// Copyright (C) NHR@FAU, University Erlangen-Nuremberg. // All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package repository import ( "database/sql" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "math" "strconv" "sync" "time" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/internal/graph/model" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/archive" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/log" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/lrucache" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/schema" sq "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" ) var ( jobRepoOnce sync.Once jobRepoInstance *JobRepository ) type JobRepository struct { DB *sqlx.DB stmtCache *sq.StmtCache cache *lrucache.Cache driver string } func GetJobRepository() *JobRepository { jobRepoOnce.Do(func() { db := GetConnection() jobRepoInstance = &JobRepository{ DB: db.DB, driver: db.Driver, stmtCache: sq.NewStmtCache(db.DB), cache: lrucache.New(1024 * 1024), } }) return jobRepoInstance } var jobColumns []string = []string{ "job.id", "job.job_id", "job.hpc_user", "job.project", "job.cluster", "job.subcluster", "job.start_time", "job.cluster_partition", "job.array_job_id", "job.num_nodes", "job.num_hwthreads", "job.num_acc", "job.exclusive", "job.monitoring_status", "job.smt", "job.job_state", "job.duration", "job.walltime", "job.resources", "job.footprint", "job.energy", } func scanJob(row interface{ Scan(...interface{}) error }) (*schema.Job, error) { job := &schema.Job{} if err := row.Scan( &job.ID, &job.JobID, &job.User, &job.Project, &job.Cluster, &job.SubCluster, &job.StartTimeUnix, &job.Partition, &job.ArrayJobId, &job.NumNodes, &job.NumHWThreads, &job.NumAcc, &job.Exclusive, &job.MonitoringStatus, &job.SMT, &job.State, &job.Duration, &job.Walltime, &job.RawResources, &job.RawFootprint, &job.Energy); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while scanning rows (Job): %v", err) return nil, err } if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawResources, &job.Resources); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarshaling raw resources json") return nil, err } job.RawResources = nil if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawFootprint, &job.Footprint); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while unmarshaling raw footprint json: %v", err) return nil, err } job.RawFootprint = nil job.StartTime = time.Unix(job.StartTimeUnix, 0) // Always ensure accurate duration for running jobs if job.State == schema.JobStateRunning { job.Duration = int32(time.Since(job.StartTime).Seconds()) } return job, nil } func (r *JobRepository) Optimize() error { var err error switch r.driver { case "sqlite3": if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`VACUUM`); err != nil { return err } case "mysql": log.Info("Optimize currently not supported for mysql driver") } return nil } func (r *JobRepository) Flush() error { var err error switch r.driver { case "sqlite3": if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`DELETE FROM jobtag`); err != nil { return err } if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`DELETE FROM tag`); err != nil { return err } if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`DELETE FROM job`); err != nil { return err } case "mysql": if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0`); err != nil { return err } if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`TRUNCATE TABLE jobtag`); err != nil { return err } if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`TRUNCATE TABLE tag`); err != nil { return err } if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`TRUNCATE TABLE job`); err != nil { return err } if _, err = r.DB.Exec(`SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1`); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func scanJobLink(row interface{ Scan(...interface{}) error }) (*model.JobLink, error) { jobLink := &model.JobLink{} if err := row.Scan( &jobLink.ID, &jobLink.JobID); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows (jobLink)") return nil, err } return jobLink, nil } func (r *JobRepository) FetchMetadata(job *schema.Job) (map[string]string, error) { start := time.Now() cachekey := fmt.Sprintf("metadata:%d", job.ID) if cached := r.cache.Get(cachekey, nil); cached != nil { job.MetaData = cached.(map[string]string) return job.MetaData, nil } if err := sq.Select("job.meta_data").From("job").Where("job.id = ?", job.ID). