitempty"` } // NewV0037Node instantiates a new V0037Node object // This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, // and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments // will change when the set of required properties is changed func NewV0037Node() *V0037Node { this := V0037Node{} return &this } // NewV0037NodeWithDefaults instantiates a new V0037Node object // This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, // but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set func NewV0037NodeWithDefaults() *V0037Node { this := V0037Node{} return &this } // GetArchitecture returns the Architecture field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetArchitecture() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Architecture) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Architecture } // GetArchitectureOk returns a tuple with the Architecture field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetArchitectureOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Architecture) { return nil, false } return o.Architecture, true } // HasArchitecture returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasArchitecture() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Architecture) { return true } return false } // SetArchitecture gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Architecture field. func (o *V0037Node) SetArchitecture(v string) { o.Architecture = &v } // GetBurstbufferNetworkAddress returns the BurstbufferNetworkAddress field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetBurstbufferNetworkAddress() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress) { var ret string return ret } return *o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress } // GetBurstbufferNetworkAddressOk returns a tuple with the BurstbufferNetworkAddress field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetBurstbufferNetworkAddressOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress) { return nil, false } return o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress, true } // HasBurstbufferNetworkAddress returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasBurstbufferNetworkAddress() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress) { return true } return false } // SetBurstbufferNetworkAddress gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the BurstbufferNetworkAddress field. func (o *V0037Node) SetBurstbufferNetworkAddress(v string) { o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress = &v } // GetBoards returns the Boards field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetBoards() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Boards) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.Boards } // GetBoardsOk returns a tuple with the Boards field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetBoardsOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Boards) { return nil, false } return o.Boards, true } // HasBoards returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasBoards() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Boards) { return true } return false } // SetBoards gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Boards field. func (o *V0037Node) SetBoards(v int32) { o.Boards = &v } // GetBootTime returns the BootTime field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetBootTime() int64 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.BootTime) { var ret int64 return ret } return *o.BootTime } // GetBootTimeOk returns a tuple with the BootTime field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetBootTimeOk() (*int64, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.BootTime) { return nil, false } return o.BootTime, true } // HasBootTime returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasBootTime() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.BootTime) { return true } return false } // SetBootTime gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the BootTime field. func (o *V0037Node) SetBootTime(v int64) { o.BootTime = &v } // GetCores returns the Cores field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetCores() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Cores) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.Cores } // GetCoresOk returns a tuple with the Cores field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetCoresOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Cores) { return nil, false } return o.Cores, true } // HasCores returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasCores() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Cores) { return true } return false } // SetCores gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Cores field. func (o *V0037Node) SetCores(v int32) { o.Cores = &v } // GetCpuBinding returns the CpuBinding field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetCpuBinding() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.CpuBinding) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.CpuBinding } // GetCpuBindingOk returns a tuple with the CpuBinding field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetCpuBindingOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.CpuBinding) { return nil, false } return o.CpuBinding, true } // HasCpuBinding returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasCpuBinding() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.CpuBinding) { return true } return false } // SetCpuBinding gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the CpuBinding field. func (o *V0037Node) SetCpuBinding(v int32) { o.CpuBinding = &v } // GetCpuLoad returns the CpuLoad field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetCpuLoad() int64 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.CpuLoad) { var ret int64 return ret } return *o.CpuLoad } // GetCpuLoadOk returns a tuple with the CpuLoad field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetCpuLoadOk() (*int64, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.CpuLoad) { return nil, false } return o.CpuLoad, true } // HasCpuLoad returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasCpuLoad() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.CpuLoad) { return true } return false } // SetCpuLoad gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the CpuLoad field. func (o *V0037Node) SetCpuLoad(v int64) { o.CpuLoad = &v } // GetFreeMemory returns the FreeMemory