# ClusterCockpit REST and GraphQL API backend [![Build](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/actions/workflows/test.yml) This is a Golang backend implementation for a REST and GraphQL API according to the [ClusterCockpit specifications](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-specifications). It also includes a web interface for ClusterCockpit. This implementation replaces the previous PHP Symfony based ClusterCockpit web-interface. [Here](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/ClusterCockpit/wiki/Why-we-switched-from-PHP-Symfony-to-a-Golang-based-solution) is a discussion of the reasons why we switched from PHP Symfony to a Golang based solution. ## Overview This is a golang web backend for the ClusterCockpit job-specific performance monitoring framework. It provides a REST API for integrating ClusterCockpit with a HPC cluster batch system and external analysis scripts. Data exchange between the web frontend and backend is based on a GraphQL API. The web frontend is also served by the backend using [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/) components. Layout and styling is based on [Bootstrap 5](https://getbootstrap.com/) using [Bootstrap Icons](https://icons.getbootstrap.com/). The backend uses [SQLite 3](https://sqlite.org/) as relational SQL database by default. It can optionally use a MySQL/MariaDB database server. Finished batch jobs are stored in a file-based job archive following [this specification](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-specifications/tree/master/job-archive). The backend supports authentication using local accounts or an external LDAP directory. Authorization for APIs is implemented using [JWT](https://jwt.io/) tokens created with public/private key encryption. You find more detailed information here: * `./configs/README.md`: Infos about configuration and setup of cc-backend. * `./init/README.md`: Infos on how to setup cc-backend as systemd service on Linux. * `./tools/README.md`: Infos on the JWT authorizatin token workflows in ClusterCockpit. ## Demo Setup We provide a shell skript that downloads demo data and automatically builds and starts cc-backend. You need `wget`, `go`, and `yarn` in your path to start the demo. The demo will download 32MB of data (223MB on disk). ```sh git clone git@github.com:ClusterCockpit/cc-backend.git ./startDemo.sh ``` You can access the web interface at http://localhost:8080. Credentials for login: `demo:AdminDev`. Please note that some views do not work without a metric backend (e.g., the Systems and Status view). ## Howto Build and Run ```sh git clone git@github.com:ClusterCockpit/cc-backend.git # Prepare frontend cd ./cc-backend/web/frontend yarn install yarn build cd .. go get go build ./cmd/cc-backend ln -s ./var/job-archive # Create empty job.db (Will be initialized as SQLite3 database) touch ./var/job.db # EDIT THE .env FILE BEFORE YOU DEPLOY (Change the secrets)! # If authentication is disabled, it can be empty. cp configs/env-template.txt .env vim ./.env # This will first initialize the job.db database by traversing all # `meta.json` files in the job-archive and add a new user. `--no-server` will cause the # executable to stop once it has done that instead of starting a server. ./cc-backend --init-db --add-user :admin: --no-server # Start a HTTP server (HTTPS can be enabled, the default port is 8080): ./cc-backend # Show other options: ./cc-backend --help ``` ### Run as systemd daemon In order to run this program as a daemon, cc-backend ships with an [example systemd setup](./init/README.md). ## Configuration and Setup cc-backend can be used as a local web-interface for an existing job archive or as a general web-interface server for a live ClusterCockpit Monitoring framework. Create your job-archive according to [this specification](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-specifications/tree/master/job-archive). At least one cluster with a valid `cluster.json` file is required. Having no jobs in the job-archive at all is fine. ### Configuration A config file in the JSON format can be provided using `--config` to override the defaults. You find documentation of all supported configuration and command line options [here](./configs.README.md). ### Update GraphQL schema This project uses [gqlgen](https://github.com/99designs/gqlgen) for the GraphQL API. The schema can be found in `./api/schema.graphqls`. After changing it, you need to run `go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen` which will update `./internal/graph/model`. In case new resolvers are needed, they will be inserted into `./internal/graph/schema.resolvers.go`, where you will need to implement them. ## Project Structure - `api/` contains the API schema files for the REST and GraphQL APIs. The REST API is documented in the OpenAPI 3.0 format in [./api/openapi.yaml](./api/openapi.yaml). - `cmd/cc-backend` contains `main.go` for the main application. - `configs/` contains documentation about configuration and command line options and required environment variables. An example configuration file is provided. - `init/` contains an example systemd setup for production use. - `internal/` contains library source code that is not intended to be used by others. - `pkg/` contains go packages that can also be used by other projects. - `test/` Test apps and test data. - `tools/` contains supporting tools for cc-backend. At the moment this is a small application to generate a compatible JWT keypair includin a README about JWT setup in ClusterCockpit. - `web/` Server side templates and frontend related files: - `templates` Serverside go templates - `frontend` Svelte components and static assets for frontend UI - `gqlgen.yml` configures the behaviour and generation of [gqlgen](https://github.com/99designs/gqlgen). - `startDemo.sh` is a shell script that sets up demo data, and builds and starts cc-backend.