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&job.RawMetaData); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning for job metadata") return nil, err } if len(job.RawMetaData) == 0 { return nil, nil } if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawMetaData, &job.MetaData); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarshaling raw metadata json") return nil, err } r.cache.Put(cachekey, job.MetaData, len(job.RawMetaData), 24*time.Hour) log.Debugf("Timer FetchMetadata %s", time.Since(start)) return job.MetaData, nil } func (r *JobRepository) UpdateMetadata(job *schema.Job, key, val string) (err error) { cachekey := fmt.Sprintf("metadata:%d", job.ID) r.cache.Del(cachekey) if job.MetaData == nil { if _, err = r.FetchMetadata(job); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while fetching metadata for job, DB ID '%v'", job.ID) return err } } if job.MetaData != nil { cpy := make(map[string]string, len(job.MetaData)+1) for k, v := range job.MetaData { cpy[k] = v } cpy[key] = val job.MetaData = cpy } else { job.MetaData = map[string]string{key: val} } if job.RawMetaData, err = json.Marshal(job.MetaData); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while marshaling metadata for job, DB ID '%v'", job.ID) return err } if _, err = sq.Update("job"). Set("meta_data", job.RawMetaData). Where("job.id = ?", job.ID). RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec(); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while updating metadata for job, DB ID '%v'", job.ID) return err } r.cache.Put(cachekey, job.MetaData, len(job.RawMetaData), 24*time.Hour) return archive.UpdateMetadata(job, job.MetaData) } func (r *JobRepository) FetchFootprint(job *schema.Job) (map[string]float64, error) { start := time.Now() if err := sq.Select("job.footprint").From("job").Where("job.id = ?", job.ID). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&job.RawFootprint); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning for job footprint") return nil, err } if len(job.RawFootprint) == 0 { return nil, nil } if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawFootprint, &job.Footprint); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarshaling raw footprint json") return nil, err } log.Debugf("Timer FetchFootprint %s", time.Since(start)) return job.Footprint, nil } func (r *JobRepository) FetchEnergyFootprint(job *schema.Job) (map[string]float64, error) { start := time.Now() cachekey := fmt.Sprintf("energyFootprint:%d", job.ID) if cached := r.cache.Get(cachekey, nil); cached != nil { job.EnergyFootprint = cached.(map[string]float64) return job.EnergyFootprint, nil } if err := sq.Select("job.energy_footprint").From("job").Where("job.id = ?", job.ID). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&job.RawEnergyFootprint); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning for job energy_footprint") return nil, err } if len(job.RawEnergyFootprint) == 0 { return nil, nil } if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawEnergyFootprint, &job.EnergyFootprint); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarshaling raw energy footprint json") return nil, err } r.cache.Put(cachekey, job.EnergyFootprint, len(job.EnergyFootprint), 24*time.Hour) log.Debugf("Timer FetchEnergyFootprint %s", time.Since(start)) return job.EnergyFootprint, nil } func (r *JobRepository) DeleteJobsBefore(startTime int64) (int, error) { var cnt int q := sq.Select("count(*)").From("job").Where("job.start_time < ?", startTime) q.RunWith(r.DB).QueryRow().Scan(cnt) qd := sq.Delete("job").Where("job.start_time < ?", startTime) _, err := qd.RunWith(r.DB).Exec() if err != nil { s, _, _ := qd.ToSql() log.Errorf(" DeleteJobsBefore(%d) with %s: error %#v", startTime, s, err) } else { log.Debugf("DeleteJobsBefore(%d): Deleted %d jobs", startTime, cnt) } return cnt, err } func (r *JobRepository) DeleteJobById(id int64) error { qd := sq.Delete("job").Where("job.id = ?", id) _, err := qd.RunWith(r.DB).Exec() if err != nil { s, _, _ := qd.ToSql() log.Errorf("DeleteJobById(%d) with %s : error %#v", id, s, err) } else { log.Debugf("DeleteJobById(%d): Success", id) } return err } func (r *JobRepository) FindUserOrProjectOrJobname(user *schema.User, searchterm string) (jobid string, username string, project string, jobname string) { if _, err := strconv.Atoi(searchterm); err == nil { // Return empty on successful conversion: parent method will redirect for integer jobId return searchterm, "", "", "" } else { // Has to have letters and logged-in user for other guesses if user != nil { // Find username by username in job table (match) uresult, _ := r.FindColumnValue(user, searchterm, "job", "hpc_user", "hpc_user", false) if uresult != "" { return "", uresult, "", "" } // Find username by real name in hpc_user table (like) nresult, _ := r.FindColumnValue(user, searchterm, "hpc_user", "username", "name", true) if nresult != "" { return "", nresult, "", "" } // Find projectId by projectId in job table (match) presult, _ := r.FindColumnValue(user, searchterm, "job", "project", "project", false) if presult != "" { return "", "", presult, "" } } // Return searchterm if no match before: Forward as jobname query to GQL in handleSearchbar function return "", "", "", searchterm } } var ( ErrNotFound = errors.New("no such jobname, project or user") ErrForbidden = errors.New("not authorized") ) func (r *JobRepository) FindColumnValue(user *schema.User, searchterm string, table string, selectColumn string, whereColumn string, isLike bool) (result string, err error) { compareStr := " = ?" query := searchterm if isLike { compareStr = " LIKE ?" query = "%" + searchterm + "%" } if user.HasAnyRole([]schema.Role{schema.RoleAdmin, schema.RoleSupport, schema.RoleManager}) { theQuery := sq.Select(table+"."