mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 15:25:17 +01:00
@ -194,6 +194,15 @@ type NodeMetrics {
metrics: [JobMetricWithName!]!
type NodesResultList {
items: [NodeMetrics!]!
offset: Int
limit: Int
count: Int
totalNodes: Int
hasNextPage: Boolean
type ClusterSupport {
cluster: String!
subClusters: [String!]!
@ -236,11 +245,12 @@ type Query {
jobsFootprints(filter: [JobFilter!], metrics: [String!]!): Footprints
jobs(filter: [JobFilter!], page: PageRequest, order: OrderByInput): JobResultList!
jobsStatistics(filter: [JobFilter!], metrics: [String!], page: PageRequest, sortBy: SortByAggregate, groupBy: Aggregate): [JobsStatistics!]!
jobsStatistics(filter: [JobFilter!], metrics: [String!], page: PageRequest, sortBy: SortByAggregate, groupBy: Aggregate, numDurationBins: String, numMetricBins: Int): [JobsStatistics!]!
rooflineHeatmap(filter: [JobFilter!]!, rows: Int!, cols: Int!, minX: Float!, minY: Float!, maxX: Float!, maxY: Float!): [[Float!]!]!
nodeMetrics(cluster: String!, nodes: [String!], scopes: [MetricScope!], metrics: [String!], from: Time!, to: Time!): [NodeMetrics!]!
nodeMetricsList(cluster: String!, subCluster: String!, nodeFilter: String!, scopes: [MetricScope!], metrics: [String!], from: Time!, to: Time!, page: PageRequest, resolution: Int): NodesResultList!
type Mutation {
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend
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@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ func (api *RestApi) updateConfiguration(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
key, value := r.FormValue("key"), r.FormValue("value")
fmt.Printf("REST > KEY: %#v\nVALUE: %#v\n", key, value)
// fmt.Printf("REST > KEY: %#v\nVALUE: %#v\n", key, value)
if err := repository.GetUserCfgRepo().UpdateConfig(key, value, repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context())); err != nil {
http.Error(rw, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -148,6 +148,15 @@ type NodeMetrics struct {
Metrics []*JobMetricWithName `json:"metrics"`
type NodesResultList struct {
Items []*NodeMetrics `json:"items"`
Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"`
Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"`
Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"`
TotalNodes *int `json:"totalNodes,omitempty"`
HasNextPage *bool `json:"hasNextPage,omitempty"`
type OrderByInput struct {
Field string `json:"field"`
Type string `json:"type"`
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package graph
// This file will be automatically regenerated based on the schema, any resolver implementations
// will be copied through when generating and any unknown code will be moved to the end.
// Code generated by github.com/99designs/gqlgen version v0.17.49
// Code generated by github.com/99designs/gqlgen version v0.17.57
import (
@ -354,10 +354,14 @@ func (r *queryResolver) Jobs(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobFilter, pag
// JobsStatistics is the resolver for the jobsStatistics field.
func (r *queryResolver) JobsStatistics(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobFilter, metrics []string, page *model.PageRequest, sortBy *model.SortByAggregate, groupBy *model.Aggregate) ([]*model.JobsStatistics, error) {
func (r *queryResolver) JobsStatistics(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobFilter, metrics []string, page *model.PageRequest, sortBy *model.SortByAggregate, groupBy *model.Aggregate, numDurationBins *string, numMetricBins *int) ([]*model.JobsStatistics, error) {
var err error
var stats []*model.JobsStatistics
// Top Level Defaults
var defaultDurationBins string = "1h"
var defaultMetricBins int = 10
if requireField(ctx, "totalJobs") || requireField(ctx, "totalWalltime") || requireField(ctx, "totalNodes") || requireField(ctx, "totalCores") ||
requireField(ctx, "totalAccs") || requireField(ctx, "totalNodeHours") || requireField(ctx, "totalCoreHours") || requireField(ctx, "totalAccHours") {
if groupBy == nil {
@ -391,8 +395,13 @@ func (r *queryResolver) JobsStatistics(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobF
if requireField(ctx, "histDuration") || requireField(ctx, "histNumNodes") || requireField(ctx, "histNumCores") || requireField(ctx, "histNumAccs") {
if numDurationBins == nil {
numDurationBins = &defaultDurationBins
if groupBy == nil {
stats[0], err = r.Repo.AddHistograms(ctx, filter, stats[0])
stats[0], err = r.Repo.AddHistograms(ctx, filter, stats[0], numDurationBins)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -402,8 +411,13 @@ func (r *queryResolver) JobsStatistics(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.JobF
if requireField(ctx, "histMetrics") {
if numMetricBins == nil {
numMetricBins = &defaultMetricBins
if groupBy == nil {
stats[0], err = r.Repo.AddMetricHistograms(ctx, filter, metrics, stats[0])
stats[0], err = r.Repo.AddMetricHistograms(ctx, filter, metrics, stats[0], numMetricBins)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -423,8 +437,8 @@ func (r *queryResolver) RooflineHeatmap(ctx context.Context, filter []*model.Job
// NodeMetrics is the resolver for the nodeMetrics field.
func (r *queryResolver) NodeMetrics(ctx context.Context, cluster string, nodes []string, scopes []schema.MetricScope, metrics []string, from time.Time, to time.Time) ([]*model.NodeMetrics, error) {
user := repository.GetUserFromContext(ctx)
if user != nil && !user.HasRole(schema.RoleAdmin) {
return nil, errors.New("you need to be an administrator for this query")
if user != nil && !user.HasAnyRole([]schema.Role{schema.RoleAdmin, schema.RoleSupport}) {
return nil, errors.New("you need to be administrator or support staff for this query")
if metrics == nil {
@ -435,7 +449,7 @@ func (r *queryResolver) NodeMetrics(ctx context.Context, cluster string, nodes [
data, err := metricDataDispatcher.LoadNodeData(cluster, metrics, nodes, scopes, from, to, ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while loading node data")
log.Warn("error while loading node data")
return nil, err
@ -445,7 +459,10 @@ func (r *queryResolver) NodeMetrics(ctx context.Context, cluster string, nodes [
Host: hostname,
Metrics: make([]*model.JobMetricWithName, 0, len(metrics)*len(scopes)),
host.SubCluster, _ = archive.GetSubClusterByNode(cluster, hostname)
host.SubCluster, err = archive.GetSubClusterByNode(cluster, hostname)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error in nodeMetrics resolver: %s", err)
for metric, scopedMetrics := range metrics {
for _, scopedMetric := range scopedMetrics {
@ -463,6 +480,68 @@ func (r *queryResolver) NodeMetrics(ctx context.Context, cluster string, nodes [
return nodeMetrics, nil
// NodeMetricsList is the resolver for the nodeMetricsList field.
