// Copyright (C) 2022 NHR@FAU, University Erlangen-Nuremberg. // All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package repository import ( "context" "database/sql" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "sync" "time" "github.com/99designs/gqlgen/graphql" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/internal/auth" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/internal/graph/model" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/internal/metricdata" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/archive" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/log" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/lrucache" "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/pkg/schema" sq "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" ) var ( jobRepoOnce sync.Once jobRepoInstance *JobRepository ) type JobRepository struct { DB *sqlx.DB stmtCache *sq.StmtCache cache *lrucache.Cache archiveChannel chan *schema.Job archivePending sync.WaitGroup } func GetJobRepository() *JobRepository { jobRepoOnce.Do(func() { db := GetConnection() jobRepoInstance = &JobRepository{ DB: db.DB, stmtCache: sq.NewStmtCache(db.DB), cache: lrucache.New(1024 * 1024), archiveChannel: make(chan *schema.Job, 128), } // start archiving worker go jobRepoInstance.archivingWorker() }) return jobRepoInstance } var jobColumns []string = []string{ "job.id", "job.job_id", "job.user", "job.project", "job.cluster", "job.subcluster", "job.start_time", "job.partition", "job.array_job_id", "job.num_nodes", "job.num_hwthreads", "job.num_acc", "job.exclusive", "job.monitoring_status", "job.smt", "job.job_state", "job.duration", "job.walltime", "job.resources", // "job.meta_data", } func scanJob(row interface{ Scan(...interface{}) error }) (*schema.Job, error) { job := &schema.Job{} if err := row.Scan( &job.ID, &job.JobID, &job.User, &job.Project, &job.Cluster, &job.SubCluster, &job.StartTimeUnix, &job.Partition, &job.ArrayJobId, &job.NumNodes, &job.NumHWThreads, &job.NumAcc, &job.Exclusive, &job.MonitoringStatus, &job.SMT, &job.State, &job.Duration, &job.Walltime, &job.RawResources /*&job.RawMetaData*/); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawResources, &job.Resources); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarhsaling raw resources json") return nil, err } // if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawMetaData, &job.MetaData); err != nil { // return nil, err // } job.StartTime = time.Unix(job.StartTimeUnix, 0) if job.Duration == 0 && job.State == schema.JobStateRunning { job.Duration = int32(time.Since(job.StartTime).Seconds()) } job.RawResources = nil return job, nil } func (r *JobRepository) FetchJobName(job *schema.Job) (*string, error) { cachekey := fmt.Sprintf("metadata:%d", job.ID) if cached := r.cache.Get(cachekey, nil); cached != nil { job.MetaData = cached.(map[string]string) if jobName := job.MetaData["jobName"]; jobName != "" { return &jobName, nil } } if err := sq.Select("job.meta_data").From("job").Where("job.id = ?", job.ID). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&job.RawMetaData); err != nil { return nil, err } if len(job.RawMetaData) == 0 { return nil, nil } if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawMetaData, &job.MetaData); err != nil { return nil, err } r.cache.Put(cachekey, job.MetaData, len(job.RawMetaData), 24*time.Hour) if jobName := job.MetaData["jobName"]; jobName != "" { return &jobName, nil } else { return new(string), nil } } func (r *JobRepository) FetchMetadata(job *schema.Job) (map[string]string, error) { cachekey := fmt.Sprintf("metadata:%d", job.ID) if cached := r.cache.Get(cachekey, nil); cached != nil { job.MetaData = cached.(map[string]string) return job.MetaData, nil } if err := sq.Select("job.meta_data").From("job").Where("job.id = ?", job.ID). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&job.RawMetaData); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning for job metadata") return nil, err } if len(job.RawMetaData) == 0 { return nil, nil } if err := json.Unmarshal(job.RawMetaData, &job.MetaData); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarshaling raw metadata json") return nil, err } r.cache.Put(cachekey, job.MetaData, len(job.RawMetaData), 24*time.Hour) return job.MetaData, nil } func (r *JobRepository) UpdateMetadata(job *schema.Job, key, val string) (err error) { cachekey := fmt.Sprintf("metadata:%d", job.ID) r.cache.Del(cachekey) if job.MetaData == nil { if _, err = r.FetchMetadata(job); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while fetching metadata for job, DB ID '%v'", job.ID) return err } } if job.MetaData != nil { cpy := make(map[string]string, len(job.MetaData)+1) for k, v := range job.MetaData { cpy[k] = v } cpy[key] = val job.MetaData = cpy } else { job.MetaData = map[string]string{key: val} } if job.RawMetaData, err = json.Marshal(job.MetaData); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while marshaling metadata for job, DB ID '%v'", job.ID) return err } if _, err = sq.Update("job").Set("meta_data", job.RawMetaData).Where("job.id = ?", job.ID).RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec(); err != nil { log.Warnf("Error while updating metadata for job, DB ID '%v'", job.ID) return err } r.cache.Put(cachekey, job.MetaData, len(job.RawMetaData), 24*time.Hour) return nil } // Find executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job. // The job is queried using the batch job id, the cluster name, // and the start time of the job in UNIX epoch time seconds. // It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable. // To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows func (r *JobRepository) Find( jobId *int64, cluster *string, startTime *int64) (*schema.Job, error) { q := sq.Select(jobColumns...).From("job"). Where("job.job_id = ?", *jobId) if cluster != nil { q = q.Where("job.cluster = ?", *cluster) } if startTime != nil { q = q.Where("job.start_time = ?", *startTime) } return scanJob(q.RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow()) } // Find executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job. // The job is queried using the batch job id, the cluster name, // and the start time of the job in UNIX epoch time seconds. // It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable. // To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows func (r *JobRepository) FindAll( jobId *int64, cluster *string, startTime *int64) ([]*schema.Job, error) { q := sq.Select(jobColumns...).From("job"). Where("job.job_id = ?", *jobId) if cluster != nil { q = q.Where("job.cluster = ?", *cluster) } if startTime != nil { q = q.Where("job.start_time = ?", *startTime) } rows, err := q.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Query() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while running query") return nil, err } jobs := make([]*schema.Job, 0, 10) for rows.Next() { job, err := scanJob(rows) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } jobs = append(jobs, job) } return jobs, nil } // FindById executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job. // The job is queried using the database id. // It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable. // To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows func (r *JobRepository) FindById(jobId int64) (*schema.Job, error) { q := sq.Select(jobColumns...). From("job").Where("job.id = ?", jobId) return scanJob(q.RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow()) } // Start inserts a new job in the table, returning the unique job ID. // Statistics are not transfered! func (r *JobRepository) Start(job *schema.JobMeta) (id int64, err error) { job.RawResources, err = json.Marshal(job.Resources) if err != nil { return -1, fmt.Errorf("REPOSITORY/JOB > encoding resources field failed: %w", err) } job.RawMetaData, err = json.Marshal(job.MetaData) if err != nil { return -1, fmt.Errorf("REPOSITORY/JOB > encoding metaData field failed: %w", err) } res, err := r.DB.NamedExec(`INSERT INTO job ( job_id, user, project, cluster, subcluster, `+"`partition`"+`, array_job_id, num_nodes, num_hwthreads, num_acc, exclusive, monitoring_status, smt, job_state, start_time, duration, walltime, resources, meta_data ) VALUES ( :job_id, :user, :project, :cluster, :subcluster, :partition, :array_job_id, :num_nodes, :num_hwthreads, :num_acc, :exclusive, :monitoring_status, :smt, :job_state, :start_time, :duration, :walltime, :resources, :meta_data );`, job) if err != nil { return -1, err } return res.LastInsertId() } // Stop updates the job with the database id jobId using the provided arguments. func (r *JobRepository) Stop( jobId int64, duration int32, state schema.JobState, monitoringStatus int32) (err error) { stmt := sq.Update("job"). Set("job_state", state). Set("duration", duration). Set("monitoring_status", monitoringStatus). Where("job.id = ?", jobId) _, err = stmt.