+selectColumn).Distinct().From(table). Where(table+"."+whereColumn+compareStr, query) // theSql, args, theErr := theQuery.ToSql() // if theErr != nil { // log.Warn("Error while converting query to sql") // return "", err // } // log.Debugf("SQL query (FindColumnValue): `%s`, args: %#v", theSql, args) err := theQuery.RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&result) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return "", err } else if err == nil { return result, nil } return "", ErrNotFound } else { log.Infof("Non-Admin User %s : Requested Query '%s' on table '%s' : Forbidden", user.Name, query, table) return "", ErrForbidden } } func (r *JobRepository) FindColumnValues(user *schema.User, query string, table string, selectColumn string, whereColumn string) (results []string, err error) { emptyResult := make([]string, 0) if user.HasAnyRole([]schema.Role{schema.RoleAdmin, schema.RoleSupport, schema.RoleManager}) { rows, err := sq.Select(table+"."+selectColumn).Distinct().From(table). Where(table+"."+whereColumn+" LIKE ?", fmt.Sprint("%", query, "%")). RunWith(r.stmtCache).Query() if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return emptyResult, err } else if err == nil { for rows.Next() { var result string err := rows.Scan(&result) if err != nil { rows.Close() log.Warnf("Error while scanning rows: %v", err) return emptyResult, err } results = append(results, result) } return results, nil } return emptyResult, ErrNotFound } else { log.Infof("Non-Admin User %s : Requested Query '%s' on table '%s' : Forbidden", user.Name, query, table) return emptyResult, ErrForbidden } } func (r *JobRepository) Partitions(cluster string) ([]string, error) { var err error start := time.Now() partitions := r.cache.Get("partitions:"+cluster, func() (interface{}, time.Duration, int) { parts := []string{} if err = r.DB.Select(&parts, `SELECT DISTINCT job.cluster_partition FROM job WHERE job.cluster = ?;`, cluster); err != nil { return nil, 0, 1000 } return parts, 1 * time.Hour, 1 }) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Debugf("Timer Partitions %s", time.Since(start)) return partitions.([]string), nil } // AllocatedNodes returns a map of all subclusters to a map of hostnames to the amount of jobs running on that host. // Hosts with zero jobs running on them will not show up! func (r *JobRepository) AllocatedNodes(cluster string) (map[string]map[string]int, error) { start := time.Now() subclusters := make(map[string]map[string]int) rows, err := sq.Select("resources", "subcluster").From("job"). Where("job.job_state = 'running'"). Where("job.cluster = ?", cluster). RunWith(r.stmtCache).Query() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while running query") return nil, err } var raw []byte defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { raw = raw[0:0] var resources []*schema.Resource var subcluster string if err := rows.Scan(&raw, &subcluster); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &resources); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarshaling raw resources json") return nil, err } hosts, ok := subclusters[subcluster] if !ok { hosts = make(map[string]int) subclusters[subcluster] = hosts } for _, resource := range resources { hosts[resource.Hostname] += 1 } } log.Debugf("Timer AllocatedNodes %s", time.Since(start)) return subclusters, nil } // FIXME: Set duration to requested walltime? func (r *JobRepository) StopJobsExceedingWalltimeBy(seconds int) error { start := time.Now() res, err := sq.Update("job"). Set("monitoring_status", schema.MonitoringStatusArchivingFailed). Set("duration", 0). Set("job_state", schema.JobStateFailed). Where("job.job_state = 'running'"). Where("job.walltime > 0"). Where(fmt.Sprintf("(%d - job.start_time) > (job.walltime + %d)", time.Now().Unix(), seconds)). RunWith(r.DB).Exec() if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while stopping jobs exceeding walltime") return err } rowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected() if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while fetching affected rows after stopping due to exceeded walltime") return err } if rowsAffected > 0 { log.Infof("%d jobs have been marked as failed due to running too long", rowsAffected) } log.Debugf("Timer StopJobsExceedingWalltimeBy %s", time.Since(start)) return nil } func (r *JobRepository) FindRunningJobs(cluster string) ([]*schema.Job, error) { query := sq.Select(jobColumns...).From("job"). Where(fmt.Sprintf("job.cluster = '%s'", cluster)). Where("job.job_state = 'running'"). Where("job.duration > 600") rows, err := query.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Query() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while running query") return nil, err } jobs := make([]*schema.Job, 0, 50) for rows.Next() { job, err := scanJob(rows) if err != nil { rows.Close() log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } jobs = append(jobs, job) } log.Infof("Return job count %d", len(jobs)) return jobs, nil } func (r *JobRepository) UpdateDuration() error { stmnt := sq.Update("job"). Set("duration", sq.Expr("? - job.start_time", time.Now().Unix())). Where("job_state = 'running'") _, err := stmnt.