func (r *queryResolver) NodeMetricsList(ctx context.Context, cluster string, subCluster string, nodeFilter string, scopes []schema.MetricScope, metrics []string, from time.Time, to time.Time, page *model.PageRequest, resolution *int) (*model.NodesResultList, error) {
if resolution == nil { // Load from Config
if config.Keys.EnableResampling != nil {
defaultRes := slices.Max(config.Keys.EnableResampling.Resolutions)
resolution = &defaultRes
} else { // Set 0 (Loads configured metric timestep)
defaultRes := 0
resolution = &defaultRes
user := repository.GetUserFromContext(ctx)
if user != nil && !user.HasAnyRole([]schema.Role{schema.RoleAdmin, schema.RoleSupport}) {
return nil, errors.New("you need to be administrator or support staff for this query")
if metrics == nil {
for _, mc := range archive.GetCluster(cluster).MetricConfig {
metrics = append(metrics, mc.Name)
data, totalNodes, hasNextPage, err := metricDataDispatcher.LoadNodeListData(cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter, metrics, scopes, *resolution, from, to, page, ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("error while loading node data")
return nil, err
nodeMetricsList := make([]*model.NodeMetrics, 0, len(data))
for hostname, metrics := range data {
host := &model.NodeMetrics{
Host: hostname,
Metrics: make([]*model.JobMetricWithName, 0, len(metrics)*len(scopes)),
host.SubCluster, err = archive.GetSubClusterByNode(cluster, hostname)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error in nodeMetrics resolver: %s", err)
for metric, scopedMetrics := range metrics {
for scope, scopedMetric := range scopedMetrics {
host.Metrics = append(host.Metrics, &model.JobMetricWithName{
Name: metric,
Scope: scope,
Metric: scopedMetric,
nodeMetricsList = append(nodeMetricsList, host)
nodeMetricsListResult := &model.NodesResultList{
Items: nodeMetricsList,
TotalNodes: &totalNodes,
HasNextPage: &hasNextPage,
return nodeMetricsListResult, nil
// NumberOfNodes is the resolver for the numberOfNodes field.
func (r *subClusterResolver) NumberOfNodes(ctx context.Context, obj *schema.SubCluster) (int, error) {
nodeList, err := archive.ParseNodeList(obj.Nodes)
@ -490,11 +569,9 @@ func (r *Resolver) Query() generated.QueryResolver { return &queryResolver{r} }
// SubCluster returns generated.SubClusterResolver implementation.
func (r *Resolver) SubCluster() generated.SubClusterResolver { return &subClusterResolver{r} }
type (
clusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
jobResolver struct{ *Resolver }
metricValueResolver struct{ *Resolver }
mutationResolver struct{ *Resolver }
queryResolver struct{ *Resolver }
subClusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type clusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type jobResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type metricValueResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type mutationResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type queryResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type subClusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ func LoadAverages(
return nil
// Used for the node/system view. Returns a map of nodes to a map of metrics.
// Used for the classic node/system view. Returns a map of nodes to a map of metrics.
func LoadNodeData(
cluster string,
metrics, nodes []string,
@ -254,3 +255,53 @@ func LoadNodeData(
return data, nil
func LoadNodeListData(
cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter string,
metrics []string,
scopes []schema.MetricScope,
resolution int,
from, to time.Time,
page *model.PageRequest,
ctx context.Context,
) (map[string]schema.JobData, int, bool, error) {
repo, err := metricdata.GetMetricDataRepo(cluster)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, false, fmt.Errorf("METRICDATA/METRICDATA > no metric data repository configured for '%s'", cluster)
if metrics == nil {
for _, m := range archive.GetCluster(cluster).MetricConfig {
metrics = append(metrics, m.Name)
data, totalNodes, hasNextPage, err := repo.LoadNodeListData(cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter, metrics, scopes, resolution, from, to, page, ctx)
if err != nil {
if len(data) != 0 {
log.Warnf("partial error: %s", err.Error())
} else {
log.Error("Error while loading node data from metric repository")
return nil, totalNodes, hasNextPage, err
// NOTE: New StatsSeries will always be calculated as 'min/median/max'
const maxSeriesSize int = 8
for _, jd := range data {
for _, scopes := range jd {
for _, jm := range scopes {
if jm.StatisticsSeries != nil || len(jm.Series) < maxSeriesSize {
if data == nil {
return nil, totalNodes, hasNextPage, fmt.Errorf("METRICDATA/METRICDATA > the metric data repository for '%s' does not support this query", cluster)
return data, totalNodes, hasNextPage, nil
@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ import (
@ -211,7 +213,6 @@ func (ccms *CCMetricStore) LoadData(
jobMetric, ok := jobData[metric][scope]
if !ok {
jobMetric = &schema.JobMetric{
Unit: mc.Unit,
@ -235,8 +236,7 @@ func (ccms *CCMetricStore) LoadData(
if res.Avg.IsNaN() || res.Min.IsNaN() || res.Max.IsNaN() {
// TODO: use schema.Float instead of float64?
// This is done because regular float64 can not be JSONed when NaN.
// "schema.Float()" because regular float64 can not be JSONed when NaN.
res.Avg = schema.Float(0)
res.Min = schema.Float(0)
res.Max = schema.Float(0)
@ -693,6 +693,445 @@ func (ccms *CCMetricStore) LoadNodeData(
return data, nil
func (ccms *CCMetricStore) LoadNodeListData(
cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter string,
metrics []string,
scopes []schema.MetricScope,
resolution int,
from, to time.Time,
page *model.PageRequest,
ctx context.Context,
) (map[string]schema.JobData, int, bool, error) {
// 0) Init additional vars
var totalNodes int = 0
var hasNextPage bool = false
// 1) Get list of all nodes
var nodes []string
if subCluster != "" {
scNodes := archive.NodeLists[cluster][subCluster]
nodes = scNodes.PrintList()
} else {
subClusterNodeLists := archive.NodeLists[cluster]
for _, nodeList := range subClusterNodeLists {
nodes = append(nodes, nodeList.PrintList()...)
