import { expiringCacheExchange } from "./cache-exchange.js"; import { Client, setContextClient, fetchExchange, } from "@urql/svelte"; import { setContext, getContext, hasContext, onDestroy, tick } from "svelte"; import { readable } from "svelte/store"; // import { formatNumber } from './units.js' /* * Call this function only at component initialization time! * * It does several things: * - Initialize the GraphQL client * - Creates a readable store 'initialization' which indicates when the values below can be used. * - Adds 'tags' to the context (list of all tags) * - Adds 'clusters' to the context (object with cluster names as keys) * - Adds 'metrics' to the context, a function that takes a cluster and metric name and returns the MetricConfig (or undefined) */ export function init(extraInitQuery = "") { const jwt = hasContext("jwt") ? getContext("jwt") : getContext("cc-config")["jwt"]; const client = new Client({ url: `${window.location.origin}/query`, fetchOptions: jwt != null ? { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${jwt}` } } : {}, exchanges: [ expiringCacheExchange({ ttl: 5 * 60 * 1000, maxSize: 150, }), fetchExchange, ], }); setContextClient(client); const query = client .query( `query { clusters { name, metricConfig { name, unit { base, prefix }, peak, normal, caution, alert, timestep, scope, aggregation, subClusters { name, peak, normal, caution, alert, remove } } partitions subClusters { name, processorType socketsPerNode coresPerSocket threadsPerCore flopRateScalar { unit { base, prefix }, value } flopRateSimd { unit { base, prefix }, value } memoryBandwidth { unit { base, prefix }, value } numberOfNodes topology { node, socket, core accelerators { id } } } } tags { id, name, type } ${extraInitQuery} }` ) .toPromise(); let state = { fetching: true, error: null, data: null }; let subscribers = []; const subscribe = (callback) => { callback(state); subscribers.push(callback); return () => { subscribers = subscribers.filter((cb) => cb != callback); }; }; const tags = [], clusters = []; setContext("tags", tags); setContext("clusters", clusters); setContext("metrics", (cluster, metric) => { if (typeof cluster !== "object") cluster = clusters.find((c) => == cluster); return cluster.metricConfig.find((m) => == metric); }); setContext("on-init", (callback) => state.fetching ? subscribers.push(callback) : callback(state) ); setContext( "initialized", readable(false, (set) => subscribers.push(() => set(true))) ); query.then(({ error, data }) => { state.fetching = false; if (error != null) { console.error(error); state.error = error; tick().then(() => subscribers.forEach((cb) => cb(state))); return; } for (let tag of data.tags) tags.push(tag); for (let cluster of data.clusters) clusters.push(cluster); = data; tick().then(() => subscribers.forEach((cb) => cb(state))); }); return { query: { subscribe }, tags, clusters, }; } // Use instead? export function deepCopy(x) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x)); } function fuzzyMatch(term, string) { return string.toLowerCase().includes(term); } export function fuzzySearchTags(term, tags) { if (!tags) return []; let results = []; let termparts = term .split(":") .map((s) => s.trim()) .filter((s) => s.length > 0); if (termparts.length == 0) { results = tags.slice(); } else if (termparts.length == 1) { for (let tag of tags) if ( fuzzyMatch(termparts[0], tag.type) || fuzzyMatch(termparts[0], ) results.push(tag); } else if (termparts.length == 2) { for (let tag of tags) if ( fuzzyMatch(termparts[0], tag.type) && fuzzyMatch(termparts[1], ) results.push(tag); } return results.sort((a, b) => { if (a.type < b.type) return -1; if (a.type > b.type) return 1; if ( < return -1; if ( > return 1; return 0; }); } export function groupByScope(jobMetrics) { let metrics = new Map(); for (let metric of jobMetrics) { if (metrics.has( metrics.get(; else metrics.set(, [metric]); } return [...metrics.values()].sort((a, b) => a[0].name.localeCompare(b[0].name) ); } const scopeGranularity = { node: 10, socket: 5, memorydomain: 4, core: 3, hwthread: 2, accelerator: 1 }; export function maxScope(scopes) { console.assert( scopes.length > 0 && scopes.every((x) => scopeGranularity[x] != null) ); let sm = scopes[0], gran = scopeGranularity[scopes[0]]; for (let scope of scopes) { let otherGran = scopeGranularity[scope]; if (otherGran > gran) { sm = scope; gran = otherGran; } } return sm; } export function minScope(scopes) { console.assert( scopes.length > 0 && scopes.every((x) => scopeGranularity[x] != null) ); let sm = scopes[0], gran = scopeGranularity[scopes[0]]; for (let scope of scopes) { let otherGran = scopeGranularity[scope]; if (otherGran < gran) { sm = scope; gran = otherGran; } } return sm; } export async function fetchMetrics(job, metrics, scopes) { if (job.monitoringStatus == 0) return null; let query = []; if (metrics != null) { for (let metric of metrics) { query.push(`metric=${metric}`); } } if (scopes != null) { for (let scope of scopes) { query.push(`scope=${scope}`); } } try { let res = await fetch( `/api/jobs/metrics/${}${query.length > 0 ? "?" : ""}${query.join( "&" )}` ); if (res.status != 200) { return { error: { status: res.status, message: await res.text() } }; } return await res.json(); } catch (e) { return { error: e }; } } export function fetchMetricsStore() { let set = null; let prev = { fetching: true, error: null, data: null }; return [ readable(prev, (_set) => { set = _set; }), (job, metrics, scopes) => fetchMetrics(job, metrics, scopes).then((res) => { let next = { fetching: false, error: res.error, data: }; if ( &&; prev = next; set(next); }), ]; } export function stickyHeader(datatableHeaderSelector, updatePading) { const header = document.querySelector("header > nav.navbar"); if (!header) return; let ticking = false, datatableHeader = null; const onscroll = (event) => { if (ticking) return; ticking = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { ticking = false; if (!datatableHeader) datatableHeader = document.querySelector(datatableHeaderSelector); const top = datatableHeader.getBoundingClientRect().top; updatePading( top < header.clientHeight ? header.clientHeight - top + 10 : 10 ); }); }; document.addEventListener("scroll", onscroll); onDestroy(() => document.removeEventListener("scroll", onscroll)); } export function checkMetricDisabled(m, c, s) { //[m]etric, [c]luster, [s]ubcluster const mc = getContext("metrics"); const thisConfig = mc(c, m); let thisSCIndex = -1; if (thisConfig) { thisSCIndex = thisConfig.subClusters.findIndex( (subcluster) => == s ); }; if (thisSCIndex >= 0) { if (thisConfig.subClusters[thisSCIndex].remove == true) { return true; } } return false; } export function convert2uplot(canvasData) { // initial use: Canvas Histogram Data to Uplot let uplotData = [[],[]] // [X, Y1, Y2, ...] canvasData.forEach( cd => { if (cd.bin) { // MetricHisto Datafromat // Force Zero Entry for scaling if (uplotData[0].length == 0) { uplotData[0].push(0) uplotData[1].push(0) } uplotData[0].push(cd.max) uplotData[1].push(cd.count) } else { // Default uplotData[0].push(cd.value) uplotData[1].push(cd.count) } }) return uplotData } export function binsFromFootprint(weights, scope, values, numBins) { let min = 0, max = 0 //, median = 0 if (values.length != 0) { // Extreme, wrong peak vlaues: Filter here or backend? // median = median(values) for (let x of values) { min = Math.min(min, x) max = Math.max(max, x) } max += 1 // So that we have an exclusive range. } if (numBins == null || numBins < 3) numBins = 3 let scopeWeights switch (scope) { case 'core': scopeWeights = weights.coreHours break case 'accelerator': scopeWeights = weights.accHours break default: // every other scope: use 'node' scopeWeights = weights.nodeHours } const rawBins = new Array(numBins).fill(0) for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) rawBins[Math.floor(((values[i] - min) / (max - min)) * numBins)] += scopeWeights ? scopeWeights[i] : 1 const bins =, idx) => ({ value: Math.floor(min + ((idx + 1) / numBins) * (max - min)), count: count })) return { bins: bins } } export function transformDataForRoofline(flopsAny, memBw) { // Uses Metric Objects: {series:[{},{},...], timestep:60, name:$NAME} const nodes = flopsAny.series.length const timesteps = flopsAny.series[0].data.length /* c will contain values from 0 to 1 representing the time */ let data = null const x = [], y = [], c = [] if (flopsAny && memBw) { for (let i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { const flopsData = flopsAny.series[i].data const memBwData = memBw.series[i].data for (let j = 0; j < timesteps; j++) { const f = flopsData[j], m = memBwData[j] const intensity = f / m if (Number.isNaN(intensity) || !Number.isFinite(intensity)) continue x.push(intensity) y.push(f) c.push(j / timesteps) } } } else { console.warn("transformData: metrics for 'mem_bw' and/or 'flops_any' missing!") } if (x.length > 0 && y.length > 0 && c.length > 0) { data = [null, [x, y], c] // for dataformat see roofline.svelte } return data } // Return something to be plotted. The argument shall be the result of the // `nodeMetrics` GraphQL query. export function transformPerNodeDataForRoofline(nodes) { let data = null const x = [], y = [] for (let node of nodes) { let flopsAny = node.metrics.find(m => == 'flops_any' && m.scope == 'node')?.metric let memBw = node.metrics.find(m => == 'mem_bw' && m.scope == 'node')?.metric if (!flopsAny || !memBw) { console.warn("transformPerNodeData: metrics for 'mem_bw' and/or 'flops_any' missing!") continue } let flopsData = flopsAny.series[0].data, memBwData = memBw.series[0].data const f = flopsData[flopsData.length - 1], m = memBwData[flopsData.length - 1] const intensity = f / m if (Number.isNaN(intensity) || !Number.isFinite(intensity)) continue x.push(intensity) y.push(f) } if (x.length > 0 && y.length > 0) { data = [null, [x, y], []] // for dataformat see roofline.svelte } return data } // // function median(numbers) { // const sorted = Array.from(numbers).sort((a, b) => a - b); // const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2); // if (sorted.length % 2 === 0) { // return (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2; // } // return sorted[middle]; // }