package repository import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "" "" "" sq "" "" ) type JobRepository struct { DB *sqlx.DB } // Find executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job. // The job is queried using the batch job id, the cluster name, // and the start time of the job in UNIX epoch time seconds. // It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable. // To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows func (r *JobRepository) Find( jobId int64, cluster string, startTime int64) (*schema.Job, error) { qb := sq.Select(schema.JobColumns...).From("job"). Where("job.job_id = ?", jobId). Where("job.cluster = ?", cluster). Where("job.start_time = ?", startTime) sqlQuery, args, err := qb.ToSql() if err != nil { return nil, err } job, err := schema.ScanJob(r.DB.QueryRowx(sqlQuery, args...)) return job, err } // FindById executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job. // The job is queried using the database id. // It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable. // To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows func (r *JobRepository) FindById( jobId int64) (*schema.Job, error) { sqlQuery, args, err := sq.Select(schema.JobColumns...). From("job").Where(" = ?", jobId).ToSql() if err != nil { return nil, err } job, err := schema.ScanJob(r.DB.QueryRowx(sqlQuery, args...)) return job, err } // Start inserts a new job in the table, returning the unique job ID. // Statistics are not transfered! func (r *JobRepository) Start(job *schema.JobMeta) (id int64, err error) { res, err := r.DB.NamedExec(`INSERT INTO job ( job_id, user, project, cluster, `+"`partition`"+`, array_job_id, num_nodes, num_hwthreads, num_acc, exclusive, monitoring_status, smt, job_state, start_time, duration, resources, meta_data ) VALUES ( :job_id, :user, :project, :cluster, :partition, :array_job_id, :num_nodes, :num_hwthreads, :num_acc, :exclusive, :monitoring_status, :smt, :job_state, :start_time, :duration, :resources, :meta_data );`, job) if err != nil { return -1, err } return res.LastInsertId() } // Stop updates the job with the database id jobId using the provided arguments. func (r *JobRepository) Stop( jobId int64, duration int32, state schema.JobState) (err error) { stmt := sq.Update("job"). Set("job_state", state). Set("duration", duration). Where(" = ?", jobId) _, err = stmt.RunWith(r.DB).Exec() return } // Stop updates the job with the database id jobId using the provided arguments. func (r *JobRepository) Archive( jobId int64, monitoringStatus int32, metricStats map[string]schema.JobStatistics) { stmt := sq.Update("job"). Set("monitoring_status", monitoringStatus). Where(" = ?", jobId) for metric, stats := range metricStats { switch metric { case "flops_any": stmt = stmt.Set("flops_any_avg", stats.Avg) case "mem_used": stmt = stmt.Set("mem_used_max", stats.Max) case "mem_bw": stmt = stmt.Set("mem_bw_avg", stats.Avg) case "load": stmt = stmt.Set("load_avg", stats.Avg) case "net_bw": stmt = stmt.Set("net_bw_avg", stats.Avg) case "file_bw": stmt = stmt.Set("file_bw_avg", stats.Avg) } } if _, err := stmt.RunWith(r.DB).Exec(); err != nil { log.Errorf("archiving job (dbid: %d) failed: %s", jobId, err.Error()) } } // Add the tag with id `tagId` to the job with the database id `jobId`. func (r *JobRepository) AddTag(jobId int64, tagId int64) error { _, err := r.DB.Exec(`INSERT INTO jobtag (job_id, tag_id) VALUES (?, ?)`, jobId, tagId) return err } // CreateTag creates a new tag with the specified type and name and returns its database id. func (r *JobRepository) CreateTag(tagType string, tagName string) (tagId int64, err error) { res, err := r.DB.Exec("INSERT INTO tag (tag_type, tag_name) VALUES ($1, $2)", tagType, tagName) if err != nil { return 0, err } return res.LastInsertId() } func (r *JobRepository) GetTags() (tags []schema.Tag, counts map[string]int, err error) { tags = make([]schema.Tag, 0, 100) xrows, err := r.DB.Queryx("SELECT * FROM tag") for xrows.Next() { var t schema.Tag err = xrows.StructScan(&t) tags = append(tags, t) } q := sq.Select("t.tag_name, count(jt.tag_id)"). From("tag t"). LeftJoin("jobtag jt ON = jt.tag_id"). GroupBy("t.tag_name") qs, _, err := q.ToSql() rows, err := r.DB.Query(qs) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } counts = make(map[string]int) for rows.Next() { var tagName string var count int err = rows.Scan(&tagName, &count) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } counts[tagName] = count } err = rows.Err() return } // AddTagOrCreate adds the tag with the specified type and name to the job with the database id `jobId`. // If such a tag does not yet exist, it is created. func (r *JobRepository) AddTagOrCreate(jobId int64, tagType string, tagName string) (tagId int64, err error) { tagId, exists := r.TagId(tagType, tagName) if !exists { tagId, err = r.CreateTag(tagType, tagName) if err != nil { return 0, err } } return tagId, r.AddTag(jobId, tagId) } // TagId returns the database id of the tag with the specified type and name. func (r *JobRepository) TagId(tagType string, tagName string) (tagId int64, exists bool) { exists = true if err := sq.Select("id").From("tag"). Where("tag.tag_type = ?", tagType).Where("tag.tag_name = ?", tagName). RunWith(r.DB).QueryRow().Scan(&tagId); err != nil { exists = false } return } var ErrNotFound = errors.New("no such job or user") // FindJobOrUser returns a job database ID or a username if a job or user machtes the search term. // As 0 is a valid job id, check if username is "" instead in order to check what machted. // If nothing matches the search, `ErrNotFound` is returned. func (r *JobRepository) FindJobOrUser(ctx context.Context, searchterm string) (job int64, username string, err error) { user := auth.GetUser(ctx) if id, err := strconv.Atoi(searchterm); err == nil { qb := sq.Select("").From("job").Where("job.job_id = ?", id) if user != nil && !user.HasRole(auth.RoleAdmin) { qb = qb.Where("job.user = ?", user.Username) } err := qb.RunWith(r.DB).QueryRow().Scan(&job) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return 0, "", err } else if err == nil { return job, "", nil } } if user == nil || user.HasRole(auth.RoleAdmin) { err := sq.Select("job.user").Distinct().From("job"). Where("job.user = ?", searchterm). RunWith(r.DB).QueryRow().Scan(&username) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return 0, "", err } else if err == nil { return 0, username, nil } } return 0, "", ErrNotFound }