// 2) Filter nodes
if nodeFilter != "" {
filteredNodes := []string{}
for _, node := range nodes {
if strings.Contains(node, nodeFilter) {
filteredNodes = append(filteredNodes, node)
nodes = filteredNodes
// 2.1) Count total nodes && Sort nodes -> Sorting invalidated after ccms return ...
totalNodes = len(nodes)
// 3) Apply paging
if len(nodes) > page.ItemsPerPage {
start := (page.Page - 1) * page.ItemsPerPage
end := start + page.ItemsPerPage
if end > len(nodes) {
end = len(nodes)
hasNextPage = false
} else {
hasNextPage = true
nodes = nodes[start:end]
// Note: Order of node data is not guaranteed after this point, but contents match page and filter criteria
queries, assignedScope, err := ccms.buildNodeQueries(cluster, subCluster, nodes, metrics, scopes, resolution)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while building queries")
return nil, totalNodes, hasNextPage, err
req := ApiQueryRequest{
Cluster: cluster,
Queries: queries,
From: from.Unix(),
To: to.Unix(),
WithStats: true,
WithData: true,
resBody, err := ccms.doRequest(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error while performing request %#v\n", err))
return nil, totalNodes, hasNextPage, err
var errors []string
data := make(map[string]schema.JobData)
for i, row := range resBody.Results {
var query ApiQuery
if resBody.Queries != nil {
query = resBody.Queries[i]
} else {
query = req.Queries[i]
// qdata := res[0]
metric := ccms.toLocalName(query.Metric)
scope := assignedScope[i]
mc := archive.GetMetricConfig(cluster, metric)
res := row[0].Resolution
if res == 0 {
res = mc.Timestep
// Init Nested Map Data Structures If Not Found
hostData, ok := data[query.Hostname]
if !ok {
hostData = make(schema.JobData)
data[query.Hostname] = hostData
metricData, ok := hostData[metric]
if !ok {
metricData = make(map[schema.MetricScope]*schema.JobMetric)
data[query.Hostname][metric] = metricData
scopeData, ok := metricData[scope]
if !ok {
scopeData = &schema.JobMetric{
Unit: mc.Unit,
Timestep: res,
Series: make([]schema.Series, 0),
data[query.Hostname][metric][scope] = scopeData
for ndx, res := range row {
if res.Error != nil {
/* Build list for "partial errors", if any */
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("failed to fetch '%s' from host '%s': %s", query.Metric, query.Hostname, *res.Error))
id := (*string)(nil)
if query.Type != nil {
id = new(string)
*id = query.TypeIds[ndx]
if res.Avg.IsNaN() || res.Min.IsNaN() || res.Max.IsNaN() {
// "schema.Float()" because regular float64 can not be JSONed when NaN.
res.Avg = schema.Float(0)
res.Min = schema.Float(0)
res.Max = schema.Float(0)
scopeData.Series = append(scopeData.Series, schema.Series{
Hostname: query.Hostname,
Id: id,
Statistics: schema.MetricStatistics{
Avg: float64(res.Avg),
Min: float64(res.Min),
Max: float64(res.Max),
Data: res.Data,
if len(errors) != 0 {
/* Returns list of "partial errors" */
return data, totalNodes, hasNextPage, fmt.Errorf("METRICDATA/CCMS > Errors: %s", strings.Join(errors, ", "))
return data, totalNodes, hasNextPage, nil
func (ccms *CCMetricStore) buildNodeQueries(
cluster string,
subCluster string,
nodes []string,
metrics []string,
scopes []schema.MetricScope,
resolution int,
) ([]ApiQuery, []schema.MetricScope, error) {
queries := make([]ApiQuery, 0, len(metrics)*len(scopes)*len(nodes))
assignedScope := []schema.MetricScope{}
// Get Topol before loop if subCluster given
var subClusterTopol *schema.SubCluster
var scterr error
if subCluster != "" {
subClusterTopol, scterr = archive.GetSubCluster(cluster, subCluster)
if scterr != nil {
// TODO: Log
return nil, nil, scterr
for _, metric := range metrics {
remoteName := ccms.toRemoteName(metric)
mc := archive.GetMetricConfig(cluster, metric)
if mc == nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("METRICDATA/CCMS > metric '%s' is not specified for cluster '%s'", metric, cluster)
log.Infof("metric '%s' is not specified for cluster '%s'", metric, cluster)
// Avoid duplicates...
handledScopes := make([]schema.MetricScope, 0, 3)
for _, requestedScope := range scopes {
nativeScope := mc.Scope
scope := nativeScope.Max(requestedScope)
for _, s := range handledScopes {
if scope == s {
continue scopesLoop
handledScopes = append(handledScopes, scope)
for _, hostname := range nodes {
// If no subCluster given, get it by node
if subCluster == "" {
subClusterName, scnerr := archive.GetSubClusterByNode(cluster, hostname)
if scnerr != nil {
return nil, nil, scnerr
subClusterTopol, scterr = archive.GetSubCluster(cluster, subClusterName)
if scterr != nil {
return nil, nil, scterr
// Always full node hwthread id list, no partial queries expected -> Use "topology.Node" directly where applicable
// Always full accelerator id list, no partial queries expected -> Use "acceleratorIds" directly where applicable
topology := subClusterTopol.Topology
acceleratorIds := topology.GetAcceleratorIDs()
// Moved check here if metric matches hardware specs
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeAccelerator && len(acceleratorIds) == 0 {
continue scopesLoop
// Accelerator -> Accelerator (Use "accelerator" scope if requested scope is lower than node)
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeAccelerator && scope.LT(schema.MetricScopeNode) {
if scope != schema.MetricScopeAccelerator {
// Skip all other catched cases
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: false,
Type: &acceleratorString,
TypeIds: acceleratorIds,
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, schema.MetricScopeAccelerator)
// Accelerator -> Node
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeAccelerator && scope == schema.MetricScopeNode {
if len(acceleratorIds) == 0 {
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: true,
Type: &acceleratorString,
TypeIds: acceleratorIds,
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// HWThread -> HWThead
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeHWThread && scope == schema.MetricScopeHWThread {
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: false,
Type: &hwthreadString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(topology.Node),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// HWThread -> Core
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeHWThread && scope == schema.MetricScopeCore {
cores, _ := topology.GetCoresFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
for _, core := range cores {
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: true,
Type: &hwthreadString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(topology.Core[core]),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// HWThread -> Socket
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeHWThread && scope == schema.MetricScopeSocket {
sockets, _ := topology.GetSocketsFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
for _, socket := range sockets {
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: true,
Type: &hwthreadString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(topology.Socket[socket]),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// HWThread -> Node
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeHWThread && scope == schema.MetricScopeNode {
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: true,
Type: &hwthreadString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(topology.Node),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// Core -> Core
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeCore && scope == schema.MetricScopeCore {
cores, _ := topology.GetCoresFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: false,
Type: &coreString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(cores),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// Core -> Node
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeCore && scope == schema.MetricScopeNode {
cores, _ := topology.GetCoresFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: true,
Type: &coreString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(cores),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// MemoryDomain -> MemoryDomain
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeMemoryDomain && scope == schema.MetricScopeMemoryDomain {
sockets, _ := topology.GetMemoryDomainsFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: false,
Type: &memoryDomainString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(sockets),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// MemoryDoman -> Node
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeMemoryDomain && scope == schema.MetricScopeNode {
sockets, _ := topology.GetMemoryDomainsFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: true,
Type: &memoryDomainString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(sockets),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// Socket -> Socket
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeSocket && scope == schema.MetricScopeSocket {
sockets, _ := topology.GetSocketsFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: false,
Type: &socketString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(sockets),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// Socket -> Node
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeSocket && scope == schema.MetricScopeNode {
sockets, _ := topology.GetSocketsFromHWThreads(topology.Node)
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Aggregate: true,
Type: &socketString,
TypeIds: intToStringSlice(sockets),
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
// Node -> Node
if nativeScope == schema.MetricScopeNode && scope == schema.MetricScopeNode {
queries = append(queries, ApiQuery{
Metric: remoteName,
Hostname: hostname,
Resolution: resolution,
assignedScope = append(assignedScope, scope)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("METRICDATA/CCMS > TODO: unhandled case: native-scope=%s, requested-scope=%s", nativeScope, requestedScope)
return queries, assignedScope, nil
func intToStringSlice(is []int) []string {
ss := make([]string, len(is))
for i, x := range is {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -312,3 +313,21 @@ func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadNodeData(
return nil, errors.New("METRICDATA/INFLUXV2 > unimplemented for InfluxDBv2DataRepository")
func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadNodeListData(
cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter string,
metrics []string,
scopes []schema.MetricScope,
resolution int,
from, to time.Time,
page *model.PageRequest,
ctx context.Context,
) (map[string]schema.JobData, int, bool, error) {
var totalNodes int = 0
var hasNextPage bool = false
// TODO : Implement to be used in NodeList-View
log.Infof("LoadNodeListData unimplemented for InfluxDBv2DataRepository, Args: cluster %s, metrics %v, nodeFilter %v, scopes %v", cluster, metrics, nodeFilter, scopes)
return nil, totalNodes, hasNextPage, errors.New("METRICDATA/INFLUXV2 > unimplemented for InfluxDBv2DataRepository")
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -26,8 +27,11 @@ type MetricDataRepository interface {
// Return a map of metrics to a map of nodes to the metric statistics of the job. node scope assumed for now.
