mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 15:25:17 +01:00
Refactor svelte frontend
- Adapt to new metricConfig logic - Footprint-Metrics generalized for bar card - Footprint-Metrics in stats filter and sorting - Frontend always uses GQL, except adminOptions - Job View will load scopes for all metrics on request
This commit is contained in:
@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ input JobFilter {
input OrderByInput {
field: String!
type: String!,
order: SortDirectionEnum! = ASC
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ type HistoPoint {
type MetricHistoPoints {
metric: String!
unit: String!
stat: String
data: [MetricHistoPoint!]
@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ func (api *RestApi) MountFrontendApiRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
if api.Authentication != nil {
r.HandleFunc("/jwt/", api.getJWT).Methods(http.MethodGet)
r.HandleFunc("/configuration/", api.updateConfiguration).Methods(http.MethodPost)
r.HandleFunc("/jobs/metrics/{id}", api.getJobMetrics).Methods(http.MethodGet) // Fetched in Job.svelte: Needs All-User-Access-Session-Auth
@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ type ComplexityRoot struct {
MetricHistoPoints struct {
Data func(childComplexity int) int
Metric func(childComplexity int) int
Stat func(childComplexity int) int
Unit func(childComplexity int) int
@ -1104,6 +1105,13 @@ func (e *executableSchema) Complexity(typeName, field string, childComplexity in
return e.complexity.MetricHistoPoints.Metric(childComplexity), true
case "MetricHistoPoints.stat":
if e.complexity.MetricHistoPoints.Stat == nil {
return e.complexity.MetricHistoPoints.Stat(childComplexity), true
case "MetricHistoPoints.unit":
if e.complexity.MetricHistoPoints.Unit == nil {
@ -2100,6 +2108,7 @@ input JobFilter {
input OrderByInput {
field: String!
type: String!,
order: SortDirectionEnum! = ASC
@ -2147,6 +2156,7 @@ type HistoPoint {
type MetricHistoPoints {
metric: String!
unit: String!
stat: String
data: [MetricHistoPoint!]
@ -6445,6 +6455,8 @@ func (ec *executionContext) fieldContext_JobsStatistics_histMetrics(_ context.Co
return ec.fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_metric(ctx, field)
case "unit":
return ec.fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_unit(ctx, field)
case "stat":
return ec.fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_stat(ctx, field)
case "data":
return ec.fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_data(ctx, field)
@ -7295,6 +7307,47 @@ func (ec *executionContext) fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_unit(_ context.Contex
return fc, nil
func (ec *executionContext) _MetricHistoPoints_stat(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *model.MetricHistoPoints) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
fc, err := ec.fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_stat(ctx, field)
if err != nil {
return graphql.Null
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Stat, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_stat(_ context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (fc *graphql.FieldContext, err error) {
fc = &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "MetricHistoPoints",
Field: field,
IsMethod: false,
IsResolver: false,
Child: func(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (*graphql.FieldContext, error) {
return nil, errors.New("field of type String does not have child fields")
return fc, nil
func (ec *executionContext) _MetricHistoPoints_data(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *model.MetricHistoPoints) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
fc, err := ec.fieldContext_MetricHistoPoints_data(ctx, field)
if err != nil {
@ -13217,7 +13270,7 @@ func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalInputOrderByInput(ctx context.Context, obj
asMap["order"] = "ASC"
fieldsInOrder := [...]string{"field", "order"}
fieldsInOrder := [...]string{"field", "type", "order"}
for _, k := range fieldsInOrder {
v, ok := asMap[k]
if !ok {
@ -13231,6 +13284,13 @@ func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalInputOrderByInput(ctx context.Context, obj
return it, err
it.Field = data
case "type":
ctx := graphql.WithPathContext(ctx, graphql.NewPathWithField("type"))
data, err := ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
it.Type = data
case "order":
ctx := graphql.WithPathContext(ctx, graphql.NewPathWithField("order"))
data, err := ec.unmarshalNSortDirectionEnum2githubᚗcomᚋClusterCockpitᚋccᚑbackendᚋinternalᚋgraphᚋmodelᚐSortDirectionEnum(ctx, v)
@ -14673,6 +14733,8 @@ func (ec *executionContext) _MetricHistoPoints(ctx context.Context, sel ast.Sele
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "stat":
out.Values[i] = ec._MetricHistoPoints_stat(ctx, field, obj)
case "data":
out.Values[i] = ec._MetricHistoPoints_data(ctx, field, obj)
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ type MetricHistoPoint struct {
type MetricHistoPoints struct {
Metric string `json:"metric"`
Unit string `json:"unit"`
Stat *string `json:"stat,omitempty"`
Data []*MetricHistoPoint `json:"data,omitempty"`
@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ type NodeMetrics struct {
type OrderByInput struct {
Field string `json:"field"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Order SortDirectionEnum `json:"order"`
@ -31,14 +31,28 @@ func (r *JobRepository) QueryJobs(
if order != nil {
field := toSnakeCase(order.Field)
switch order.Order {
case model.SortDirectionEnumAsc:
query = query.OrderBy(fmt.Sprintf("job.%s ASC", field))
case model.SortDirectionEnumDesc:
query = query.OrderBy(fmt.Sprintf("job.%s DESC", field))
return nil, errors.New("REPOSITORY/QUERY > invalid sorting order")
if order.Type == "col" {
// "col": Fixed column name query
switch order.Order {
case model.SortDirectionEnumAsc:
query = query.OrderBy(fmt.Sprintf("job.%s ASC", field))
case model.SortDirectionEnumDesc:
query = query.OrderBy(fmt.Sprintf("job.%s DESC", field))
return nil, errors.New("REPOSITORY/QUERY > invalid sorting order for column")
} else {
// "foot": Order by footprint JSON field values
// Verify and Search Only in Valid Jsons
query = query.Where("JSON_VALID(meta_data)")
switch order.Order {
case model.SortDirectionEnumAsc:
query = query.OrderBy(fmt.Sprintf("JSON_EXTRACT(footprint, \"$.%s\") ASC", field))
case model.SortDirectionEnumDesc:
query = query.OrderBy(fmt.Sprintf("JSON_EXTRACT(footprint, \"$.%s\") DESC", field))
return nil, errors.New("REPOSITORY/QUERY > invalid sorting order for footprint")
@ -177,8 +191,8 @@ func BuildWhereClause(filter *model.JobFilter, query sq.SelectBuilder) sq.Select
query = buildStringCondition("job.resources", filter.Node, query)
if filter.MetricStats != nil {
for _, m := range filter.MetricStats {
query = buildFloatJsonCondition("job.metric_stats", m.Range, query)
for _, ms := range filter.MetricStats {
query = buildFloatJsonCondition(ms.MetricName, ms.Range, query)
return query
@ -200,8 +214,10 @@ func buildTimeCondition(field string, cond *schema.TimeRange, query sq.SelectBui
func buildFloatJsonCondition(field string, cond *model.FloatRange, query sq.SelectBuilder) sq.SelectBuilder {
return query.Where("JSON_EXTRACT(footprint, '$."+field+"') BETWEEN ? AND ?", cond.From, cond.To)
func buildFloatJsonCondition(condName string, condRange *model.FloatRange, query sq.SelectBuilder) sq.SelectBuilder {
// Verify and Search Only in Valid Jsons
query = query.Where("JSON_VALID(footprint)")
return query.Where("JSON_EXTRACT(footprint, \"$."+condName+"\") BETWEEN ? AND ?", condRange.From, condRange.To)
func buildStringCondition(field string, cond *model.StringInput, query sq.SelectBuilder) sq.SelectBuilder {
@ -552,12 +552,14 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
var metricConfig *schema.MetricConfig
var peak float64 = 0.0
var unit string = ""
var footprintStat string = ""
for _, f := range filters {
if f.Cluster != nil {
metricConfig = archive.GetMetricConfig(*f.Cluster.Eq, metric)
peak = metricConfig.Peak
unit = metricConfig.Unit.Prefix + metricConfig.Unit.Base
footprintStat = metricConfig.Footprint
log.Debugf("Cluster %s filter found with peak %f for %s", *f.Cluster.Eq, peak, metric)
@ -572,21 +574,26 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
if unit == "" {
unit = m.Unit.Prefix + m.Unit.Base
if footprintStat == "" {
footprintStat = m.Footprint
// log.Debugf("Metric %s: DB %s, Peak %f, Unit %s", metric, dbMetric, peak, unit)
// log.Debugf("Metric %s, Peak %f, Unit %s, Aggregation %s", metric, peak, unit, aggreg)
// Make bins, see https://jereze.com/code/sql-histogram/
start := time.Now()
jm := fmt.Sprintf(`json_extract(footprint, "$.%s")`, metric)
jm := fmt.Sprintf(`json_extract(footprint, "$.%s")`, (metric + "_" + footprintStat))
crossJoinQuery := sq.Select(
fmt.Sprintf(`max(%s) as max`, jm),
fmt.Sprintf(`min(%s) as min`, jm),
fmt.Sprintf(`%s is not null`, jm),
