# Run server * The server expects the SQLite Job database in `job.db`. * The metric data as JSON is expected in `job-data/.../.../{data.json|meta.json}` * Run ```go run server.go``` * The GraphQL backend is located at http://localhost:8080/query/ . # Debugging and Testing There is a GraphQL PLayground for testing queries at http://localhost:8080/ . Example Query: ``` query($filter: JobFilterList!, $sorting: OrderByInput!, $paging: PageRequest!) { jobs( filter: $filter order: $sorting page: $paging ) { count items { id jobId userId startTime duration } } } ``` Using the Query variables: ``` { "filter": { "list": [ {"userId": {"contains": "unrz"}}, {"duration": {"from": 60, "to": 1000}}, {"startTime": {"from": "2019-06-01T00:00:00.00Z", "to": "2019-10-01T00:00:00.00Z"}}]}, "sorting": { "field": "start_time", "order": "ASC" }, "paging": { "itemsPerPage": 20, "page": 1 } } ``` # Changing the GraphQL schema * Edit ```./graph/schema.graphqls``` * Regenerate code: ```gqlgen generate``` * Implement callbacks in ```graph/resolvers.go```