LoadStats(job *schema.Job, metrics []string, ctx context.Context) (map[string]map[string]schema.MetricStatistics, error)
// Return a map of hosts to a map of metrics at the requested scopes for that node.
// Return a map of hosts to a map of metrics at the requested scopes (currently only node) for that node.
LoadNodeData(cluster string, metrics, nodes []string, scopes []schema.MetricScope, from, to time.Time, ctx context.Context) (map[string]map[string][]*schema.JobMetric, error)
// Return a map of hosts to a map of metrics to a map of scopes for multiple nodes.
LoadNodeListData(cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter string, metrics []string, scopes []schema.MetricScope, resolution int, from, to time.Time, page *model.PageRequest, ctx context.Context) (map[string]schema.JobData, int, bool, error)
var metricDataRepos map[string]MetricDataRepository = map[string]MetricDataRepository{}
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -446,3 +447,21 @@ func (pdb *PrometheusDataRepository) LoadNodeData(
log.Debugf("LoadNodeData of %v nodes took %s", len(data), t1)
return data, nil
func (pdb *PrometheusDataRepository) LoadNodeListData(
cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter string,
metrics []string,
scopes []schema.MetricScope,
resolution int,
from, to time.Time,
page *model.PageRequest,
ctx context.Context,
) (map[string]schema.JobData, int, bool, error) {
var totalNodes int = 0
var hasNextPage bool = false
// TODO : Implement to be used in NodeList-View
log.Infof("LoadNodeListData unimplemented for PrometheusDataRepository, Args: cluster %s, metrics %v, nodeFilter %v, scopes %v", cluster, metrics, nodeFilter, scopes)
return nil, totalNodes, hasNextPage, errors.New("METRICDATA/INFLUXV2 > unimplemented for PrometheusDataRepository")
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -50,6 +51,19 @@ func (tmdr *TestMetricDataRepository) LoadNodeData(
func (tmdr *TestMetricDataRepository) LoadNodeListData(
cluster, subCluster, nodeFilter string,
metrics []string,
scopes []schema.MetricScope,
resolution int,
from, to time.Time,
page *model.PageRequest,
ctx context.Context,
) (map[string]schema.JobData, int, bool, error) {
func DeepCopy(jd_temp schema.JobData) schema.JobData {
var jd schema.JobData
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
@ -447,15 +446,40 @@ func (r *JobRepository) AddHistograms(
ctx context.Context,
filter []*model.JobFilter,
stat *model.JobsStatistics,
durationBins *string,
) (*model.JobsStatistics, error) {
start := time.Now()
var targetBinCount int
var targetBinSize int
switch {
case *durationBins == "1m": // 1 Minute Bins + Max 60 Bins -> Max 60 Minutes
targetBinCount = 60
targetBinSize = 60
case *durationBins == "10m": // 10 Minute Bins + Max 72 Bins -> Max 12 Hours
targetBinCount = 72
targetBinSize = 600
case *durationBins == "1h": // 1 Hour Bins + Max 48 Bins -> Max 48 Hours
targetBinCount = 48
targetBinSize = 3600
case *durationBins == "6h": // 6 Hour Bins + Max 12 Bins -> Max 3 Days
targetBinCount = 12
targetBinSize = 21600
case *durationBins == "12h": // 12 hour Bins + Max 14 Bins -> Max 7 Days
targetBinCount = 14
targetBinSize = 43200
default: // 24h
targetBinCount = 24
targetBinSize = 3600
castType := r.getCastType()
var err error
value := fmt.Sprintf(`CAST(ROUND((CASE WHEN job.job_state = "running" THEN %d - job.start_time ELSE job.duration END) / 3600) as %s) as value`, time.Now().Unix(), castType)
stat.HistDuration, err = r.jobsStatisticsHistogram(ctx, value, filter)
// Return X-Values always as seconds, will be formatted into minutes and hours in frontend
value := fmt.Sprintf(`CAST(ROUND(((CASE WHEN job.job_state = "running" THEN %d - job.start_time ELSE job.duration END) / %d) + 1) as %s) as value`, time.Now().Unix(), targetBinSize, castType)
stat.HistDuration, err = r.jobsDurationStatisticsHistogram(ctx, value, filter, targetBinSize, &targetBinCount)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while loading job statistics histogram: running jobs")
log.Warn("Error while loading job statistics histogram: job duration")
return nil, err
@ -487,6 +511,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) AddMetricHistograms(
filter []*model.JobFilter,
metrics []string,
stat *model.JobsStatistics,
targetBinCount *int,
) (*model.JobsStatistics, error) {
start := time.Now()
@ -494,7 +519,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) AddMetricHistograms(
for _, f := range filter {
if f.State != nil {
if len(f.State) == 1 && f.State[0] == "running" {
stat.HistMetrics = r.runningJobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(ctx, metrics, filter)
stat.HistMetrics = r.runningJobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(ctx, metrics, filter, targetBinCount)
log.Debugf("Timer AddMetricHistograms %s", time.Since(start))
return stat, nil
@ -503,7 +528,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) AddMetricHistograms(
// All other cases: Query and make bins in sqlite directly
for _, m := range metrics {
metricHisto, err := r.jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(ctx, m, filter)
metricHisto, err := r.jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(ctx, m, filter, targetBinCount)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Error while loading job metric statistics histogram: %s", m)
@ -540,6 +565,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsStatisticsHistogram(
points := make([]*model.HistoPoint, 0)
// is it possible to introduce zero values here? requires info about bincount
for rows.Next() {
point := model.HistoPoint{}
if err := rows.Scan(&point.Value, &point.Count); err != nil {
@ -553,10 +579,66 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsStatisticsHistogram(
return points, nil
func (r *JobRepository) jobsDurationStatisticsHistogram(
ctx context.Context,
value string,
filters []*model.JobFilter,
binSizeSeconds int,
targetBinCount *int,
) ([]*model.HistoPoint, error) {
start := time.Now()
query, qerr := SecurityCheck(ctx,
sq.Select(value, "COUNT(job.id) AS count").From("job"))
if qerr != nil {
return nil, qerr
// Setup Array
points := make([]*model.HistoPoint, 0)
for i := 1; i <= *targetBinCount; i++ {
point := model.HistoPoint{Value: i * binSizeSeconds, Count: 0}
points = append(points, &point)
for _, f := range filters {
query = BuildWhereClause(f, query)
rows, err := query.GroupBy("value").RunWith(r.DB).Query()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error while running query")
return nil, err
// Fill Array at matching $Value
for rows.Next() {
point := model.HistoPoint{}
if err := rows.Scan(&point.Value, &point.Count); err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while scanning rows")