field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetFreeMemory() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.FreeMemory) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.FreeMemory } // GetFreeMemoryOk returns a tuple with the FreeMemory field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetFreeMemoryOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.FreeMemory) { return nil, false } return o.FreeMemory, true } // HasFreeMemory returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasFreeMemory() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.FreeMemory) { return true } return false } // SetFreeMemory gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the FreeMemory field. func (o *V0037Node) SetFreeMemory(v int32) { o.FreeMemory = &v } // GetCpus returns the Cpus field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetCpus() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Cpus) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.Cpus } // GetCpusOk returns a tuple with the Cpus field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetCpusOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Cpus) { return nil, false } return o.Cpus, true } // HasCpus returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasCpus() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Cpus) { return true } return false } // SetCpus gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Cpus field. func (o *V0037Node) SetCpus(v int32) { o.Cpus = &v } // GetFeatures returns the Features field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetFeatures() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Features) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Features } // GetFeaturesOk returns a tuple with the Features field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetFeaturesOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Features) { return nil, false } return o.Features, true } // HasFeatures returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasFeatures() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Features) { return true } return false } // SetFeatures gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Features field. func (o *V0037Node) SetFeatures(v string) { o.Features = &v } // GetActiveFeatures returns the ActiveFeatures field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetActiveFeatures() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.ActiveFeatures) { var ret string return ret } return *o.ActiveFeatures } // GetActiveFeaturesOk returns a tuple with the ActiveFeatures field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetActiveFeaturesOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.ActiveFeatures) { return nil, false } return o.ActiveFeatures, true } // HasActiveFeatures returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasActiveFeatures() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ActiveFeatures) { return true } return false } // SetActiveFeatures gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ActiveFeatures field. func (o *V0037Node) SetActiveFeatures(v string) { o.ActiveFeatures = &v } // GetGres returns the Gres field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetGres() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Gres) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Gres } // GetGresOk returns a tuple with the Gres field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetGresOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Gres) { return nil, false } return o.Gres, true } // HasGres returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasGres() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Gres) { return true } return false } // SetGres gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Gres field. func (o *V0037Node) SetGres(v string) { o.Gres = &v } // GetGresDrained returns the GresDrained field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetGresDrained() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.GresDrained) { var ret string return ret } return *o.GresDrained } // GetGresDrainedOk returns a tuple with the GresDrained field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetGresDrainedOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.GresDrained) { return nil, false } return o.GresDrained, true } // HasGresDrained returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasGresDrained() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.GresDrained) { return true } return false } // SetGresDrained gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the GresDrained field. func (o *V0037Node) SetGresDrained(v string) { o.GresDrained = &v } // GetGresUsed returns the GresUsed field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetGresUsed() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.GresUsed) { var ret string return ret } return *o.GresUsed } // GetGresUsedOk returns a tuple with the GresUsed field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetGresUsedOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.GresUsed) { return nil, false } return o.GresUsed, true } // HasGresUsed returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasGresUsed() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.GresUsed) { return true } return false } // SetGresUsed gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the GresUsed field. func (o *V0037Node) SetGresUsed(v string) { o.GresUsed = &v } // GetMcsLabel returns the McsLabel field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetMcsLabel() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.McsLabel) { var ret string return ret } return *o.McsLabel } // GetMcsLabelOk returns a tuple with the McsLabel field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetMcsLabelOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.McsLabel) { return nil, false } return o.McsLabel, true } // HasMcsLabel returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasMcsLabel() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.McsLabel) { return true } return false } // SetMcsLabel gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the McsLabel field. func (o *V0037Node) SetMcsLabel(v string) { o.McsLabel = &v } // GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetName() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Name) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Name } // GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetNameOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Name) { return nil, false } return o.Name, true } // HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasName() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Name) { return true } return false } // SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field. func (o *V0037Node) SetName(v string) { o.Name = &v } // GetNextStateAfterReboot returns the NextStateAfterReboot field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetNextStateAfterReboot() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.NextStateAfterReboot) { var ret string return ret } return *o.NextStateAfterReboot } // GetNextStateAfterRebootOk returns a tuple with the NextStateAfterReboot field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetNextStateAfterRebootOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.NextStateAfterReboot) { return nil, false } return o.NextStateAfterReboot, true } // HasNextStateAfterReboot returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasNextStateAfterReboot() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.NextStateAfterReboot) { return true } return false } // SetNextStateAfterReboot gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the NextStateAfterReboot field. func (o *V0037Node) SetNextStateAfterReboot(v string) { o.NextStateAfterReboot = &v } // GetNextStateAfterRebootFlags returns the NextStateAfterRebootFlags field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetNextStateAfterRebootFlags() []string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags) { var ret []string return ret } return o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags } // GetNextStateAfterRebootFlagsOk returns a tuple with the NextStateAfterRebootFlags field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetNextStateAfterRebootFlagsOk() ([]string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags) { return nil, false } return o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags, true } // HasNextStateAfterRebootFlags returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasNextStateAfterRebootFlags() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags) { return true } return false } // SetNextStateAfterRebootFlags gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the NextStateAfterRebootFlags field. func (o *V0037Node) SetNextStateAfterRebootFlags(v []string) { o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags = v } // GetAddress returns the Address field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetAddress() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Address) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Address } // GetAddressOk returns a tuple with the Address field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetAddressOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Address) { return nil, false } return o.Address, true } // HasAddress returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasAddress() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Address) { return true } return false } // SetAddress gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Address field. func (o *V0037Node) SetAddress(v string) { o.Address = &v } // GetHostname returns the Hostname field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetHostname() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Hostname) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Hostname } // GetHostnameOk returns a tuple with the Hostname field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetHostnameOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Hostname) { return nil, false } return o.Hostname, true } // HasHostname returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasHostname() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Hostname) { return true } return false } // SetHostname gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Hostname field. func (o *V0037Node) SetHostname(v string) { o.Hostname = &v } // GetState returns the State field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetState() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.State) { var ret string return ret } return *o.State } // GetStateOk returns a tuple with the State field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetStateOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.State) { return nil, false } return o.State, true } // HasState returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasState() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.State) { return true } return false } // SetState gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the State field. func (o *V0037Node) SetState(v string) { o.State = &v } // GetStateFlags returns the StateFlags field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetStateFlags() []string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.StateFlags) { var ret []string return ret } return o.StateFlags } // GetStateFlagsOk returns a tuple with the StateFlags field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetStateFlagsOk() ([]string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.StateFlags) { return nil, false } return o.StateFlags, true } // HasStateFlags returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasStateFlags() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.StateFlags) { return true } return false } // SetStateFlags gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the StateFlags field. func (o *V0037Node) SetStateFlags(v []string) { o.StateFlags = v } // GetOperatingSystem returns the OperatingSystem field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetOperatingSystem() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.OperatingSystem) { var ret string return ret } return *o.OperatingSystem } // GetOperatingSystemOk returns a tuple with the OperatingSystem field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetOperatingSystemOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.OperatingSystem) { return nil, false } return o.OperatingSystem, true } // HasOperatingSystem returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasOperatingSystem() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.OperatingSystem) { return true } return false } // SetOperatingSystem gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the OperatingSystem field. func (o *V0037Node) SetOperatingSystem(v string) { o.OperatingSystem = &v } // GetOwner returns the Owner field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetOwner() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Owner) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Owner } // GetOwnerOk returns a tuple with the Owner field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetOwnerOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Owner) { return nil, false } return o.Owner, true } // HasOwner returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasOwner() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Owner) { return true } return false } // SetOwner gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Owner field. func (o *V0037Node) SetOwner(v string) { o.Owner = &v } // GetPartitions returns the Partitions field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetPartitions() []string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Partitions) { var ret []string return ret } return o.Partitions } // GetPartitionsOk returns a tuple with the Partitions field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetPartitionsOk() ([]string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Partitions) { return nil, false } return o.Partitions, true } // HasPartitions returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasPartitions() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Partitions) { return true } return false } // SetPartitions gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Partitions field. func (o *V0037Node) SetPartitions(v []string) { o.Partitions = v } // GetPort returns the Port field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetPort() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Port) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.Port } // GetPortOk returns a tuple with the Port field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetPortOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Port) { return nil, false } return o.Port, true } // HasPort returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasPort() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Port) { return true } return false } // SetPort gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Port field. func (o *V0037Node) SetPort(v int32) { o.Port = &v } // GetRealMemory returns the RealMemory field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetRealMemory() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.RealMemory) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.RealMemory } // GetRealMemoryOk returns a tuple with the RealMemory field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetRealMemoryOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.RealMemory) { return nil, false } return o.RealMemory, true } // HasRealMemory returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasRealMemory() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RealMemory) { return true } return false } // SetRealMemory gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the RealMemory field. func (o *V0037Node) SetRealMemory(v int32) { o.RealMemory = &v } // GetReason returns the Reason field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetReason() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Reason) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Reason } // GetReasonOk returns a tuple with the Reason field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetReasonOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Reason) { return nil, false } return o.Reason, true } // HasReason returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasReason() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Reason) { return true } return false } // SetReason gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Reason field. func (o *V0037Node) SetReason(v string) { o.Reason = &v } // GetReasonChangedAt returns the ReasonChangedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetReasonChangedAt() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.ReasonChangedAt) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.ReasonChangedAt } // GetReasonChangedAtOk returns a tuple with the ReasonChangedAt field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetReasonChangedAtOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.ReasonChangedAt) { return nil, false } return o.ReasonChangedAt, true } // HasReasonChangedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasReasonChangedAt() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ReasonChangedAt) { return true } return false } // SetReasonChangedAt gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the ReasonChangedAt field. func (o *V0037Node) SetReasonChangedAt(v int32) { o.ReasonChangedAt = &v } // GetReasonSetByUser returns the ReasonSetByUser field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetReasonSetByUser() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.ReasonSetByUser) { var ret string return ret } return *o.ReasonSetByUser } // GetReasonSetByUserOk returns a tuple with the ReasonSetByUser field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetReasonSetByUserOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.ReasonSetByUser) { return nil, false } return o.ReasonSetByUser, true } // HasReasonSetByUser returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasReasonSetByUser() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ReasonSetByUser) { return true } return false } // SetReasonSetByUser gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ReasonSetByUser field. func (o *V0037Node) SetReasonSetByUser(v string) { o.ReasonSetByUser = &v } // GetSlurmdStartTime returns the SlurmdStartTime field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetSlurmdStartTime() int64 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.SlurmdStartTime) { var ret int64 return ret } return *o.SlurmdStartTime } // GetSlurmdStartTimeOk returns a tuple with the SlurmdStartTime field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetSlurmdStartTimeOk() (*int64, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.SlurmdStartTime) { return nil, false } return o.SlurmdStartTime, true } // HasSlurmdStartTime returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasSlurmdStartTime() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.SlurmdStartTime) { return true } return false } // SetSlurmdStartTime gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the SlurmdStartTime field. func (o *V0037Node) SetSlurmdStartTime(v int64) { o.SlurmdStartTime = &v } // GetSockets returns the Sockets field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetSockets() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Sockets) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.Sockets } // GetSocketsOk returns a tuple with the Sockets field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetSocketsOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Sockets) { return nil, false } return o.Sockets, true } // HasSockets returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasSockets() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Sockets) { return true } return false } // SetSockets gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Sockets field. func (o *V0037Node) SetSockets(v int32) { o.Sockets = &v } // GetThreads returns the Threads field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetThreads() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Threads) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.Threads } // GetThreadsOk returns a tuple with the Threads field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetThreadsOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Threads) { return nil, false } return o.Threads, true } // HasThreads returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasThreads() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Threads) { return true } return false } // SetThreads gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Threads field. func (o *V0037Node) SetThreads(v int32) { o.Threads = &v } // GetTemporaryDisk returns the TemporaryDisk field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetTemporaryDisk() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.TemporaryDisk) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.TemporaryDisk } // GetTemporaryDiskOk returns a tuple with the TemporaryDisk field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetTemporaryDiskOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.TemporaryDisk) { return nil, false } return o.TemporaryDisk, true } // HasTemporaryDisk returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasTemporaryDisk() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.TemporaryDisk) { return true } return false } // SetTemporaryDisk gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TemporaryDisk field. func (o *V0037Node) SetTemporaryDisk(v int32) { o.TemporaryDisk = &v } // GetWeight returns the Weight field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetWeight() int32 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Weight) { var ret int32 return ret } return *o.Weight } // GetWeightOk returns a tuple with the Weight field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetWeightOk() (*int32, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Weight) { return nil, false } return o.Weight, true } // HasWeight returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasWeight() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Weight) { return true } return false } // SetWeight gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Weight field. func (o *V0037Node) SetWeight(v int32) { o.Weight = &v } // GetTres returns the Tres field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetTres() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Tres) { var ret string return ret } return *o.Tres } // GetTresOk returns a tuple with the Tres field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetTresOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.Tres) { return nil, false } return o.Tres, true } // HasTres returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasTres() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Tres) { return true } return false } // SetTres gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Tres field. func (o *V0037Node) SetTres(v string) { o.Tres = &v } // GetTresUsed returns the TresUsed field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetTresUsed() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.TresUsed) { var ret string return ret } return *o.TresUsed } // GetTresUsedOk returns a tuple with the TresUsed field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetTresUsedOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.TresUsed) { return nil, false } return o.TresUsed, true } // HasTresUsed returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasTresUsed() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.TresUsed) { return true } return false } // SetTresUsed gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TresUsed field. func (o *V0037Node) SetTresUsed(v string) { o.TresUsed = &v } // GetTresWeighted returns the TresWeighted field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetTresWeighted() float64 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.TresWeighted) { var ret float64 return ret } return *o.TresWeighted } // GetTresWeightedOk returns a tuple with the TresWeighted field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetTresWeightedOk() (*float64, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.TresWeighted) { return nil, false } return o.TresWeighted, true } // HasTresWeighted returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasTresWeighted() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.TresWeighted) { return true } return false } // SetTresWeighted gets a reference to the given float64 and assigns it to the TresWeighted field. func (o *V0037Node) SetTresWeighted(v float64) { o.TresWeighted = &v } // GetSlurmdVersion returns the SlurmdVersion field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetSlurmdVersion() string { if o == nil || IsNil(o.SlurmdVersion) { var ret string return ret } return *o.SlurmdVersion } // GetSlurmdVersionOk returns a tuple with the SlurmdVersion field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetSlurmdVersionOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.SlurmdVersion) { return nil, false } return o.SlurmdVersion, true } // HasSlurmdVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasSlurmdVersion() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.SlurmdVersion) { return true } return false } // SetSlurmdVersion gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the SlurmdVersion field. func (o *V0037Node) SetSlurmdVersion(v