{#if $initq.fetching || $statsQuery.fetching || $footprintsQuery.fetching} {/if} {#if $initq.error} {$initq.error.message} {:else if cluster} mc.name)} bind:metricsInHistograms={metricsInHistograms} bind:metricsInScatterplots={metricsInScatterplots} /> {/if} { $statsQuery.context.pause = false $statsQuery.variables = { filter: detail.filters } $footprintsQuery.context.pause = false $footprintsQuery.variables = { metrics, filter: detail.filters } $rooflineQuery.variables = { ...$rooflineQuery.variables, filter: detail.filters } }} />
{#if $statsQuery.error} {$statsQuery.error.message} {:else if $statsQuery.data}
Total Jobs {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].totalJobs}
Short Jobs (< 2m) {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].shortJobs}
Total Walltime {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].totalWalltime}
Total Core Hours {$statsQuery.data.stats[0].totalCoreHours}
{#key $statsQuery.data.topUsers}

Top Users (by node hours)

b.count - a.count).map(({ count }, idx) => ({ count, value: idx }))} label={(x) => x < $statsQuery.data.topUsers.length ? $statsQuery.data.topUsers[Math.floor(x)].name : 'No Users'} ylabel="Node Hours [h]"/> {/key}
{#key $statsQuery.data.stats[0].histDuration}

Duration Distribution

{#key $statsQuery.data.stats[0].histNumNodes}

Number of Nodes Distribution

{#if $rooflineQuery.fetching} {:else if $rooflineQuery.error} {$rooflineQuery.error.message} {:else if $rooflineQuery.data && cluster} {#key $rooflineQuery.data} {/key} {/if}
{#if $footprintsQuery.error} {$footprintsQuery.error.message} {:else if $footprintsQuery.data && $initq.data} These histograms show the distribution of the averages of all jobs matching the filters. Each job/average is weighted by its node hours.
({ metric, ...binsFromFootprint( $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.nodehours, $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.metrics.find(f => f.metric == metric).data, numBins) }))} itemsPerRow={ccconfig.plot_view_plotsPerRow}>

Average Distribution of '{item.metric}'

Each circle represents one job. The size of a circle is proportional to its node hours. Darker circles mean multiple jobs have the same averages for the respective metrics.
({ m1, f1: $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.metrics.find(f => f.metric == m1).data, m2, f2: $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.metrics.find(f => f.metric == m2).data }))} itemsPerRow={ccconfig.plot_view_plotsPerRow}> {/if}