return nil, err
for _, e := range points {
if e.Value == (point.Value * binSizeSeconds) {
// Note:
// Matching on unmodified integer value (and multiplying point.Value by binSizeSeconds after match)
// causes frontend to loop into highest targetBinCount, due to zoom condition instantly being fullfilled (cause unknown)
e.Count = point.Count
log.Debugf("Timer jobsStatisticsHistogram %s", time.Since(start))
return points, nil
func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
ctx context.Context,
metric string,
filters []*model.JobFilter,
bins *int,
) (*model.MetricHistoPoints, error) {
// Get specific Peak or largest Peak
var metricConfig *schema.MetricConfig
@ -624,16 +706,15 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
return nil, sqlerr
bins := 10
binQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`CAST( (case when %s = value.max
then value.max*0.999999999 else %s end - value.min) / (value.max -
value.min) * %d as INTEGER )`, jm, jm, bins)
value.min) * %v as INTEGER )`, jm, jm, *bins)
mainQuery := sq.Select(
fmt.Sprintf(`%s + 1 as bin`, binQuery),
fmt.Sprintf(`count(%s) as count`, jm),
fmt.Sprintf(`CAST(((value.max / %d) * (%s )) as INTEGER ) as min`, bins, binQuery),
fmt.Sprintf(`CAST(((value.max / %d) * (%s + 1 )) as INTEGER ) as max`, bins, binQuery),
fmt.Sprintf(`CAST(((value.max / %d) * (%v )) as INTEGER ) as min`, *bins, binQuery),
fmt.Sprintf(`CAST(((value.max / %d) * (%v + 1 )) as INTEGER ) as max`, *bins, binQuery),
fmt.Sprintf(`(%s) as value`, crossJoinQuerySql), crossJoinQueryArgs...,
).Where(fmt.Sprintf(`%s is not null and %s <= %f`, jm, jm, peak))
@ -657,7 +738,15 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
return nil, err
// Setup Array
points := make([]*model.MetricHistoPoint, 0)
for i := 1; i <= *bins; i++ {
binMax := ((int(peak) / *bins) * i)
binMin := ((int(peak) / *bins) * (i - 1))
point := model.MetricHistoPoint{Bin: &i, Count: 0, Min: &binMin, Max: &binMax}
points = append(points, &point)
for rows.Next() {
point := model.MetricHistoPoint{}
if err := rows.Scan(&point.Bin, &point.Count, &point.Min, &point.Max); err != nil {
@ -665,7 +754,20 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
return nil, err // Totally bricks cc-backend if returned and if all metrics requested?
points = append(points, &point)
for _, e := range points {
if e.Bin != nil && point.Bin != nil {
if *e.Bin == *point.Bin {
e.Count = point.Count
if point.Min != nil {
e.Min = point.Min
if point.Max != nil {
e.Max = point.Max
result := model.MetricHistoPoints{Metric: metric, Unit: unit, Stat: &footprintStat, Data: points}
@ -678,7 +780,9 @@ func (r *JobRepository) runningJobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
ctx context.Context,
metrics []string,
filters []*model.JobFilter,
bins *int,
) []*model.MetricHistoPoints {
// Get Jobs
jobs, err := r.QueryJobs(ctx, filters, &model.PageRequest{Page: 1, ItemsPerPage: 500 + 1}, nil)
if err != nil {
@ -720,7 +824,6 @@ func (r *JobRepository) runningJobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
metricConfig = archive.GetMetricConfig(*f.Cluster.Eq, metric)
peak = metricConfig.Peak
unit = metricConfig.Unit.Prefix + metricConfig.Unit.Base
log.Debugf("Cluster %s filter found with peak %f for %s", *f.Cluster.Eq, peak, metric)
@ -740,28 +843,24 @@ func (r *JobRepository) runningJobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
// Make and fill bins
bins := 10.0
peakBin := peak / bins
peakBin := int(peak) / *bins
points := make([]*model.MetricHistoPoint, 0)
for b := 0; b < 10; b++ {
for b := 0; b < *bins; b++ {
count := 0
bindex := b + 1
bmin := math.Round(peakBin * float64(b))
bmax := math.Round(peakBin * (float64(b) + 1.0))
bmin := peakBin * b
bmax := peakBin * (b + 1)
// Iterate AVG values for indexed metric and count for bins
for _, val := range avgs[idx] {
if float64(val) >= bmin && float64(val) < bmax {
if int(val) >= bmin && int(val) < bmax {
count += 1
bminint := int(bmin)
bmaxint := int(bmax)
// Append Bin to Metric Result Array
point := model.MetricHistoPoint{Bin: &bindex, Count: count, Min: &bminint, Max: &bmaxint}
point := model.MetricHistoPoint{Bin: &bindex, Count: count, Min: &bmin, Max: &bmax}
points = append(points, &point)
@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ var routes []Route = []Route{
{"/monitoring/projects/", "monitoring/list.tmpl", "Projects - ClusterCockpit", true, func(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType { i["listType"] = "PROJECT"; return i }},
{"/monitoring/tags/", "monitoring/taglist.tmpl", "Tags - ClusterCockpit", false, setupTaglistRoute},
{"/monitoring/user/{id}", "monitoring/user.tmpl", "User <ID> - ClusterCockpit", true, setupUserRoute},
{"/monitoring/systems/{cluster}", "monitoring/systems.tmpl", "Cluster <ID> - ClusterCockpit", false, setupClusterRoute},
{"/monitoring/systems/{cluster}", "monitoring/systems.tmpl", "Cluster <ID> Node Overview - ClusterCockpit", false, setupClusterOverviewRoute},
{"/monitoring/systems/list/{cluster}", "monitoring/systems.tmpl", "Cluster <ID> Node List - ClusterCockpit", false, setupClusterListRoute},
{"/monitoring/systems/list/{cluster}/{subcluster}", "monitoring/systems.tmpl", "Cluster <ID> <SID> Node List - ClusterCockpit", false, setupClusterListRoute},
{"/monitoring/node/{cluster}/{hostname}", "monitoring/node.tmpl", "Node <ID> - ClusterCockpit", false, setupNodeRoute},
{"/monitoring/analysis/{cluster}", "monitoring/analysis.tmpl", "Analysis - ClusterCockpit", true, setupAnalysisRoute},
{"/monitoring/status/{cluster}", "monitoring/status.tmpl", "Status of <ID> - ClusterCockpit", false, setupClusterRoute},
{"/monitoring/status/{cluster}", "monitoring/status.tmpl", "Status of <ID> - ClusterCockpit", false, setupClusterStatusRoute},
func setupHomeRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ func setupUserRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
return i
func setupClusterRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
func setupClusterStatusRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
i["id"] = vars["cluster"]
i["cluster"] = vars["cluster"]
@ -123,6 +125,36 @@ func setupClusterRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
return i
func setupClusterOverviewRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
i["id"] = vars["cluster"]
i["cluster"] = vars["cluster"]
i["displayType"] = "OVERVIEW"
from, to := r.URL.Query().Get("from"), r.URL.Query().Get("to")
if from != "" || to != "" {
i["from"] = from
i["to"] = to
return i
func setupClusterListRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
i["id"] = vars["cluster"]
i["cluster"] = vars["cluster"]
i["sid"] = vars["subcluster"]
i["subCluster"] = vars["subcluster"]