fmt.Sprintf(`%s <= %f`, jm, peak),
@ -651,7 +658,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
points = append(points, &point)
result := model.MetricHistoPoints{Metric: metric, Unit: unit, Data: points}
result := model.MetricHistoPoints{Metric: metric, Unit: unit, Stat: &footprintStat, Data: points}
log.Debugf("Timer jobsStatisticsHistogram %s", time.Since(start))
return &result, nil
@ -48,8 +48,10 @@
let colWidth1, colWidth2, colWidth3, colWidth4;
let numBins = 50;
let maxY = -1;
const initialized = getContext("initialized");
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics");
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config");
const metricConfig = getContext("metrics");
let metricsInHistograms = ccconfig.analysis_view_histogramMetrics,
metricsInScatterplots = ccconfig.analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics;
@ -268,6 +270,19 @@
let availableMetrics = [];
let metricUnits = {};
let metricScopes = {};
function loadMetrics(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return
availableMetrics = [...globalMetrics.filter((gm) => gm?.availability.find((av) => av.cluster == cluster.name))]
for (let sm of availableMetrics) {
metricUnits[sm.name] = (sm?.unit?.prefix ? sm.unit.prefix : "") + (sm?.unit?.base ? sm.unit.base : "")
metricScopes[sm.name] = sm?.scope
$: loadMetrics($initialized)
$: updateEntityConfiguration(groupSelection.key);
$: updateCategoryConfiguration(sortSelection.key);
@ -285,7 +300,7 @@
<Card body color="danger">{$initq.error.message}</Card>
{:else if cluster}
availableMetrics={cluster.metricConfig.map((mc) => mc.name)}
availableMetrics={availableMetrics.map((av) => av.name)}
@ -506,7 +521,7 @@
metricConfig(cluster.name, metric)?.scope,
(f) => f.metric == metric,
@ -521,22 +536,8 @@
title="Average Distribution of '{item.metric}'"
xlabel={`${item.metric} bin maximum ${
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.prefix
? "[" + metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.prefix
: "") +
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.base
? metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.base + "]"
: "")
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.prefix
? metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.prefix
: "") +
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.base
? metricConfig(cluster.name, item.metric)?.unit?.base
: "")
xlabel={`${item.metric} bin maximum [${metricUnits[item.metric]}]`}
ylabel="Normalized Hours"
@ -578,22 +579,8 @@
color={"rgba(0, 102, 204, 0.33)"}
xLabel={`${item.m1} [${
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m1)?.unit?.prefix
? metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m1)?.unit?.prefix
: "") +
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m1)?.unit?.base
? metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m1)?.unit?.base
: "")
yLabel={`${item.m2} [${
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m2)?.unit?.prefix
? metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m2)?.unit?.prefix
: "") +
(metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m2)?.unit?.base
? metricConfig(cluster.name, item.m2)?.unit?.base
: "")
xLabel={`${item.m1} [${metricUnits[item.m1]}]`}
yLabel={`${item.m2} [${metricUnits[item.m2]}]`}
@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
// import { init } from "./utils.js";
import { Card, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import UserSettings from "./config/UserSettings.svelte";
import AdminSettings from "./config/AdminSettings.svelte";
// const { query: initq } = init();
export let isAdmin;
export let isApi;
export let username;
@ -8,15 +8,25 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { getContext } from "svelte";
import { gql, getContextClient, mutationStore } from "@urql/svelte";
export let cluster;
export let metricsInHistograms;
export let isOpen;
let availableMetrics = ["cpu_load", "flops_any", "mem_used", "mem_bw"]; // 'net_bw', 'file_bw'
let pendingMetrics = [...metricsInHistograms]; // Copy
const client = getContextClient();
const initialized = getContext("initialized");
let availableMetrics = []
function loadHistoMetrics(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return;
const rawAvailableMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics").filter((gm) => gm?.footprint).map((fgm) => { return fgm.name })
availableMetrics = [...rawAvailableMetrics]
let pendingMetrics = [...metricsInHistograms]; // Copy
const updateConfigurationMutation = ({ name, value }) => {
return mutationStore({
@ -37,7 +47,6 @@
}).subscribe((res) => {
if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
// console.log('Error on subscription: ' + res.error)
@ -52,6 +61,9 @@
value: metricsInHistograms,
$: loadHistoMetrics($initialized);
<Modal {isOpen} toggle={() => (isOpen = !isOpen)}>
@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
import {
} from "./utils.js";
import {
} from "@urql/svelte";
import {
@ -34,15 +38,27 @@
export let authlevel;
export let roles;
const accMetrics = [
let accNodeOnly;
// Setup General
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config")
let isMetricsSelectionOpen = false,
showFootprint = !!ccconfig[`job_view_showFootprint`],
selectedMetrics = [],
selectedScopes = [];
let plots = {},
let missingMetrics = [],
missingHosts = [],
somethingMissing = false;
// Setup GQL
// First: Add Job Query to init function -> Only requires DBID as argument, received via URL-ID
// Second: Trigger jobMetrics query with now received jobInfos (scopes: from job metadata, selectedMetrics: from config or all, job: from url-id)
const { query: initq } = init(`
job(id: "${dbid}") {
@ -55,99 +71,100 @@
userData { name, email },
concurrentJobs { items { id, jobId }, count, listQuery },
flopsAnyAvg, memBwAvg, loadAvg
footprint { name, stat, value }
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config"),
clusters = getContext("clusters"),
metrics = getContext("metrics");
const client = getContextClient();
const query = gql`
query ($dbid: ID!, $selectedMetrics: [String!]!, $selectedScopes: [MetricScope!]!) {
jobMetrics(id: $dbid, metrics: $selectedMetrics, scopes: $selectedScopes) {
metric {
unit {
statisticsSeries {
series {
statistics {
let isMetricsSelectionOpen = false,
selectedMetrics = [],
showFootprint = true,
isFetched = new Set();
const [jobMetrics, startFetching] = fetchMetricsStore();
$: jobMetrics = queryStore({
client: client,
query: query,
variables: { dbid, selectedMetrics, selectedScopes },
function loadAllScopes() {
selectedScopes = [...selectedScopes, "socket", "core"]
jobMetrics = queryStore({
client: client,
query: query,
variables: { dbid, selectedMetrics, selectedScopes},
// Handle Job Query on Init -> is not executed anymore
getContext("on-init")(() => {
let job = $initq.data.job;
if (!job) return;
selectedMetrics =
ccconfig[`job_view_selectedMetrics:${job.cluster}`] ||
.find((c) => c.name == job.cluster)
.metricConfig.map((mc) => mc.name);
showFootprint =
let toFetch = new Set([
const pendingMetrics = [
...(ccconfig[`job_view_selectedMetrics:${job.cluster}`] ||
$initq.data.globalMetrics.reduce((names, gm) => {
if (gm.availability.find((av) => av.cluster === job.cluster)) {
return names;
}, [])
...(ccconfig[`job_view_polarPlotMetrics:${job.cluster}`] ||
...(ccconfig[`job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics:${job.cluster}`] ||
// Select default Scopes to load: Check before if accelerator metrics are not on accelerator scope by default
accNodeOnly = [...toFetch].some(function (m) {
if (accMetrics.includes(m)) {
const mc = metrics(job.cluster, m);
return mc.scope !== "accelerator";
} else {
return false;
// Select default Scopes to load: Check before if any metric has accelerator scope by default
const accScopeDefault = [...pendingMetrics].some(function (m) {
const cluster = $initq.data.clusters.find((c) => c.name == job.cluster);
const subCluster = cluster.subClusters.find((sc) => sc.name == job.subCluster);
return subCluster.metricConfig.find((smc) => smc.name == m)?.scope === "accelerator";
if (job.numAcc === 0 || accNodeOnly === true) {
// No Accels or Accels on Node Scope
job.numNodes > 2 ? ["node"] : ["node", "socket", "core"],
} else {
// Accels and not on node scope
job.numNodes > 2
? ["node", "accelerator"]
: ["node", "accelerator", "socket", "core"],
const pendingScopes = ["node"]
if (accScopeDefault) pendingScopes.push("accelerator")
if (job.numNodes === 1) {
isFetched = toFetch;
selectedMetrics = [...new Set(pendingMetrics)];
selectedScopes = [...new Set(pendingScopes)];
const lazyFetchMoreMetrics = () => {
let notYetFetched = new Set();
for (let m of selectedMetrics) {
if (!isFetched.has(m)) {
if (notYetFetched.size > 0)
$initq.data.job.numNodes > 2 ? ["node"] : ["node", "core"],
// Fetch more data once required:
$: if ($initq.data && $jobMetrics.data && selectedMetrics)
let plots = {},
// Interactive Document Title
$: document.title = $initq.fetching
? "Loading..."
