{#if $initq.fetching || $statsQuery.fetching || $footprintsQuery.fetching} {/if} {#if $initq.error} {$initq.error.message} {:else if cluster} mc.name)} bind:metricsInHistograms={metricsInHistograms} bind:metricsInScatterplots={metricsInScatterplots} /> {/if} { $statsQuery.context.pause = false $statsQuery.variables = { filter: detail.filters } $footprintsQuery.context.pause = false $footprintsQuery.variables = { metrics, filter: detail.filters } $rooflineQuery.variables = { ...$rooflineQuery.variables, filter: detail.filters } }} />
{#if $statsQuery.error} {$statsQuery.error.message} {:else if $statsQuery.data}
Total Jobs {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].totalJobs}
Short Jobs (< 2m) {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].shortJobs}
Total Walltime {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].totalWalltime}
Total Core Hours {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].totalCoreHours}
{#key $statsQuery.data.topUsers}

Top Users (by node hours)

b.count - a.count).map(({ count }, idx) => ({ count, value: idx }))} label={(x) => x < $statsQuery.data.topUsers.length ? $statsQuery.data.topUsers[Math.floor(x)].name : 'No Users'} ylabel="Node Hours [h]"/> {/key}
{#key $statsQuery.data.stats[0].histDuration}

Duration Distribution

{#key $statsQuery.data.stats[0].histNumNodes}

Number of Nodes Distribution

{#if $rooflineQuery.fetching} {:else if $rooflineQuery.error} {$rooflineQuery.error.message} {:else if $rooflineQuery.data && cluster} {#key $rooflineQuery.data} {/key} {/if}
{#if $footprintsQuery.error} {$footprintsQuery.error.message} {:else if $footprintsQuery.data && $initq.data} These histograms show the distribution of the averages of all jobs matching the filters. Each job/average is weighted by its node hours. Note that some metrics could be disabled for specific subclusters as per metriConfig and thus could affect shown average values.
({ metric, ...binsFromFootprint( $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.nodehours, $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.metrics.find(f => f.metric == metric).data, numBins) }))} itemsPerRow={ccconfig.plot_view_plotsPerRow}>

Average Distribution of '{item.metric}'

Each circle represents one job. The size of a circle is proportional to its node hours. Darker circles mean multiple jobs have the same averages for the respective metrics. Note that some metrics could be disabled for specific subclusters as per metriConfig and thus could affect shown average values.
({ m1, f1: $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.metrics.find(f => f.metric == m1).data, m2, f2: $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.metrics.find(f => f.metric == m2).data }))} itemsPerRow={ccconfig.plot_view_plotsPerRow}> {/if}