i["displayType"] = "LIST"
from, to := r.URL.Query().Get("from"), r.URL.Query().Get("to")
if from != "" || to != "" {
i["from"] = from
i["to"] = to
return i
func setupNodeRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
i["cluster"] = vars["cluster"]
@ -343,6 +375,9 @@ func SetupRoutes(router *mux.Router, buildInfo web.Build) {
infos := route.Setup(map[string]interface{}{}, r)
if id, ok := infos["id"]; ok {
title = strings.Replace(route.Title, "<ID>", id.(string), 1)
if sid, ok := infos["sid"]; ok { // 2nd ID element
title = strings.Replace(title, "<SID>", sid.(string), 1)
// Get User -> What if NIL?
@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ import (
var (
Clusters []*schema.Cluster
GlobalMetricList []*schema.GlobalMetricListItem
nodeLists map[string]map[string]NodeList
NodeLists map[string]map[string]NodeList
func initClusterConfig() error {
Clusters = []*schema.Cluster{}
nodeLists = map[string]map[string]NodeList{}
NodeLists = map[string]map[string]NodeList{}
metricLookup := make(map[string]schema.GlobalMetricListItem)
for _, c := range ar.GetClusters() {
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func initClusterConfig() error {
Clusters = append(Clusters, cluster)
nodeLists[cluster.Name] = make(map[string]NodeList)
NodeLists[cluster.Name] = make(map[string]NodeList)
for _, sc := range cluster.SubClusters {
if sc.Nodes == "*" {
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func initClusterConfig() error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ARCHIVE/CLUSTERCONFIG > in %s/cluster.json: %w", cluster.Name, err)
nodeLists[cluster.Name][sc.Name] = nl
NodeLists[cluster.Name][sc.Name] = nl
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ func AssignSubCluster(job *schema.BaseJob) error {
host0 := job.Resources[0].Hostname
for sc, nl := range nodeLists[job.Cluster] {
for sc, nl := range NodeLists[job.Cluster] {
if nl != nil && nl.Contains(host0) {
job.SubCluster = sc
return nil
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func AssignSubCluster(job *schema.BaseJob) error {
func GetSubClusterByNode(cluster, hostname string) (string, error) {
for sc, nl := range nodeLists[cluster] {
for sc, nl := range NodeLists[cluster] {
if nl != nil && nl.Contains(hostname) {
return sc, nil
@ -194,7 +194,17 @@ func (topo *Topology) GetAcceleratorID(id int) (string, error) {
func (topo *Topology) GetAcceleratorIDs() ([]int, error) {
// Return list of hardware (string) accelerator IDs
func (topo *Topology) GetAcceleratorIDs() []string {
accels := make([]string, 0)
for _, accel := range topo.Accelerators {
accels = append(accels, accel.ID)
return accels
// Outdated? Or: Return indices of accelerators in parent array?
func (topo *Topology) GetAcceleratorIDsAsInt() ([]int, error) {
accels := make([]int, 0)
for _, accel := range topo.Accelerators {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(accel.ID)
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "cc-frontend",
"version": "1.0.2",
"version": "1.0.0",
"lockfileVersion": 3,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "cc-frontend",
"version": "1.0.2",
"version": "1.0.0",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "^5.0.7",
@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
// Note: Different footprints than those saved in DB per Job -> Caused by Legacy Naming
$: footprintsQuery = queryStore({
client: client,
query: gql`
@ -470,10 +471,12 @@
title="Duration Distribution"
xlabel="Current Runtimes"
xlabel="Current Job Runtimes"
ylabel="Number of Jobs"
@ -519,7 +522,6 @@
items={metricsInHistograms.map((metric) => ({
@ -563,7 +565,6 @@
items={metricsInScatterplots.map(([m1, m2]) => ({
f1: $footprintsQuery.data.footprints.metrics.find(
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- `ìsAdmin Bool!`: Is currently logged in user admin authority
- `isSupport Bool!`: Is currently logged in user support authority
- `isApi Bool!`: Is currently logged in user api authority
- `username String!`: Empty string if auth. is disabled, otherwise the username as string
@ -10,15 +11,17 @@
import { Card, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import UserSettings from "./config/UserSettings.svelte";
import SupportSettings from "./config/SupportSettings.svelte";
import AdminSettings from "./config/AdminSettings.svelte";
export let isAdmin;
export let isSupport;
export let isApi;
export let username;
export let ncontent;
{#if isAdmin == true}
{#if isAdmin}
<Card style="margin-bottom: 1.5em;">
<CardTitle class="mb-1">Admin Options</CardTitle>
@ -27,6 +30,15 @@
{#if isSupport || isAdmin}
<Card style="margin-bottom: 1.5em;">
<CardTitle class="mb-1">Support Options</CardTitle>
<CardTitle class="mb-1">User Options</CardTitle>
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
export let username;
export let authlevel;
export let clusters;
export let subClusters;
export let roles;
let isOpen = false;
@ -93,10 +94,19 @@
title: "Nodes",
requiredRole: roles.admin,
requiredRole: roles.support,
href: "/monitoring/systems/",
icon: "hdd-rack",
perCluster: true,
listOptions: true,
menu: "Info",
title: "Analysis",
requiredRole: roles.support,
href: "/monitoring/analysis/",
icon: "graph-up",
perCluster: true,
listOptions: false,
menu: "Info",
@ -109,15 +119,6 @@
listOptions: false,
menu: "Info",
title: "Analysis",
requiredRole: roles.support,
href: "/monitoring/analysis/",
icon: "graph-up",
perCluster: true,
listOptions: false,
menu: "Info",
@ -138,11 +139,13 @@
{#if screenSize > 1500 || screenSize < 768}
links={views.filter((item) => item.requiredRole <= authlevel)}
{:else if screenSize > 1300}
(item) => item.requiredRole <= authlevel && item.menu != "Info",
@ -156,6 +159,7 @@
<DropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu-lg-end">
(item) =>
@ -168,6 +172,7 @@
(item) => item.requiredRole <= authlevel && item.menu == "none",
@ -180,6 +185,7 @@
<DropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu-lg-end">
(item) => item.requiredRole <= authlevel && item.menu == 'Jobs',
@ -196,6 +202,7 @@
<DropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu-lg-end">
(item) => item.requiredRole <= authlevel && item.menu == 'Groups',
@ -212,6 +219,7 @@
<DropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu-lg-end">
(item) => item.requiredRole <= authlevel && item.menu == 'Info',
@ -348,7 +348,6 @@
{:else if $initq?.data && $jobMetrics?.data?.jobMetrics}
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
if (from == null || to == null) {
to = new Date(Date.now());
from = new Date(to.getTime());
from.setHours(from.getHours() - 12);
from.setHours(from.getHours() - 4);
const initialized = getContext("initialized")
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