: $initq.error
@ -155,15 +172,15 @@
: `Job ${$initq.data.job.jobId} - ClusterCockpit`;
// Find out what metrics or hosts are missing:
let missingMetrics = [],
missingHosts = [],
somethingMissing = false;
$: if ($initq.data && $jobMetrics.data) {
$: if ($initq?.data && $jobMetrics?.data?.jobMetrics) {
let job = $initq.data.job,
metrics = $jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics,
metricNames = clusters
.find((c) => c.name == job.cluster)
.metricConfig.map((mc) => mc.name);
metricNames = $initq.data.globalMetrics.reduce((names, gm) => {
if (gm.availability.find((av) => av.cluster === job.cluster)) {
return names;
}, []);
// Metric not found in JobMetrics && Metric not explicitly disabled in config or deselected: Was expected, but is Missing
missingMetrics = metricNames.filter(
@ -192,6 +209,7 @@
somethingMissing = missingMetrics.length > 0 || missingHosts.length > 0;
// Helper
const orderAndMap = (grouped, selectedMetrics) =>
selectedMetrics.map((metric) => ({
metric: metric,
@ -214,18 +232,15 @@
<Spinner secondary />
{#if $jobMetrics.data && showFootprint}
{#key $jobMetrics.data}
{#if $initq.data && showFootprint}
{#if $jobMetrics.data && $initq.data}
{#if $initq?.data && $jobMetrics?.data?.jobMetrics}
{#if $initq.data.job.concurrentJobs != null && $initq.data.job.concurrentJobs.items.length != 0}
{#if authlevel > roles.manager}
@ -270,27 +285,29 @@
] || ccconfig[`job_view_polarPlotMetrics`]}
.find((c) => c.name == $initq.data.job.cluster)
.subClusters.find((sc) => sc.name == $initq.data.job.subCluster)}
(m) => m.name == "flops_any" && m.scope == "node",
(m) => m.name == "mem_bw" && m.scope == "node",
<Col />
<Spinner secondary />
<Col />
@ -318,7 +335,7 @@
<Card body color="danger">{$jobMetrics.error.message}</Card>
{:else if $jobMetrics.fetching}
<Spinner secondary />
{:else if $jobMetrics.data && $initq.data}
{:else if $initq?.data && $jobMetrics?.data?.jobMetrics}
@ -332,9 +349,11 @@
{#if item.data}
on:more-loaded={({ detail }) => statsTable.moreLoaded(detail)}
metricUnit={$initq.data.globalMetrics.find((gm) => gm.name == item.metric)?.unit}
nativeScope={$initq.data.globalMetrics.find((gm) => gm.name == item.metric)?.scope}
rawData={item.data.map((x) => x.metric)}
scopes={item.data.map((x) => x.scope)}
@ -388,8 +407,8 @@
tab="Statistics Table"
{#if $jobMetrics.data}
{#key $jobMetrics.data}
{#if $jobMetrics?.data?.jobMetrics}
{#key $jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics}
@ -1,34 +1,25 @@
<script context="module">
export function findJobThresholds(job, metricConfig, subClusterConfig) {
if (!job || !metricConfig || !subClusterConfig) {
export function findJobThresholds(job, metricConfig) {
if (!job || !metricConfig) {
console.warn("Argument missing for findJobThresholds!");
return null;
const subclusterThresholds = metricConfig.subClusters.find(
(sc) => sc.name == subClusterConfig.name,
// metricConfig is on subCluster-Level
const defaultThresholds = {
peak: subclusterThresholds
? subclusterThresholds.peak
: metricConfig.peak,
normal: subclusterThresholds
? subclusterThresholds.normal
: metricConfig.normal,
caution: subclusterThresholds
? subclusterThresholds.caution
: metricConfig.caution,
alert: subclusterThresholds
? subclusterThresholds.alert
: metricConfig.alert,
peak: metricConfig.peak,
normal: metricConfig.normal,
caution: metricConfig.caution,
alert: metricConfig.alert
// Job_Exclusivity does not matter, only aggregation
if (metricConfig.aggregation === "avg") {
return defaultThresholds;
} else if (metricConfig.aggregation === "sum") {
const jobFraction =
job.numHWThreads / subClusterConfig.topology.node.length;
const topol = getContext("getHardwareTopology")(job.cluster, job.subCluster)
const jobFraction = job.numHWThreads / topol.node.length;
return {
peak: round(defaultThresholds.peak * jobFraction, 0),
normal: round(defaultThresholds.normal * jobFraction, 0),
@ -55,109 +46,56 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { mean, round } from "mathjs";
import { round } from "mathjs";
export let job;
export let jobMetrics;
export let view = "job";
export let width = "auto";
export let height = "310px";
const clusters = getContext("clusters");
const subclusterConfig = clusters
.find((c) => c.name == job.cluster)
.subClusters.find((sc) => sc.name == job.subCluster);
const footprintMetrics =
job.numAcc !== 0
? job.exclusive !== 1 // GPU
? ["acc_utilization", "acc_mem_used", "nv_sm_clock", "nv_mem_util"] // Shared
: ["acc_utilization", "acc_mem_used", "nv_sm_clock", "nv_mem_util"] // Exclusive
: (job.exclusive !== 1) // CPU Only
? ["flops_any", "mem_used"] // Shared
: ["cpu_load", "flops_any", "mem_used", "mem_bw"]; // Exclusive
const footprintData = footprintMetrics.map((fm) => {
const footprintData = job?.footprint?.map((jf) => {
// Unit
const fmc = getContext("metrics")(job.cluster, fm);
let unit = "";
if (fmc?.unit?.base) unit = fmc.unit.prefix + fmc.unit.base;
const fmc = getContext("getMetricConfig")(job.cluster, job.subCluster, jf.name);
const unit = (fmc?.unit?.prefix ? fmc.unit.prefix : "") + (fmc?.unit?.base ? fmc.unit.base : "")
// Threshold / -Differences
const fmt = findJobThresholds(job, fmc, subclusterConfig);
if (fm === "flops_any") fmt.peak = round(fmt.peak * 0.85, 0);
const fmt = findJobThresholds(job, fmc);
if (jf.name === "flops_any") fmt.peak = round(fmt.peak * 0.85, 0);
// Value: Primarily use backend sourced avgs from job.*, secondarily calculate/read from metricdata
// Exclusivity does not matter
let mv = 0.0;
if (fmc.aggregation === "avg") {
if (fm === "cpu_load" && job.loadAvg !== 0) {
mv = round(job.loadAvg, 2);
} else if (fm === "flops_any" && job.flopsAnyAvg !== 0) {
mv = round(job.flopsAnyAvg, 2);
} else if (fm === "mem_bw" && job.memBwAvg !== 0) {
mv = round(job.memBwAvg, 2);
} else {
// Calculate Avg from jobMetrics
const jm = jobMetrics.find((jm) => jm.name === fm && jm.scope === "node");
if (jm?.metric?.statisticsSeries) {
const noNan = jm.metric.statisticsSeries.median.filter(function (val) {
return val != null;
mv = round(mean(noNan), 2);
} else if (jm?.metric?.series?.length > 1) {
const avgs = jm.metric.series.map((jms) => jms.statistics.avg);
mv = round(mean(avgs), 2);
} else if (jm?.metric?.series) {
mv = round(jm.metric.series[0].statistics.avg, 2);
} else if (fmc.aggregation === "sum") {
// Calculate Sum from jobMetrics: Sum all node averages
const jm = jobMetrics.find((jm) => jm.name === fm && jm.scope === "node");
if (jm?.metric?.series?.length > 1) { // More than 1 node
const avgs = jm.metric.series.map((jms) => jms.statistics.avg);
mv = round(avgs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0));
} else if (jm?.metric?.series) {
mv = round(jm.metric.series[0].statistics.avg, 2);
} else {
"Missing or unkown aggregation mode (sum/avg) for metric:",
// Define basic data
// Define basic data -> Value: Use as Provided
const fmBase = {
name: fm,
name: jf.name + ' (' + jf.stat + ')',
avg: jf.value,
unit: unit,
avg: mv,
max: fmt.peak,
dir: fmc.lowerIsBetter
if (evalFootprint(fm, mv, fmt, "alert")) {
if (evalFootprint(jf.value, fmt, fmc.lowerIsBetter, "alert")) {
return {
color: "danger",
message: `Metric average way ${fm === "mem_used" ? "above" : "below"} expected normal thresholds.`,
impact: 3,
message: `Metric average way ${fmc.lowerIsBetter ? "above" : "below"} expected normal thresholds.`,
