# Overview Customizing `cc-backend` means changing the logo, legal texts, and the login template instead of the placeholders. # Replace legal texts To replace the `imprint.tmpl` and `privacy.tmpl` legal texts, you can place your version in `./var/`. At startup `cc-backend` will check if `./var/imprint.tmpl` and/or `./var/privacy.tmpl` exist and use them instead of the built-in placeholders. You can use the placeholders in `web/templates` as a blueprint. # Replace login template To replace the default login layout and styling, you can place your version in `./var/`. At startup `cc-backend` will check if `./var/login.tmpl` exist and use it instead of the built-in placeholder. You can use the default temaplte `web/templates/login.tmpl` as a blueprint. # Replace logo To change the logo displayed in the navigation bar, you can provide the file `logo.png` in the folder `./var/img/`. On startup `cc-backend` will check if the folder exists and use the images provided there instead of the built-in images. You may also place additional images there you use in a custom login template.