<InputGroupText><Icon name="hdd" /></InputGroupText>
<InputGroupText>Selected Node</InputGroupText>
<Input style="background-color: white;"type="text" value="{hostname} ({cluster})" disabled/>
<Input style="background-color: white;"type="text" value="{hostname} [{cluster} ({$nodeMetricsData?.data ? $nodeMetricsData.data.nodeMetrics[0].subCluster : ''})]" disabled/>
<!-- Time Col -->
@ -153,18 +153,20 @@
{#if $nodeJobsData.fetching}
<Spinner />
{:else if $nodeJobsData.data}
<InputGroupText><Icon name="activity" /></InputGroupText>
<Input style="background-color: white;"type="text" value="{$nodeJobsData.data.jobs.count} Jobs" disabled/>
<a title="Show jobs running on this node" href="/monitoring/jobs/?cluster={cluster}&state=running&node={hostname}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" role="button" aria-disabled="true">
<Icon name="view-list" /> Show List
<InputGroupText><Icon name="activity" /></InputGroupText>
<Input style="background-color: white;" type="text" value="{$nodeJobsData.data.jobs.count} Jobs" disabled/>
<a title="Show jobs running on this node" href="/monitoring/jobs/?cluster={cluster}&state=running&node={hostname}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" role="button" aria-disabled="true">
<Icon name="view-list" /> Show List
<Input type="text" disabled>
No currently running jobs.
<InputGroupText><Icon name="activity" /></InputGroupText>
<Input type="text" value="No running jobs." disabled />
<!-- Refresh Col-->
@ -189,7 +191,6 @@
.map((m) => ({
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
<hr />
<!-- Usage Stats as Histograms -->
<!-- User and Project Stats as Pie-Charts -->
<Row cols={{ lg: 4, md: 2, sm: 1 }}>
<Col class="p-2">
@ -587,17 +587,23 @@
<hr class="my-2" />
<!-- Static Stats as Histograms : Running Duration && Allocated Hardware Counts-->
<Row cols={{ lg: 2, md: 1 }}>
<Col class="p-2">
{#key $mainQuery.data.stats}
title="Duration Distribution"
xlabel="Current Runtimes"
xlabel="Current Job Runtimes"
ylabel="Number of Jobs"
@ -640,12 +646,15 @@
<hr class="my-2" />
<!-- Selectable Stats as Histograms : Average Values of Running Jobs -->
{#if metricsInHistograms}
{#key $mainQuery.data.stats[0].histMetrics}
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
@component Main cluster metric status view component; renders current state of metrics / nodes
@component Main cluster node status view component; renders overview or list depending on type
- `displayType String?`: The type of node display ['OVERVIEW' || 'LIST']
- `cluster String`: The cluster to show status information for
- `from Date?`: Custom Time Range selection 'from' [Default: null]
- `to Date?`: Custom Time Range selection 'to' [Default: null]
@ -12,33 +13,34 @@
import {
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import {
} from "@urql/svelte";
import {
} from "./generic/utils.js";
import PlotGrid from "./generic/PlotGrid.svelte";
import MetricPlot from "./generic/plots/MetricPlot.svelte";
import { init } from "./generic/utils.js";
import NodeOverview from "./systems/NodeOverview.svelte";
import NodeList from "./systems/NodeList.svelte";
import MetricSelection from "./generic/select/MetricSelection.svelte";
import TimeSelection from "./generic/select/TimeSelection.svelte";
import Refresher from "./generic/helper/Refresher.svelte";
export let displayType;
export let cluster;
export let subCluster = "";
export let from = null;
export let to = null;
const { query: initq } = init();
displayType == "OVERVIEW" || displayType == "LIST",
"Invalid nodes displayType provided!",
if (from == null || to == null) {
to = new Date(Date.now());
from = new Date(to.getTime());
@ -47,57 +49,28 @@
const initialized = getContext("initialized");
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config");
const clusters = getContext("clusters");
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics");
const displayNodeOverview = (displayType === 'OVERVIEW')
const resampleConfig = getContext("resampling") || null;
const resampleResolutions = resampleConfig ? [...resampleConfig.resolutions] : [];
const resampleDefault = resampleConfig ? Math.max(...resampleConfig.resolutions) : 0;
let selectedResolution = resampleConfig ? resampleDefault : 0;
let hostnameFilter = "";
let selectedMetric = ccconfig.system_view_selectedMetric;
let pendingHostnameFilter = "";
let selectedMetric = ccconfig.system_view_selectedMetric || "";
let selectedMetrics = ccconfig[`node_list_selectedMetrics:${cluster}`] || [ccconfig.system_view_selectedMetric];
let isMetricsSelectionOpen = false;
const client = getContextClient();
$: nodesQuery = queryStore({
client: client,
query: gql`
query ($cluster: String!, $metrics: [String!], $from: Time!, $to: Time!) {
cluster: $cluster
metrics: $metrics
from: $from
to: $to
) {
metrics {
metric {
unit {
series {
statistics {
variables: {
cluster: cluster,
metrics: [selectedMetric],
from: from.toISOString(),
to: to.toISOString(),
Note 1: "Sorting" as use-case ignored for now, probably default to alphanumerical on hostnames of cluster (handled in frontend at the moment)
Note 2: Add Idle State Filter (== No allocated Jobs) [Frontend?] : Cannot be handled by CCMS, requires secondary job query and refiltering of visible nodes
let systemMetrics = [];
let systemUnits = {};
function loadMetrics(isInitialized) {
if (!isInitialized) return
systemMetrics = [...globalMetrics.filter((gm) => gm?.availability.find((av) => av.cluster == cluster))]
@ -108,23 +81,60 @@
$: loadMetrics($initialized)
$: if (displayNodeOverview) {
selectedMetrics = [selectedMetric]
$: { // Wait after input for some time to prevent too many requests
setTimeout(function () {
hostnameFilter = pendingHostnameFilter;
}, 500);
<Row cols={{ xs: 2, lg: 4 }}>
{#if $initq.error}
<Card body color="danger">{$initq.error.message}</Card>
{:else if $initq.fetching}
<Spinner />
<!-- ROW1: Tools-->
<Row cols={{ xs: 2, lg: !displayNodeOverview ? (resampleConfig ? 5 : 4) : 4 }} class="mb-3">
{#if $initq.data}
<!-- List Metric Select Col-->
{#if !displayNodeOverview}
<InputGroupText><Icon name="graph-up" /></InputGroupText>
<InputGroupText class="text-capitalize">Metrics</InputGroupText>
on:click={() => (isMetricsSelectionOpen = true)}
{selectedMetrics.length} selected
{#if resampleConfig}
<InputGroupText><Icon name="plus-slash-minus" /></InputGroupText>
<Input type="select" bind:value={selectedResolution}>
{#each resampleResolutions as res}
<option value={res}
>{res} sec</option
<!-- Node Col-->
<Col class="mt-2 mt-lg-0">
<InputGroupText><Icon name="hdd" /></InputGroupText>
<InputGroupText>Find Node</InputGroupText>
<InputGroupText>Find Node(s)</InputGroupText>
placeholder="Filter hostname ..."