impact: 3
} else if (evalFootprint(fm, mv, fmt, "caution")) {
} else if (evalFootprint(jf.value, fmt, fmc.lowerIsBetter, "caution")) {
return {
color: "warning",
message: `Metric average ${fm === "mem_used" ? "above" : "below"} expected normal thresholds.`,
message: `Metric average ${fmc.lowerIsBetter ? "above" : "below"} expected normal thresholds.`,
impact: 2,
} else if (evalFootprint(fm, mv, fmt, "normal")) {
} else if (evalFootprint(jf.value, fmt, fmc.lowerIsBetter, "normal")) {
return {
color: "success",
message: "Metric average within expected thresholds.",
impact: 1,
} else if (evalFootprint(fm, mv, fmt, "peak")) {
} else if (evalFootprint(jf.value, fmt, fmc.lowerIsBetter, "peak")) {
return {
color: "info",
@ -176,23 +114,23 @@
function evalFootprint(metric, mean, thresholds, level) {
// mem_used has inverse logic regarding threshold levels, notify levels triggered if mean > threshold
function evalFootprint(mean, thresholds, lowerIsBetter, level) {
// Handle Metrics in which less value is better
switch (level) {
case "peak":
if (metric === "mem_used")
return false; // mem_used over peak -> return false to trigger impact -1
if (lowerIsBetter)
return false; // metric over peak -> return false to trigger impact -1
else return mean <= thresholds.peak && mean > thresholds.normal;
case "alert":
if (metric === "mem_used")
if (lowerIsBetter)
return mean <= thresholds.peak && mean >= thresholds.alert;
else return mean <= thresholds.alert && mean >= 0;
case "caution":
if (metric === "mem_used")
if (lowerIsBetter)
return mean < thresholds.alert && mean >= thresholds.caution;
else return mean <= thresholds.caution && mean > thresholds.alert;
case "normal":
if (metric === "mem_used")
if (lowerIsBetter)
return mean < thresholds.caution && mean >= 0;
else return mean <= thresholds.normal && mean > thresholds.caution;
@ -201,7 +139,7 @@
<Card class="h-auto mt-1" style="width: {width}px;">
<Card class="mt-1 overflow-auto" style="width: {width}; height: {height}">
{#if view === "job"}
<CardTitle class="mb-0 d-flex justify-content-center">
@ -250,9 +188,21 @@
offset={[0, 20]}>{fpd.message}</Tooltip
<div class="mb-2">
<Progress value={fpd.avg} max={fpd.max} color={fpd.color} />
<Row cols={12} class="{(footprintData.length == (index + 1)) ? 'mb-0' : 'mb-2'}">
{#if fpd.dir}
<Col xs="1">
<Icon name="caret-left-fill" />
<Col xs="11" class="align-content-center">
<Progress value={fpd.avg} max={fpd.max} color={fpd.color} />
{#if !fpd.dir}
<Col xs="1">
<Icon name="caret-right-fill" />
{#if job?.metaData?.message}
<hr class="mt-1 mb-2" />
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
let filterComponent; // see why here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58287729/how-can-i-export-a-function-from-a-svelte-component-that-changes-a-value-in-the
let jobList,
matchedJobs = null;
let sorting = { field: "startTime", order: "DESC" },
let sorting = { field: "startTime", type: "col", order: "DESC" },
isSortingOpen = false,
isMetricsSelectionOpen = false;
let metrics = filterPresets.cluster
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { getContext, createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
import Timeseries from "./plots/MetricPlot.svelte";
import {
@ -7,26 +7,20 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { fetchMetrics, minScope } from "./utils";
import { minScope } from "./utils";
export let job;
export let metricName;
export let metricUnit;
export let nativeScope;
export let scopes;
export let width;
export let rawData;
export let isShared = false;
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
const cluster = getContext("clusters").find(
(cluster) => cluster.name == job.cluster,
const subCluster = cluster.subClusters.find(
(subCluster) => subCluster.name == job.subCluster,
const metricConfig = cluster.metricConfig.find(
(metricConfig) => metricConfig.name == metricName,
const unit = (metricUnit?.prefix ? metricUnit.prefix : "") + (metricUnit?.base ? metricUnit.base : "")
let selectedHost = null,
fetching = false,
@ -56,37 +50,12 @@
$: if (plot != null) plot.setTimeRange(from, to);
export async function loadMore() {
fetching = true;
let response = await fetchMetrics(job, [metricName], ["core"]);
fetching = false;
if (response.error) {
error = response.error;
for (let jm of response.data.jobMetrics) {
if (jm.scope != "node") {
scopes = [...scopes, jm.scope];
statsSeries = rawData.map((data) => data?.statisticsSeries ? data.statisticsSeries : null)
selectedScope = jm.scope;
selectedScopeIndex = scopes.findIndex((s) => s == jm.scope);
dispatch("more-loaded", jm);
$: if (selectedScope == "load-more") loadMore();
$: if (selectedScope == "load-all") dispatch("load-all");
<InputGroupText style="min-width: 150px;">
{metricName} ({(metricConfig?.unit?.prefix
? metricConfig.unit.prefix
: "") + (metricConfig?.unit?.base ? metricConfig.unit.base : "")})
{metricName} ({unit})
<select class="form-select" bind:value={selectedScope}>
{#each availableScopes as scope, index}
@ -95,8 +64,8 @@
<option value={scope + '-stat'}>stats series ({scope})</option>
{#if availableScopes.length == 1 && metricConfig?.scope != "node"}
<option value={"load-more"}>Load more...</option>
{#if availableScopes.length == 1 && nativeScope != "node"}
<option value={"load-all"}>Load all...</option>
{#if job.resources.length > 1}
@ -118,8 +87,8 @@
@ -132,8 +101,8 @@
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
export let showFootprint = false;
export let view = "job";
const clusters = getContext("clusters"),
onInit = getContext("on-init");
const onInit = getContext("on-init")
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics")
let newMetricsOrder = [];
let unorderedMetrics = [...metrics];
@ -36,30 +36,34 @@
onInit(() => {
if (allMetrics == null) allMetrics = new Set();
for (let c of clusters)
for (let metric of c.metricConfig) allMetrics.add(metric.name);
for (let metric of globalMetrics) allMetrics.add(metric.name);
$: {
if (allMetrics != null) {
if (cluster == null) {
// console.log('Reset to full metric list')
for (let c of clusters)
for (let metric of c.metricConfig) allMetrics.add(metric.name);
for (let metric of globalMetrics) allMetrics.add(metric.name);
} else {
// console.log('Recalculate available metrics for ' + cluster)
for (let c of clusters)
if (c.name == cluster)
for (let metric of c.metricConfig) allMetrics.add(metric.name);
for (let gm of globalMetrics) {
if (gm.availability.find((av) => av.cluster === cluster)) allMetrics.add(gm.name);
newMetricsOrder = [...allMetrics].filter((m) => !metrics.includes(m));
newMetricsOrder.unshift(...metrics.filter((m) => allMetrics.has(m)));
unorderedMetrics = unorderedMetrics.filter((m) => allMetrics.has(m));
function printAvailability(metric, cluster) {
const avail = globalMetrics.find((gm) => gm.name === metric)?.availability
if (cluster == null) {
return avail.map((av) => av.cluster).join(',')
} else {
return avail.find((av) => av.cluster === cluster).subClusters.join(',')
const client = getContextClient();
const updateConfigurationMutation = ({ name, value }) => {
return mutationStore({
@ -106,7 +110,6 @@
}).subscribe((res) => {
if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
// console.log('Error on subscription: ' + res.error)
@ -118,7 +121,6 @@
value: JSON.stringify(showFootprint),
}).subscribe((res) => {