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec() return } func (r *JobRepository) DeleteJobsBefore(startTime int64) (int, error) { var cnt int qs := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT count(*) FROM job WHERE job.start_time < %d", startTime) err := r.DB.Get(&cnt, qs) //ignore error as it will also occur in delete statement _, err = r.DB.Exec(`DELETE FROM job WHERE job.start_time < ?`, startTime) if err != nil { log.Errorf(" DeleteJobsBefore(%d): error %#v", startTime, err) } else { log.Infof("DeleteJobsBefore(%d): Deleted %d jobs", startTime, cnt) } return cnt, err } func (r *JobRepository) DeleteJobById(id int64) error { _, err := r.DB.Exec(`DELETE FROM job WHERE job.id = ?`, id) if err != nil { log.Errorf("DeleteJobById(%d): error %#v", id, err) } else { log.Infof("DeleteJobById(%d): Success", id) } return err } // TODO: Use node hours instead: SELECT job.user, sum(job.num_nodes * (CASE WHEN job.job_state = "running" THEN CAST(strftime('%s', 'now') AS INTEGER) - job.start_time ELSE job.duration END)) as x FROM job GROUP BY user ORDER BY x DESC; func (r *JobRepository) CountGroupedJobs(ctx context.Context, aggreg model.Aggregate, filters []*model.JobFilter, weight *model.Weights, limit *int) (map[string]int, error) { if !aggreg.IsValid() { return nil, errors.New("invalid aggregate") } runner := (sq.BaseRunner)(r.stmtCache) count := "count(*) as count" if weight != nil { switch *weight { case model.WeightsNodeCount: count = "sum(job.num_nodes) as count" case model.WeightsNodeHours: now := time.Now().Unix() count = fmt.Sprintf(`sum(job.num_nodes * (CASE WHEN job.job_state = "running" THEN %d - job.start_time ELSE job.duration END)) as count`, now) runner = r.DB default: log.Infof("CountGroupedJobs() Weight %v unknown.", *weight) } } q := sq.Select("job."+string(aggreg), count).From("job").GroupBy("job." + string(aggreg)).OrderBy("count DESC") q = SecurityCheck(ctx, q) for _, f := range filters { q = BuildWhereClause(f, q) } if limit != nil { q = q.Limit(uint64(*limit)) } counts := map[string]int{} rows, err := q.RunWith(runner).Query() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while running query") return nil, err } for rows.Next() { var group string var count int if err := rows.Scan(&group, &count); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } counts[group] = count } return counts, nil } func (r *JobRepository) UpdateMonitoringStatus(job int64, monitoringStatus int32) (err error) { stmt := sq.Update("job"). Set("monitoring_status", monitoringStatus). Where("job.id = ?", job) _, err = stmt.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec() return } // Stop updates the job with the database id jobId using the provided arguments. func (r *JobRepository) MarkArchived( jobId int64, monitoringStatus int32, metricStats map[string]schema.JobStatistics) error { stmt := sq.Update("job"). Set("monitoring_status", monitoringStatus). Where("job.id = ?", jobId) for metric, stats := range metricStats { switch metric { case "flops_any": stmt = stmt.Set("flops_any_avg", stats.Avg) case "mem_used": stmt = stmt.Set("mem_used_max", stats.Max) case "mem_bw": stmt = stmt.Set("mem_bw_avg", stats.Avg) case "load": stmt = stmt.Set("load_avg", stats.Avg) case "net_bw": stmt = stmt.Set("net_bw_avg", stats.Avg) case "file_bw": stmt = stmt.Set("file_bw_avg", stats.Avg) default: log.Infof("MarkArchived() Metric '%v' unknown", metric) } } if _, err := stmt.RunWith(r.stmtCache).Exec(); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while marking job as archived") return err } return nil } // Archiving worker thread func (r *JobRepository) archivingWorker() { for { select { case job, ok := <-r.archiveChannel: if !ok { break } // not using