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec() if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *JobRepository) FindJobsBetween(startTimeBegin int64, startTimeEnd int64) ([]*schema.Job, error) { var query sq.SelectBuilder if startTimeBegin == startTimeEnd || startTimeBegin > startTimeEnd { return nil, errors.New("startTimeBegin is equal or larger startTimeEnd") } if startTimeBegin == 0 { log.Infof("Find jobs before %d", startTimeEnd) query = sq.Select(jobColumns...).From("job").Where(fmt.Sprintf( "job.start_time < %d", startTimeEnd)) } else { log.Infof("Find jobs between %d and %d", startTimeBegin, startTimeEnd) query = sq.Select(jobColumns...).From("job").Where(fmt.Sprintf( "job.start_time BETWEEN %d AND %d", startTimeBegin, startTimeEnd)) } rows, err := query.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Query() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while running query") return nil, err } jobs := make([]*schema.Job, 0, 50) for rows.Next() { job, err := scanJob(rows) if err != nil { rows.Close() log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } jobs = append(jobs, job) } log.Infof("Return job count %d", len(jobs)) return jobs, nil } func (r *JobRepository) UpdateMonitoringStatus(job int64, monitoringStatus int32) (err error) { stmt := sq.Update("job"). Set("monitoring_status", monitoringStatus). Where("job.id = ?", job) _, err = stmt.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec() return } func (r *JobRepository) Execute(stmt sq.UpdateBuilder) error { if _, err := stmt.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec(); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *JobRepository) MarkArchived( stmt sq.UpdateBuilder, monitoringStatus int32, ) sq.UpdateBuilder { return stmt.Set("monitoring_status", monitoringStatus) } func (r *JobRepository) UpdateEnergy( stmt sq.UpdateBuilder, jobMeta *schema.JobMeta, ) (sq.UpdateBuilder, error) { /* Note: Only Called for Running Jobs during Intermediate Update or on Archiving */ sc, err := archive.GetSubCluster(jobMeta.Cluster, jobMeta.SubCluster) if err != nil { log.Errorf("cannot get subcluster: %s", err.Error()) return stmt, err } energyFootprint := make(map[string]float64) var totalEnergy float64 var energy float64 for _, fp := range sc.EnergyFootprint { if i, err := archive.MetricIndex(sc.MetricConfig, fp); err == nil { // Note: For DB data, calculate and save as kWh if sc.MetricConfig[i].Energy == "energy" { // this metric has energy as unit (Joules or Wh) // FIXME: Needs sum as stats type } else if sc.MetricConfig[i].Energy == "power" { // this metric has power as unit (Watt) // Energy: Power (in Watts) * Time (in Seconds) // Unit: (( W * s ) / 3600) / 1000 = kWh ; Rounded to 2 nearest digits: (Energy * 100) / 100 // Here: All-Node Metric Average * Number of Nodes * Job Runtime // Note: Shared Jobs handled correctly since "Node Average" is based on partial resources, while "numNodes" factor is 1 metricNodeSum := LoadJobStat(jobMeta, fp, "avg") * float64(jobMeta.NumNodes) * float64(jobMeta.Duration) energy = math.Round(((metricNodeSum/3600)/1000)*100) / 100 } } else { log.Warnf("Error while collecting energy metric %s for job, DB ID '%v', return '0.0'", fp, jobMeta.ID) } energyFootprint[fp] = energy totalEnergy += energy } var rawFootprint []byte if rawFootprint, err = json.Marshal(energyFootprint); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while marshaling energy footprint for job INTO BYTES, DB ID '%v'", jobMeta.ID) return stmt, err } return stmt.Set("energy_footprint", string(rawFootprint)).Set("energy", (math.Round(totalEnergy*100) / 100)), nil } func (r *JobRepository) UpdateFootprint( stmt sq.UpdateBuilder, jobMeta *schema.JobMeta, ) (sq.UpdateBuilder, error) { /* Note: Only Called for Running Jobs during Intermediate Update or on Archiving */ sc, err := archive.GetSubCluster(jobMeta.Cluster, jobMeta.SubCluster) if err != nil { log.Errorf("cannot get subcluster: %s", err.Error()) return stmt, err } footprint := make(map[string]float64) for _, fp := range sc.Footprint { var statType string for _, gm := range archive.GlobalMetricList { if gm.Name == fp { statType = gm.Footprint } } if statType != "avg" && statType != "min" && statType != "max" { log.Warnf("unknown statType for footprint update: %s", statType) return stmt, fmt.Errorf("unknown statType for footprint update: %s", statType) } if i, err := archive.MetricIndex(sc.MetricConfig, fp); err != nil { statType = sc.MetricConfig[i].Footprint } name := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", fp, statType) footprint[name] = LoadJobStat(jobMeta, fp, statType) } var rawFootprint []byte if rawFootprint, err = json.Marshal(footprint); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while marshaling footprint for job INTO BYTES, DB ID '%v'", jobMeta.ID) return stmt, err } return stmt.Set("footprint", string(rawFootprint)), nil }