if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
console.log("Error on footprint subscription: " + res.error);
throw res.error;
@ -161,34 +163,7 @@
<span style="float: right;">
{cluster == null
? clusters // No single cluster specified: List Clusters with Metric
(c) => c.metricConfig.find((m) => m.name == metric) != null,
.map((c) => c.name)
.join(", ")
: clusters // Single cluster requested: List Subclusters with do not have metric remove flag
.filter((c) => c.name == cluster)
(c) => c.metricConfig.find((m) => m.name == metric) != null,
.map(function (c) {
let scNames = c.subClusters.map((sc) => sc.name);
scNames.forEach(function (scName) {
let met = c.metricConfig.find((m) => m.name == metric);
let msc = met.subClusters.find(
(msc) => msc.name == scName,
if (msc != null) {
if (msc.remove == true) {
scNames = scNames.filter((scn) => scn != msc.name);
return scNames;
.join(", ")}
{printAvailability(metric, cluster)}
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
from.setMinutes(from.getMinutes() - 30);
const initialized = getContext("initialized")
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics")
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config");
const clusters = getContext("clusters");
const client = getContextClient();
@ -74,15 +76,11 @@
let itemsPerPage = ccconfig.plot_list_jobsPerPage;
let page = 1;
let paging = { itemsPerPage, page };
let sorting = { field: "startTime", order: "DESC" };
let sorting = { field: "startTime", type: "col", order: "DESC" };
$: filter = [
{ cluster: { eq: cluster } },
{ node: { contains: hostname } },
{ state: ["running"] },
// {startTime: {
// from: from.toISOString(),
// to: to.toISOString()
// }}
const nodeJobsQuery = gql`
@ -92,10 +90,6 @@
$paging: PageRequest!
) {
jobs(filter: $filter, order: $sorting, page: $paging) {
# items {
# id
# jobId
# }
@ -107,26 +101,16 @@
variables: { paging, sorting, filter },
let metricUnits = {};
$: if ($nodeMetricsData.data) {
let thisCluster = clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster);
if (thisCluster) {
for (let metric of thisCluster.metricConfig) {
if (metric.unit.prefix || metric.unit.base) {
metricUnits[metric.name] =
"(" +
(metric.unit.prefix ? metric.unit.prefix : "") +
(metric.unit.base ? metric.unit.base : "") +
} else {
// If no unit defined: Omit Unit Display
metricUnits[metric.name] = "";
let systemUnits = {};
function loadUnits(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return
const systemMetrics = [...globalMetrics.filter((gm) => gm?.availability.find((av) => av.cluster == cluster))]
for (let sm of systemMetrics) {
systemUnits[sm.name] = (sm?.unit?.prefix ? sm.unit.prefix : "") + (sm?.unit?.base ? sm.unit.base : "")
const dateToUnixEpoch = (rfc3339) => Math.floor(Date.parse(rfc3339) / 1000);
$: loadUnits($initialized)
@ -195,7 +179,7 @@
<h4 style="text-align: center; padding-top:15px;">
{systemUnits[item.name] ? "(" + systemUnits[item.name] + ")" : ""}
{#if item.disabled === false && item.metric}
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
}).subscribe((res) => {
if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
// console.log('Error on subscription: ' + res.error)
@ -74,10 +74,6 @@
return s.dir != "up" ? s1[stat] - s2[stat] : s2[stat] - s1[stat];
export function moreLoaded(jobMetric) {
jobMetrics = [...jobMetrics, jobMetric];
@ -85,7 +81,6 @@
<Button outline on:click={() => (isMetricSelectionOpen = true)}>
<!-- log to click ', console.log(isMetricSelectionOpen)' -->
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
variables: {
cluster: cluster,
metrics: ["flops_any", "mem_bw"],
metrics: ["flops_any", "mem_bw"], // Fixed names for roofline and status bars
from: from.toISOString(),
to: to.toISOString(),
filter: [{ state: ["running"] }, { cluster: { eq: cluster } }],
@ -29,9 +29,10 @@
from.setMinutes(from.getMinutes() - 30);
const clusters = getContext("clusters");
const initialized = getContext("initialized");
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config");
const metricConfig = getContext("metrics");
const clusters = getContext("clusters");
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics");
let plotHeight = 300;
let hostnameFilter = "";
@ -80,24 +81,18 @@
let metricUnits = {};
$: if ($nodesQuery.data) {
let thisCluster = clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster);
if (thisCluster) {
for (let metric of thisCluster.metricConfig) {
if (metric.unit.prefix || metric.unit.base) {
metricUnits[metric.name] =
"(" +
(metric.unit.prefix ? metric.unit.prefix : "") +
(metric.unit.base ? metric.unit.base : "") +
} else {
// If no unit defined: Omit Unit Display
metricUnits[metric.name] = "";
let systemMetrics = [];
let systemUnits = {};
function loadMetrics(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return
systemMetrics = [...globalMetrics.filter((gm) => gm?.availability.find((av) => av.cluster == cluster))]
for (let sm of systemMetrics) {
systemUnits[sm.name] = (sm?.unit?.prefix ? sm.unit.prefix : "") + (sm?.unit?.base ? sm.unit.base : "")
$: loadMetrics($initialized)
@ -123,9 +118,9 @@
<InputGroupText><Icon name="graph-up" /></InputGroupText>
<select class="form-select" bind:value={selectedMetric}>
{#each clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster).metricConfig as metric}
{#each systemMetrics as metric}
<option value={metric.name}
>{metric.name} {metricUnits[metric.name]}</option
>{metric.name} {systemUnits[metric.name] ? "("+systemUnits[metric.name]+")" : ""}</option
@ -107,7 +107,6 @@
} else if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
// console.log('Error on subscription: ' + res.error)
@ -120,7 +119,6 @@
pendingChange = false;
} else if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
// console.log('Error on subscription: ' + res.error)
@ -134,7 +132,6 @@
pendingChange = false;
} else if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
// console.log('Error on subscription: ' + res.error)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
let filterComponent; // see why here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58287729/how-can-i-export-a-function-from-a-svelte-component-that-changes-a-value-in-the
let jobList;
let jobFilters = [];
let sorting = { field: "startTime", order: "DESC" },
let sorting = { field: "startTime", type: "col", order: "DESC" },
isSortingOpen = false;
let metrics = ccconfig.plot_list_selectedMetrics,
isMetricsSelectionOpen = false;
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
histMetrics {
data {
@ -245,7 +246,7 @@
title="Distribution of '{item.metric}' averages"
title="Distribution of '{item.metric} ({item.stat})' footprints"
xlabel={`${item.metric} bin maximum ${item?.unit ? `[${item.unit}]` : ``}`}
ylabel="Number of Jobs"
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
import { Icon, InputGroup, InputGroupText } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
export let timeseriesPlots;
let windowSize = 100; // Goes from 0 to 100
let windowPosition = 50; // Goes from 0 to 100
function updatePlots() {
let ws = windowSize / (100 * 2),
wp = windowPosition / 100;
let from = wp - ws,
to = wp + ws;
Object.values(timeseriesPlots).forEach((plot) =>
plot.setTimeRange(from, to),
// Rendering a big job can take a long time, so we
// throttle the rerenders to every 100ms here.