meta data, called to load JobMeta into Cache? // will fail if job meta not in repository if _, err := r.FetchMetadata(job); err != nil { log.Errorf("archiving job (dbid: %d) failed: %s", job.ID, err.Error()) r.UpdateMonitoringStatus(job.ID, schema.MonitoringStatusArchivingFailed) continue } // metricdata.ArchiveJob will fetch all the data from a MetricDataRepository and push into configured archive backend // TODO: Maybe use context with cancel/timeout here jobMeta, err := metricdata.ArchiveJob(job, context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Errorf("archiving job (dbid: %d) failed: %s", job.ID, err.Error()) r.UpdateMonitoringStatus(job.ID, schema.MonitoringStatusArchivingFailed) continue } // Update the jobs database entry one last time: if err := r.MarkArchived(job.ID, schema.MonitoringStatusArchivingSuccessful, jobMeta.Statistics); err != nil { log.Errorf("archiving job (dbid: %d) failed: %s", job.ID, err.Error()) continue } log.Printf("archiving job (dbid: %d) successful", job.ID) r.archivePending.Done() } } } // Trigger async archiving func (r *JobRepository) TriggerArchiving(job *schema.Job) { r.archivePending.Add(1) r.archiveChannel <- job } // Wait for background thread to finish pending archiving operations func (r *JobRepository) WaitForArchiving() { // close channel and wait for worker to process remaining jobs r.archivePending.Wait() } var ErrNotFound = errors.New("no such jobname, project or user") var ErrForbidden = errors.New("not authorized") // FindJobnameOrUserOrProject returns a jobName or a username or a projectId if a jobName or user or project matches the search term. // If query is found to be an integer (= conversion to INT datatype succeeds), skip back to parent call // If nothing matches the search, `ErrNotFound` is returned. func (r *JobRepository) FindJobnameOrUserOrProject(ctx context.Context, searchterm string) (metasnip string, username string, project string, err error) { user := auth.GetUser(ctx) if _, err := strconv.Atoi(searchterm); err == nil { // Return empty on successful conversion: parent method will redirect for integer jobId return "", "", "", nil } else { // has to have letters if user == nil || user.HasRole(auth.RoleAdmin) || user.HasRole(auth.RoleSupport) { err := sq.Select("job.user").Distinct().From("job"). Where("job.user = ?", searchterm). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&username) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return "", "", "", err } else if err == nil { return "", username, "", nil } } if user == nil || user.HasRole(auth.RoleAdmin) || user.HasRole(auth.RoleSupport) { err := sq.Select("job.project").Distinct().From("job"). Where("job.project = ?", searchterm). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&project) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return "", "", "", err } else if err == nil { return "", "", project, nil } } // All Authorizations: If unlabeled query not username or projectId, try for jobname: Match Metadata, on hit, parent method redirects to jobName GQL query err := sq.Select("job.cluster").Distinct().From("job"). Where("job.meta_data LIKE ?", "%"+searchterm+"%"). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&metasnip) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return "", "", "", err } else if err == nil { return metasnip[0:1], "", "", nil } return "", "", "", ErrNotFound } } func (r *JobRepository) FindUser(ctx context.Context, searchterm string) (username string, err error) { user := auth.GetUser(ctx) if user == nil || user.HasRole(auth.RoleAdmin) || user.HasRole(auth.RoleSupport) { err := sq.Select("job.user").Distinct().From("job"). Where("job.user = ?", searchterm). