## Tips for frontend development The frontend assets including the Svelte js files are per default embedded in the bgo binary. To enable a quick turnaround cycle for web development of the frontend disable embedding of static assets in `config.json`: ``` "embed-static-files": false, "static-files": "./web/frontend/public/", ``` Start the node build process (in directory `./web/frontend`) in development mode: ``` $ npm run dev ``` This will start the build process in listen mode. Whenever you change a source files the depending javascript targets will be automatically rebuild. In case the javascript files are minified you may need to set the production flag by hand to false in `./web/frontend/rollup.config.mjs`: ``` const production = false ``` Usually this should work automatically. Because the files are still served by ./cc-backend you have to reload the view explicitly in your browser. A common setup is to have three terminals open: * One running cc-backend (working directory repository root): `./cc-backend -server -dev` * Another running npm in developer mode (working directory `./web/frontend`): `npm run dev` * And the last one editing the frontend source files