let timeoutId = null;
function requestUpdatePlots() {
if (timeoutId != null) window.cancelAnimationFrame(timeoutId);
timeoutId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
timeoutId = null;
}, 100);
$: requestUpdatePlots(windowSize, windowPosition);
<Icon name="zoom-in" />
Window Size:
style="margin: 0em 0em 0em 1em"
<span style="width: 5em;">
Window Position:
style="margin: 0em 0em 0em 1em"
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
popMessage(text, target, "#048109");
} else {
let text = await res.text();
// console.log(res.statusText)
throw new Error("Response Code " + res.status + "-> " + text);
} catch (err) {
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
} else {
let text = await res.text();
// console.log(res.statusText)
throw new Error("Response Code " + res.status + "-> " + text);
} catch (err) {
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
} else {
let text = await res.text();
// console.log(res.statusText)
throw new Error("Response Code " + res.status + "-> " + text);
} catch (err) {
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
} else {
let text = await res.text();
// console.log(res.statusText)
throw new Error("Response Code " + res.status + "-> " + text);
} catch (err) {
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
} else {
let text = await res.text();
// console.log(res.statusText)
throw new Error("Response Code " + res.status + "-> " + text);
} catch (err) {
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@
} else {
let text = await res.text();
// console.log(res.statusText)
throw new Error("Response Code " + res.status + "-> " + text);
} catch (err) {
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
if (filters.project)
items.push({ project: { [filters.projectMatch]: filters.project } });
if (filters.jobName) items.push({ jobName: { contains: filters.jobName } });
for (let stat of filters.stats)
items.push({ [stat.field]: { from: stat.from, to: stat.to } });
if (filters.stats.length != 0)
items.push({ metricStats: filters.stats.map((st) => { return { metricName: st.field, range: { from: st.from, to: st.to }} }) });
dispatch("update", { filters: items });
@ -412,7 +412,6 @@
on:update={() => update()}
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
// console.log(header)
let minNumNodes = 1,
maxNumNodes = 0,
minNumHWThreads = 1,
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { createEventDispatcher, getContext } from "svelte";
import { getStatsItems } from "../utils.js";
import {
@ -9,53 +10,26 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import DoubleRangeSlider from "./DoubleRangeSlider.svelte";
const clusters = getContext("clusters"),
initialized = getContext("initialized"),
const initialized = getContext("initialized"),
dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
export let cluster = null;
export let isModified = false;
export let isOpen = false;
export let stats = [];
let statistics = [
field: "flopsAnyAvg",
text: "FLOPs (Avg.)",
metric: "flops_any",
from: 0,
to: 0,
peak: 0,
enabled: false,
field: "memBwAvg",
text: "Mem. Bw. (Avg.)",
metric: "mem_bw",
from: 0,
to: 0,
peak: 0,
enabled: false,
field: "loadAvg",
text: "Load (Avg.)",
metric: "cpu_load",
from: 0,
to: 0,
peak: 0,
enabled: false,
field: "memUsedMax",
text: "Mem. used (Max.)",
metric: "mem_used",
from: 0,
to: 0,
peak: 0,
enabled: false,
let statistics = []
function loadRanges(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return;
statistics = getStatsItems();
function resetRanges() {
for (let st of statistics) {
st.enabled = false
st.from = 0
st.to = st.peak
$: isModified = !statistics.every((a) => {
let b = stats.find((s) => s.field == a.field);
@ -64,35 +38,8 @@
return a.from == b.from && a.to == b.to;
function getPeak(cluster, metric) {
const mc = cluster.metricConfig.find((mc) => mc.name == metric);
return mc ? mc.peak : 0;
$: loadRanges($initialized);
function resetRange(isInitialized, cluster) {
if (!isInitialized) return;
if (cluster != null) {
let c = clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster);
for (let stat of statistics) {
stat.peak = getPeak(c, stat.metric);
stat.from = 0;
stat.to = stat.peak;
} else {
for (let stat of statistics) {
for (let c of clusters) {
stat.peak = Math.max(stat.peak, getPeak(c, stat.metric));
stat.from = 0;
stat.to = stat.peak;
statistics = [...statistics];
$: resetRange($initialized, cluster);
<Modal {isOpen} toggle={() => (isOpen = !isOpen)}>
@ -126,8 +73,7 @@
on:click={() => {
isOpen = false;
resetRange($initialized, cluster);
statistics.forEach((stat) => (stat.enabled = false));
stats = [];
dispatch("update", { stats });
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- metrics: [String] (can change from outside)
- sorting: { field: String, order: "DESC" | "ASC" } (can change from outside)
- sorting: { field: String, type: String, order: "DESC" | "ASC" } (can change from outside)
- matchedJobs: Number (changes from inside)
- update(filters?: [JobFilter])
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
import { stickyHeader } from "../utils.js";
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config"),
clusters = getContext("clusters"),
initialized = getContext("initialized");
initialized = getContext("initialized"),
globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics");
export let sorting = { field: "startTime", order: "DESC" };
export let sorting = { field: "startTime", type: "col", order: "DESC" };
export let matchedJobs = 0;
export let metrics = ccconfig.plot_list_selectedMetrics;
export let showFootprint;
@ -36,6 +36,11 @@
let paging = { itemsPerPage, page };
let filter = [];
function getUnit(m) {
const rawUnit = globalMetrics.find((gm) => gm.name === m)?.unit
return (rawUnit?.prefix ? rawUnit.prefix : "") + (rawUnit?.base ? rawUnit.base : "")
const client = getContextClient();
const query = gql`
query (
@ -75,7 +80,11 @@
footprint {
@ -141,7 +150,6 @@
paging = { itemsPerPage: value, page: page }; // Trigger reload of jobList
} else if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
// console.log('Error on subscription: ' + res.error)
@ -215,22 +223,7 @@
{#if $initialized}
.map((cluster) =>
cluster.metricConfig.find((m) => m.name == metric),
.filter((m) => m != null)
(m) =>
(m.unit?.prefix ? m.unit?.prefix : "") +
(m.unit?.base ? m.unit?.base : ""),
) // Build unitStr
(arr, unitStr) =>
arr.includes(unitStr) ? arr : [...arr, unitStr],
) // w/o this, output would be [unitStr, unitStr]
.join(", ")})
@ -30,16 +30,11 @@
: ["core"]
: ["node"];
function distinct(value, index, array) {
return array.indexOf(value) === index;
const cluster = getContext("clusters").find((c) => c.name == job.cluster);
const metricConfig = getContext("metrics"); // Get all MetricConfs which include subCluster-specific settings for this job
const client = getContextClient();
const query = gql`
query ($id: ID!, $queryMetrics: [String!]!, $scopes: [MetricScope!]!) {
jobMetrics(id: $id, metrics: $queryMetrics, scopes: $scopes) {
query ($id: ID!, $metrics: [String!]!, $scopes: [MetricScope!]!) {
jobMetrics(id: $id, metrics: $metrics, scopes: $scopes) {
metric {
@ -71,34 +66,14 @@
$: metricsQuery = queryStore({
client: client,
query: query,
variables: { id, queryMetrics, scopes },
variables: { id, metrics, scopes },
let queryMetrics = null;
$: if (showFootprint) {
queryMetrics = [
scopes = ["node"];
} else {
queryMetrics = [...metrics];
scopes = job.numNodes == 1
? job.numAcc >= 1
? ["core", "accelerator"]
: ["core"]
: ["node"];
export function refresh() {
metricsQuery = queryStore({
client: client,
query: query,
variables: { id, queryMetrics, scopes },
variables: { id, metrics, scopes },
// requestPolicy: 'network-only' // use default cache-first for refresh
@ -166,8 +141,8 @@
@ -17,24 +17,39 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { getContext } from "svelte";
import { getSortItems } from "../utils.js";
export let isOpen = false;
export let sorting = { field: "startTime", order: "DESC" };
export let sorting = { field: "startTime", type: "col", order: "DESC" };
let sortableColumns = [