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&username) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return "", err } else if err == nil { return username, nil } return "", ErrNotFound } else { log.Infof("Non-Admin User %s : Requested Query Username -> %s: Forbidden", user.Name, username) return "", ErrForbidden } } func (r *JobRepository) FindProject(ctx context.Context, searchterm string) (project string, err error) { user := auth.GetUser(ctx) if user == nil || user.HasRole(auth.RoleAdmin) || user.HasRole(auth.RoleSupport) { err := sq.Select("job.project").Distinct().From("job"). Where("job.project = ?", searchterm). RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow().Scan(&project) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return "", err } else if err == nil { return project, nil } return "", ErrNotFound } else { log.Infof("Non-Admin User %s : Requested Query Project -> %s: Forbidden", user.Name, project) return "", ErrForbidden } } func (r *JobRepository) Partitions(cluster string) ([]string, error) { var err error partitions := r.cache.Get("partitions:"+cluster, func() (interface{}, time.Duration, int) { parts := []string{} if err = r.DB.Select(&parts, `SELECT DISTINCT job.partition FROM job WHERE job.cluster = ?;`, cluster); err != nil { return nil, 0, 1000 } return parts, 1 * time.Hour, 1 }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return partitions.([]string), nil } // AllocatedNodes returns a map of all subclusters to a map of hostnames to the amount of jobs running on that host. // Hosts with zero jobs running on them will not show up! func (r *JobRepository) AllocatedNodes(cluster string) (map[string]map[string]int, error) { subclusters := make(map[string]map[string]int) rows, err := sq.Select("resources", "subcluster").From("job"). Where("job.job_state = 'running'"). Where("job.cluster = ?", cluster). RunWith(r.stmtCache).Query() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while running query") return nil, err } var raw []byte defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { raw = raw[0:0] var resources []*schema.Resource var subcluster string if err := rows.Scan(&raw, &subcluster); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &resources); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while unmarshaling raw resources json") return nil, err } hosts, ok := subclusters[subcluster] if !ok { hosts = make(map[string]int) subclusters[subcluster] = hosts } for _, resource := range resources { hosts[resource.Hostname] += 1 } } return subclusters, nil } func (r *JobRepository) StopJobsExceedingWalltimeBy(seconds int) error { res, err := sq.Update("job"). Set("monitoring_status", schema.MonitoringStatusArchivingFailed). Set("duration", 0). Set("job_state", schema.JobStateFailed). Where("job.job_state = 'running'"). Where("job.walltime > 0"). Where(fmt.Sprintf("(%d - job.start_time) > (job.walltime + %d)", time.Now().Unix(), seconds)). RunWith(r.DB).Exec() if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while stopping jobs exceeding walltime") return err } rowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected() if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while fetching affected rows after stopping due to exceeded walltime") return err } if rowsAffected > 0 { log.Infof("%d jobs have been marked as failed due to running too long", rowsAffected) } return nil } // TODO: Move to config const ShortJobDuration int = 5 * 60 // GraphQL validation should make sure that no unkown values can be specified. var groupBy2column = map[model.Aggregate]string{ model.AggregateUser: "job.user", model.AggregateProject: "job.project", model.AggregateCluster: "job.cluster", } // Helper function for the jobsStatistics GraphQL query placed here so that schema.resolvers.go is not too full. func (r *JobRepository) JobsStatistics(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobFilter, groupBy *model.Aggregate) ([]*model.JobsStatistics, error) { start := time.Now() // In case `groupBy` is nil (not used), the model.JobsStatistics used is at the key '' (empty string) stats := map[string]*model.JobsStatistics{} // `socketsPerNode` and `coresPerSocket` can differ from cluster to cluster, so we need to explicitly loop over those. for _, cluster := range archive.Clusters { for _, subcluster := range cluster.SubClusters { corehoursCol := fmt.Sprintf("CAST(ROUND(SUM(job.duration * job.num_nodes * %d * %d) / 3600) as int)", subcluster.SocketsPerNode, subcluster.CoresPerSocket) var query sq.SelectBuilder if groupBy == nil { query = sq.Select( "''", "COUNT(job.id)", "CAST(ROUND(SUM(job.duration) / 3600) as int)", corehoursCol, ).From("job") } else { col := groupBy2column[*groupBy] query = sq.Select( col, "COUNT(job.id)", "CAST(ROUND(SUM(job.duration) / 3600) as int)", corehoursCol, ).From("job").GroupBy(col) } query = query. Where("job.cluster = ?", cluster.Name). Where("job.subcluster = ?", subcluster.Name) query = SecurityCheck(ctx, query) for _, f := range filter { query = BuildWhereClause(f, query) } rows, err := query.RunWith(r.DB).Query() if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while querying DB for job statistics") return nil, err } for rows.Next() { var id sql.NullString var jobs, walltime, corehours sql.NullInt64 if err := rows.Scan(&id, &jobs, &walltime, &corehours); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } if id.Valid { if s, ok := stats[id.String]; ok { s.TotalJobs += int(jobs.Int64) s.TotalWalltime += int(walltime.Int64) s.TotalCoreHours += int(corehours.Int64) } else { stats[id.String] = &model.JobsStatistics{ ID: id.String, TotalJobs: int(jobs.Int64), TotalWalltime: int(walltime.Int64), TotalCoreHours: int(corehours.Int64), } } } } } } if groupBy == nil { query := sq.Select("COUNT(job.id)").From("job").Where("job.duration < ?", ShortJobDuration) query = SecurityCheck(ctx, query) for _, f := range filter { query = BuildWhereClause(f, query) } if err := query.RunWith(r.DB).QueryRow().Scan(&(stats[""].ShortJobs)); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows for short job stats") return nil, err } } else { col := groupBy2column[*groupBy] query := sq.Select(col, "COUNT(job.id)").From("job").Where("job.duration < ?", ShortJobDuration) query = SecurityCheck(ctx, query) for _, f := range filter { query = BuildWhereClause(f, query) } rows, err := query.RunWith(r.DB).Query() if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while querying jobs for short jobs") return nil, err } for rows.Next() { var id sql.NullString var shortJobs sql.NullInt64 if err := rows.Scan(&id, &shortJobs); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows for short jobs") return nil, err } if id.Valid { stats[id.String].ShortJobs = int(shortJobs.Int64) } } } // Calculating the histogram data is expensive, so only do it if needed. // An explicit resolver can not be used because we need to know the filters. histogramsNeeded := false fields := graphql.CollectFieldsCtx(ctx, nil) for _, col := range fields { if col.Name == "histDuration" || col.Name == "histNumNodes" { histogramsNeeded = true } } res := make([]*model.JobsStatistics, 0, len(stats)) for _, stat := range stats { res = append(res, stat) id, col := "", "" if groupBy != nil { id = stat.ID col = groupBy2column[*groupBy] } if histogramsNeeded { var err error value := fmt.Sprintf(`CAST(ROUND((CASE WHEN job.job_state = "running" THEN %d - job.start_time ELSE job.duration END) / 3600) as int) as value`, time.Now().Unix()) stat.HistDuration, err = r.jobsStatisticsHistogram(ctx, value, filter, id, col) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while loading job statistics histogram: running jobs") return nil, err } stat.HistNumNodes, err = r.jobsStatisticsHistogram(ctx, "job.num_nodes as value", filter, id, col) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while loading job statistics histogram: num nodes") return nil, err } } } log.Infof("Timer %s", time.Since(start)) return res, nil } // `value` must be the column grouped by, but renamed to "value". `id` and `col` can optionally be used // to add a condition to the query of the kind " = ". func (r *JobRepository) jobsStatisticsHistogram(ctx context.Context, value string, filters []*model.JobFilter, id, col string) ([]*model.HistoPoint, error) { query := sq.Select(value, "COUNT(job.id) AS count").From("job") query = SecurityCheck(ctx, query) for _, f := range filters { query = BuildWhereClause(f, query) } if len(id) != 0 && len(col) != 0 { query = query.Where(col+" = ?", id) } rows, err := query.GroupBy("value").RunWith(r.DB).Query() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while running query") return nil, err } points := make([]*model.HistoPoint, 0) for rows.Next() { point := model.HistoPoint{} if err := rows.Scan(&point.Value, &point.Count); err != nil { log.Warn("Error while scanning rows") return nil, err } points = append(points, &point) } return points, nil }