string) { o.SlurmdVersion = &v } // GetAllocCpus returns the AllocCpus field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetAllocCpus() int64 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.AllocCpus) { var ret int64 return ret } return *o.AllocCpus } // GetAllocCpusOk returns a tuple with the AllocCpus field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetAllocCpusOk() (*int64, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.AllocCpus) { return nil, false } return o.AllocCpus, true } // HasAllocCpus returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasAllocCpus() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.AllocCpus) { return true } return false } // SetAllocCpus gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the AllocCpus field. func (o *V0037Node) SetAllocCpus(v int64) { o.AllocCpus = &v } // GetIdleCpus returns the IdleCpus field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetIdleCpus() int64 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.IdleCpus) { var ret int64 return ret } return *o.IdleCpus } // GetIdleCpusOk returns a tuple with the IdleCpus field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetIdleCpusOk() (*int64, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.IdleCpus) { return nil, false } return o.IdleCpus, true } // HasIdleCpus returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasIdleCpus() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.IdleCpus) { return true } return false } // SetIdleCpus gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the IdleCpus field. func (o *V0037Node) SetIdleCpus(v int64) { o.IdleCpus = &v } // GetAllocMemory returns the AllocMemory field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *V0037Node) GetAllocMemory() int64 { if o == nil || IsNil(o.AllocMemory) { var ret int64 return ret } return *o.AllocMemory } // GetAllocMemoryOk returns a tuple with the AllocMemory field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *V0037Node) GetAllocMemoryOk() (*int64, bool) { if o == nil || IsNil(o.AllocMemory) { return nil, false } return o.AllocMemory, true } // HasAllocMemory returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *V0037Node) HasAllocMemory() bool { if o != nil && !IsNil(o.AllocMemory) { return true } return false } // SetAllocMemory gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the AllocMemory field. func (o *V0037Node) SetAllocMemory(v int64) { o.AllocMemory = &v } func (o V0037Node) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { toSerialize,err := o.ToMap() if err != nil { return []byte{}, err } return json.Marshal(toSerialize) } func (o V0037Node) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) { toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{} if !IsNil(o.Architecture) { toSerialize["architecture"] = o.Architecture } if !IsNil(o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress) { toSerialize["burstbuffer_network_address"] = o.BurstbufferNetworkAddress } if !IsNil(o.Boards) { toSerialize["boards"] = o.Boards } if !IsNil(o.BootTime) { toSerialize["boot_time"] = o.BootTime } if !IsNil(o.Cores) { toSerialize["cores"] = o.Cores } if !IsNil(o.CpuBinding) { toSerialize["cpu_binding"] = o.CpuBinding } if !IsNil(o.CpuLoad) { toSerialize["cpu_load"] = o.CpuLoad } if !IsNil(o.FreeMemory) { toSerialize["free_memory"] = o.FreeMemory } if !IsNil(o.Cpus) { toSerialize["cpus"] = o.Cpus } if !IsNil(o.Features) { toSerialize["features"] = o.Features } if !IsNil(o.ActiveFeatures) { toSerialize["active_features"] = o.ActiveFeatures } if !IsNil(o.Gres) { toSerialize["gres"] = o.Gres } if !IsNil(o.GresDrained) { toSerialize["gres_drained"] = o.GresDrained } if !IsNil(o.GresUsed) { toSerialize["gres_used"] = o.GresUsed } if !IsNil(o.McsLabel) { toSerialize["mcs_label"] = o.McsLabel } if !IsNil(o.Name) { toSerialize["name"] = o.Name } if !IsNil(o.NextStateAfterReboot) { toSerialize["next_state_after_reboot"] = o.NextStateAfterReboot } if !IsNil(o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags) { toSerialize["next_state_after_reboot_flags"] = o.NextStateAfterRebootFlags } if !IsNil(o.Address) { toSerialize["address"] = o.Address } if !IsNil(o.Hostname) { toSerialize["hostname"] = o.Hostname } if !IsNil(o.State) { toSerialize["state"] = o.State } if !IsNil(o.StateFlags) { toSerialize["state_flags"] = o.StateFlags } if !IsNil(o.OperatingSystem) { toSerialize["operating_system"] = o.OperatingSystem } if !IsNil(o.Owner) { toSerialize["owner"] = o.Owner } if !IsNil(o.Partitions) { toSerialize["partitions"] = o.Partitions } if !IsNil(o.Port) { toSerialize["port"] = o.Port } if !IsNil(o.RealMemory) { toSerialize["real_memory"] = o.RealMemory } if !IsNil(o.Reason) { toSerialize["reason"] = o.Reason } if !IsNil(o.ReasonChangedAt) { toSerialize["reason_changed_at"] = o.ReasonChangedAt } if !IsNil(o.ReasonSetByUser) { toSerialize["reason_set_by_user"] = o.ReasonSetByUser } if !IsNil(o.SlurmdStartTime) { toSerialize["slurmd_start_time"] = o.SlurmdStartTime } if !IsNil(o.Sockets) { toSerialize["sockets"] = o.Sockets } if !IsNil(o.Threads) { toSerialize["threads"] = o.Threads } if !IsNil(o.TemporaryDisk) { toSerialize["temporary_disk"] = o.TemporaryDisk } if !IsNil(o.Weight) { toSerialize["weight"] = o.Weight } if !IsNil(o.Tres) { toSerialize["tres"] = o.Tres } if !IsNil(o.TresUsed) { toSerialize["tres_used"] = o.TresUsed } if !IsNil(o.TresWeighted) { toSerialize["tres_weighted"] = o.TresWeighted } if !IsNil(o.SlurmdVersion) { toSerialize["slurmd_version"] = o.SlurmdVersion } if !IsNil(o.AllocCpus) { toSerialize["alloc_cpus"] = o.AllocCpus } if !IsNil(o.IdleCpus) { toSerialize["idle_cpus"] = o.IdleCpus } if !IsNil(o.AllocMemory) { toSerialize["alloc_memory"] = o.AllocMemory } return toSerialize, nil } type NullableV0037Node struct { value *V0037Node isSet bool } func (v NullableV0037Node) Get() *V0037Node { return v.value } func (v *NullableV0037Node) Set(val *V0037Node) { v.value = val v.isSet = true } func (v NullableV0037Node) IsSet() bool { return v.isSet } func (v *NullableV0037Node) Unset() { v.value = nil v.isSet = false } func NewNullableV0037Node(val *V0037Node) *NullableV0037Node { return &NullableV0037Node{value: val, isSet: true} } func (v NullableV0037Node) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(v.value) } func (v *NullableV0037Node) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error { v.isSet = true return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value) }