{ field: "startTime", text: "Start Time", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "duration", text: "Duration", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "numNodes", text: "Number of Nodes", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "memUsedMax", text: "Max. Memory Used", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "flopsAnyAvg", text: "Avg. FLOPs", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "memBwAvg", text: "Avg. Memory Bandwidth", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "netBwAvg", text: "Avg. Network Bandwidth", order: "DESC" },
let sortableColumns = [];
let activeColumnIdx;
let activeColumnIdx = sortableColumns.findIndex(
(col) => col.field == sorting.field,
sortableColumns[activeColumnIdx].order = sorting.order;
const initialized = getContext("initialized");
function loadSortables(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return;
sortableColumns = [
{ field: "startTime", type: "col", text: "Start Time", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "duration", type: "col", text: "Duration", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "numNodes", type: "col", text: "Number of Nodes", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "numHwthreads", type: "col", text: "Number of HWThreads", order: "DESC" },
{ field: "numAcc", type: "col", text: "Number of Accelerators", order: "DESC" },
function loadActiveIndex(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return;
activeColumnIdx = sortableColumns.findIndex(
(col) => col.field == sorting.field,
sortableColumns[activeColumnIdx].order = sorting.order;
$: loadSortables($initialized);
$: loadActiveIndex($initialized)
@ -62,7 +77,7 @@
sortableColumns[i] = { ...sortableColumns[i] };
activeColumnIdx = i;
sortableColumns = [...sortableColumns];
sorting = { field: col.field, order: col.order };
sorting = { field: col.field, type: col.type, order: col.order };
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<script context="module">
export function formatTime(t, forNode = false) {
function formatTime(t, forNode = false) {
if (t !== null) {
if (isNaN(t)) {
return t;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
export function timeIncrs(timestep, maxX, forNode) {
function timeIncrs(timestep, maxX, forNode) {
if (forNode === true) {
return [60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 21600]; // forNode fixed increments
} else {
@ -27,93 +27,63 @@
export function findThresholds(
// removed arg "subcluster": input metricconfig and topology now directly derived from subcluster
function findThresholds(
) {
// console.log('NAME ' + metricConfig.name + ' / SCOPE ' + scope + ' / SUBCLUSTER ' + subCluster.name)
if (!metricConfig || !scope || !subCluster) {
if (!subClusterTopology || !metricConfig || !scope) {
console.warn("Argument missing for findThresholds!");
return null;
if (
(scope == "node" && isShared == false) ||
metricConfig.aggregation == "avg"
metricConfig?.aggregation == "avg"
) {
if (metricConfig.subClusters && metricConfig.subClusters.length === 0) {
// console.log('subClusterConfigs array empty, use metricConfig defaults')
return {
normal: metricConfig.normal,
caution: metricConfig.caution,
alert: metricConfig.alert,
peak: metricConfig.peak,
} else if (
metricConfig.subClusters &&
metricConfig.subClusters.length > 0
) {
// console.log('subClusterConfigs found, use subCluster Settings if matching jobs subcluster:')
let forSubCluster = metricConfig.subClusters.find(
(sc) => sc.name == subCluster.name,
if (
forSubCluster &&
forSubCluster.normal &&
forSubCluster.caution &&
forSubCluster.alert &&
return forSubCluster;
return {
normal: metricConfig.normal,
caution: metricConfig.caution,
alert: metricConfig.alert,
peak: metricConfig.peak,
} else {
console.warn("metricConfig.subClusters not found!");
if (metricConfig?.aggregation == "sum") {
let divisor = 1
if (isShared == true) { // Shared
if (numaccs > 0) divisor = subClusterTopology.accelerators.length / numaccs;
else if (numhwthreads > 0) divisor = subClusterTopology.node.length / numhwthreads;
else if (scope == 'socket') divisor = subClusterTopology.socket.length;
else if (scope == "core") divisor = subClusterTopology.core.length;
else if (scope == "accelerator")
divisor = subClusterTopology.accelerators.length;
else if (scope == "hwthread") divisor = subClusterTopology.node.length;
else {
// console.log('TODO: how to calc thresholds for ', scope)
return null;
return {
peak: metricConfig.peak / divisor,
normal: metricConfig.normal / divisor,
caution: metricConfig.caution / divisor,
alert: metricConfig.alert / divisor,
if (metricConfig.aggregation != "sum") {
"Missing or unkown aggregation mode (sum/avg) for metric:",
return null;
let divisor = 1
if (isShared == true) { // Shared
if (numaccs > 0) divisor = subCluster.topology.accelerators.length / numaccs;
else if (numhwthreads > 0) divisor = subCluster.topology.node.length / numhwthreads;
else if (scope == 'socket') divisor = subCluster.topology.socket.length;
else if (scope == "core") divisor = subCluster.topology.core.length;
else if (scope == "accelerator")
divisor = subCluster.topology.accelerators.length;
else if (scope == "hwthread") divisor = subCluster.topology.node.length;
else {
// console.log('TODO: how to calc thresholds for ', scope)
return null;
let mc =
metricConfig?.subClusters?.find((sc) => sc.name == subCluster.name) ||
return {
peak: mc.peak / divisor,
normal: mc.normal / divisor,
caution: mc.caution / divisor,
alert: mc.alert / divisor,
"Missing or unkown aggregation mode (sum/avg) for metric:",
return null;
@ -165,7 +135,8 @@
if (useStatsSeries == false && series == null) useStatsSeries = true;
const metricConfig = getContext("metrics")(cluster, metric);
const subClusterTopology = getContext("getHardwareTopology")(cluster, subCluster);
const metricConfig = getContext("getMetricConfig")(cluster, subCluster, metric);
const clusterCockpitConfig = getContext("cc-config");
const resizeSleepTime = 250;
const normalLineColor = "#000000";
@ -178,11 +149,9 @@
alert: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)",
const thresholds = findThresholds(
typeof subCluster == "string"
? cluster.subClusters.find((sc) => sc.name == subCluster)
: subCluster,
@ -479,8 +448,6 @@
cursor: { drag: { x: true, y: true } },
// console.log(opts)
let plotWrapper = null;
let uplot = null;
let timeoutId = null;
@ -24,10 +24,11 @@
export let metrics
export let cluster
export let subCluster
export let jobMetrics
export let height = 365
const metricConfig = getContext('metrics')
const getMetricConfig = getContext("getMetricConfig")
const labels = metrics.filter(name => {
if (!jobMetrics.find(m => m.name == name && m.scope == "node")) {
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
const getValuesForStat = (getStat) => labels.map(name => {
const peak = metricConfig(cluster, name).peak
const peak = getMetricConfig(cluster, subCluster, name).peak
const metric = jobMetrics.find(m => m.name == name && m.scope == "node")
const value = getStat(metric.metric) / peak
return value <= 1. ? value : 1.
@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
draw: [
(u) => {
// draw roofs when cluster set
// console.log(u)
if (cluster != null) {
const padding = u._padding; // [top, right, bottom, left]
@ -237,9 +236,6 @@
// Debug get zoomLevel from browser
// console.log("Zoom", Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio * 100))
if (
scalarKneeX <
width * window.devicePixelRatio -
@ -323,7 +319,7 @@
uplot = new uPlot(opts, plotData, plotWrapper);
} else {
console.log("No data for roofline!");
// console.log("No data for roofline!");
@ -31,3 +31,4 @@ export function scaleNumbers(x, y , p = '') {
return Math.abs(rawYValue) >= 1000 ? `${rawXValue.toExponential()} / ${rawYValue.toExponential()}` : `${rawYValue.toString()} / ${rawYValue.toString()}`
// export const dateToUnixEpoch = (rfc3339) => Math.floor(Date.parse(rfc3339) / 1000);
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import {
} from "@urql/svelte";
import { setContext, getContext, hasContext, onDestroy, tick } from "svelte";
import { readable } from "svelte/store";
// import { formatNumber } from './units.js'
* Call this function only at component initialization time!
@ -16,7 +15,9 @@ import { readable } from "svelte/store";
* - Creates a readable store 'initialization' which indicates when the values below can be used.
* - Adds 'tags' to the context (list of all tags)
* - Adds 'clusters' to the context (object with cluster names as keys)
* - Adds 'metrics' to the context, a function that takes a cluster and metric name and returns the MetricConfig (or undefined)
* - Adds 'globalMetrics' to the context (list of globally available metric infos)
* - Adds 'getMetricConfig' to the context, a function that takes a cluster, subCluster and metric name and returns the MetricConfig (or undefined)
* - Adds 'getHardwareTopology' to the context, a function that takes a cluster nad subCluster and returns the subCluster topology (or undefined)
export function init(extraInitQuery = "") {
const jwt = hasContext("jwt")
@ -71,11 +72,19 @@ export function init(extraInitQuery = "") {
tags { id, name, type }
globalMetrics {
unit { base, prefix }
availability { cluster, subClusters }
@ -91,12 +100,13 @@ export function init(extraInitQuery = "") {
const tags = [],
clusters = [];
const allMetrics = [];
const tags = []
const clusters = []
const globalMetrics = []
setContext("tags", tags);
setContext("clusters", clusters);
setContext("allmetrics", allMetrics);
setContext("globalMetrics", globalMetrics);
setContext("getMetricConfig", (cluster, subCluster, metric) => {
if (typeof cluster !== "object")
cluster = clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster);
@ -106,6 +116,15 @@ export function init(extraInitQuery = "") {
return subCluster.metricConfig.find((m) => m.name == metric);
setContext("getHardwareTopology", (cluster, subCluster) => {
if (typeof cluster !== "object")
cluster = clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster);
if (typeof subCluster !== "object")
subCluster = cluster.subClusters.find((sc) => sc.name == subCluster);
return subCluster?.topology;
setContext("on-init", (callback) =>
state.fetching ? subscribers.push(callback) : callback(state)
@ -124,32 +143,11 @@ export function init(extraInitQuery = "") {
for (let tag of data.tags) tags.push(tag);
for (let cluster of data.clusters) clusters.push(cluster);
for (let gm of data.globalMetrics) globalMetrics.push(gm);
let globalmetrics = [];
for (let cluster of data.clusters) {
// Add full info to context object
// Build global metric list with availability for joblist metricselect
for (let subcluster of cluster.subClusters) {
for (let scm of subcluster.metricConfig) {
let match = globalmetrics.find((gm) => gm.name == scm.name);
if (match) {
let submatch = match.availability.find((av) => av.cluster == cluster.name);
if (submatch) {
} else {
match.availability.push({cluster: cluster.name, subclusters: [subcluster.name]})
} else {
globalmetrics.push({name: scm.name, availability: [{cluster: cluster.name, subclusters: [subcluster.name]}]});
// Add to ctx object
for (let gm of globalmetrics) allMetrics.push(gm);
console.log('All Metrics List', allMetrics);
// Unified Sort
globalMetrics.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))
state.data = data;
tick().then(() => subscribers.forEach((cb) => cb(state)));
@ -159,6 +157,7 @@ export function init(extraInitQuery = "") {
query: { subscribe },
@ -171,6 +170,11 @@ function fuzzyMatch(term, string) {
return string.toLowerCase().includes(term);
// Use in filter() function to return only unique values
export function distinct(value, index, array) {
return array.indexOf(value) === index;
export function fuzzySearchTags(term, tags) {
if (!tags) return [];
@ -260,56 +264,6 @@ export function minScope(scopes) {
return sm;
export async function fetchMetrics(job, metrics, scopes) {
if (job.monitoringStatus == 0) return null;
let query = [];
if (metrics != null) {
for (let metric of metrics) {
if (scopes != null) {
for (let scope of scopes) {
try {
let res = await fetch(
`/frontend/jobs/metrics/${job.id}${query.length > 0 ? "?" : ""}${query.join(
if (res.status != 200) {
return { error: { status: res.status, message: await res.text() } };
return await res.json();
} catch (e) {
return { error: e };
export function fetchMetricsStore() {
let set = null;
let prev = { fetching: true, error: null, data: null };
return [
readable(prev, (_set) => {
set = _set;
(job, metrics, scopes) =>
fetchMetrics(job, metrics, scopes).then((res) => {
let next = { fetching: false, error: res.error, data: res.data };
if (prev.data && next.data)
prev = next;
export function stickyHeader(datatableHeaderSelector, updatePading) {
const header = document.querySelector("header > nav.navbar");
if (!header) return;
@ -336,22 +290,98 @@ export function stickyHeader(datatableHeaderSelector, updatePading) {
onDestroy(() => document.removeEventListener("scroll", onscroll));
// Outdated: Frontend Will Now Receive final MetricList from backend
export function checkMetricDisabled(m, c, s) { //[m]etric, [c]luster, [s]ubcluster
const mc = getContext("metrics");
const thisConfig = mc(c, m);
let thisSCIndex = -1;
if (thisConfig) {
thisSCIndex = thisConfig.subClusters.findIndex(
(subcluster) => subcluster.name == s
if (thisSCIndex >= 0) {
if (thisConfig.subClusters[thisSCIndex].remove == true) {
return true;
const metrics = getContext("globalMetrics");
const result = metrics?.find((gm) => gm.name === m)?.availability?.find((av) => av.cluster === c)?.subClusters?.includes(s)
return !result
export function getStatsItems() {
// console.time('stats')
// console.log('getStatsItems ...')
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics")
const result = globalMetrics.map((gm) => {
if (gm?.footprint) {
// Footprint contains suffix naming the used stat-type
// console.time('deep')
// console.log('Deep Config for', gm.name)
const mc = getMetricConfigDeep(gm.name, null, null)
// console.timeEnd('deep')
return {
field: gm.name + '_' + gm.footprint,
text: gm.name + ' (' + gm.footprint + ')',
metric: gm.name,
from: 0,
to: mc.peak,
peak: mc.peak,
enabled: false
return null
}).filter((r) => r != null)
// console.timeEnd('stats')
return [...result];
export function getSortItems() {
//console.log('getSortItems ...')
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics")
const result = globalMetrics.map((gm) => {
if (gm?.footprint) {
// Footprint contains suffix naming the used stat-type
return {
field: gm.name + '_' + gm.footprint,
type: 'foot',
text: gm.name + ' (' + gm.footprint + ')',
order: 'DESC'
return null
}).filter((r) => r != null)
return [...result];
function getMetricConfigDeep(metric, cluster, subCluster) {
const clusters = getContext("clusters");
if (cluster != null) {
let c = clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster);
if (subCluster != null) {
let sc = c.subClusters.find((sc) => sc.name == subCluster);
return sc.metricConfig.find((mc) => mc.name == metric)
} else {
let result;
for (let sc of c.subClusters) {
const mc = sc.metricConfig.find((mc) => mc.name == metric)
if (result) { // If lowerIsBetter: Peak is still maximum value, no special case required
result.alert = (mc.alert > result.alert) ? mc.alert : result.alert
result.caution = (mc.caution > result.caution) ? mc.caution : result.caution
result.normal = (mc.normal > result.normal) ? mc.normal : result.normal
result.peak = (mc.peak > result.peak) ? mc.peak : result.peak
} else {
if (mc) result = {...mc};
return result
} else {
let result;
for (let c of clusters) {
for (let sc of c.subClusters) {
const mc = sc.metricConfig.find((mc) => mc.name == metric)
if (result) { // If lowerIsBetter: Peak is still maximum value, no special case required
result.alert = (mc.alert > result.alert) ? mc.alert : result.alert
result.caution = (mc.caution > result.caution) ? mc.caution : result.caution
result.normal = (mc.normal > result.normal) ? mc.normal : result.normal
result.peak = (mc.peak > result.peak) ? mc.peak : result.peak
} else {
if (mc) result = {...mc};
return result
return false;
export function convert2uplot(canvasData) {
@ -413,14 +443,14 @@ export function binsFromFootprint(weights, scope, values, numBins) {
export function transformDataForRoofline(flopsAny, memBw) { // Uses Metric Objects: {series:[{},{},...], timestep:60, name:$NAME}
const nodes = flopsAny.series.length
const timesteps = flopsAny.series[0].data.length
/* c will contain values from 0 to 1 representing the time */
let data = null
const x = [], y = [], c = []
if (flopsAny && memBw) {
const nodes = flopsAny.series.length
const timesteps = flopsAny.series[0].data.length
for (let i = 0; i < nodes; i++) {
const flopsData = flopsAny.series[i].data
const memBwData = memBw.series[i].data
@ -446,7 +476,7 @@ export function transformDataForRoofline(flopsAny, memBw) { // Uses Metric Objec
// Return something to be plotted. The argument shall be the result of the
// `nodeMetrics` GraphQL query.
// Remove "hardcoded" here or deemed necessary?
// Hardcoded metric names required for correct render
export function transformPerNodeDataForRoofline(nodes) {
let data = null
const x = [], y = []
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
const jobInfos = {
id: "{{ .Infos.id }}",
jobId: "{{ .Infos.jobId }}",
clusterId: "{{ .Infos.clusterId }}"
const clusterCockpitConfig = {{ .Config }};
const authlevel = {{ .User.GetAuthLevel }};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user