@ -132,20 +142,22 @@
<TimeSelection bind:from bind:to />
<!-- Metric Col-->
<Col class="mt-2 mt-lg-0">
<InputGroupText><Icon name="graph-up" /></InputGroupText>
<select class="form-select" bind:value={selectedMetric}>
{#each systemMetrics as metric}
<option value={metric.name}
>{metric.name} {systemUnits[metric.name] ? "("+systemUnits[metric.name]+")" : ""}</option
<!-- Overview Metric Col-->
{#if displayNodeOverview}
<Col class="mt-2 mt-lg-0">
<InputGroupText><Icon name="graph-up" /></InputGroupText>
<Input type="select" bind:value={selectedMetric}>
{#each systemMetrics as metric}
<option value={metric.name}
>{metric.name} {systemUnits[metric.name] ? "("+systemUnits[metric.name]+")" : ""}</option
<!-- Refresh Col-->
<Col class="mt-2 mt-lg-0">
@ -158,75 +170,30 @@
<br />
{#if $nodesQuery.error}
<!-- ROW2: Content-->
{#if displayType !== "OVERVIEW" && displayType !== "LIST"}
<Card body color="danger">{$nodesQuery.error.message}</Card>
{:else if $nodesQuery.fetching || $initq.fetching}
<Spinner />
<Card body color="danger">Unknown displayList type! </Card>
(h) =>
h.host.includes(hostnameFilter) &&
(m) => m.name == selectedMetric && m.scope == "node",
.map((h) => ({
host: h.host,
subCluster: h.subCluster,
data: h.metrics.find(
(m) => m.name == selectedMetric && m.scope == "node",
disabled: checkMetricDisabled(
.sort((a, b) => a.host.localeCompare(b.host))}
<h4 style="width: 100%; text-align: center;">
style="display: block;padding-top: 15px;"
>{item.host} ({item.subCluster})</a
{#if item.disabled === false && item.data}
cluster={clusters.find((c) => c.name == cluster)}
{:else if item.disabled === true && item.data}
<Card style="margin-left: 2rem;margin-right: 2rem;" body color="info"
>Metric disabled for subcluster <code
style="margin-left: 2rem;margin-right: 2rem;"
>No dataset returned for <code>{selectedMetric}</code></Card
{#if displayNodeOverview}
<!-- ROW2-1: Node Overview (Grid Included)-->
<NodeOverview {cluster} {subCluster} {ccconfig} {selectedMetrics} {from} {to} {hostnameFilter}/>
<!-- ROW2-2: Node List (Grid Included)-->
<NodeList {cluster} {subCluster} {ccconfig} {selectedMetrics} {selectedResolution} {hostnameFilter} {from} {to} {systemUnits}/>
on:update-metrics={({ detail }) => {
selectedMetrics = [...detail]
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import {
@ -60,6 +63,11 @@
? !!ccconfig[`plot_list_showFootprint:${filterPresets.cluster}`]
: !!ccconfig.plot_list_showFootprint;
let numDurationBins = "1h";
let numMetricBins = 10;
let durationBinOptions = ["1m","10m","1h","6h","12h"];
let metricBinOptions = [10, 20, 50, 100];
$: metricsInHistograms = selectedCluster
? ccconfig[`user_view_histogramMetrics:${selectedCluster}`] || []
: ccconfig.user_view_histogramMetrics || [];
@ -68,8 +76,8 @@
$: stats = queryStore({
client: client,
query: gql`
query ($jobFilters: [JobFilter!]!, $metricsInHistograms: [String!]) {
jobsStatistics(filter: $jobFilters, metrics: $metricsInHistograms) {
query ($jobFilters: [JobFilter!]!, $metricsInHistograms: [String!], $numDurationBins: String, $numMetricBins: Int) {
jobsStatistics(filter: $jobFilters, metrics: $metricsInHistograms, numDurationBins: $numDurationBins , numMetricBins: $numMetricBins ) {
@ -96,7 +104,7 @@
variables: { jobFilters, metricsInHistograms },
variables: { jobFilters, metricsInHistograms, numDurationBins, numMetricBins },
onMount(() => filterComponent.updateFilters());
@ -118,8 +126,8 @@
<!-- ROW2: Tools-->
<Row cols={{ xs: 1, md: 2, lg: 4}} class="mb-3">
<Col lg="2" class="mb-2 mb-lg-0">
<Row cols={{ xs: 1, md: 2, lg: 6}} class="mb-3">
<Col class="mb-2 mb-lg-0">
<ButtonGroup class="w-100">
<Button outline color="primary" on:click={() => (isSortingOpen = true)}>
<Icon name="sort-up" /> Sorting
@ -133,7 +141,7 @@
<Col lg="4" xl="6" class="mb-1 mb-lg-0">
<Col lg="4" class="mb-1 mb-lg-0">
@ -148,12 +156,27 @@
<Col lg="3" xl="2" class="mb-2 mb-lg-0">
<Col class="mb-2 mb-lg-0">
<Icon name="bar-chart-line-fill" />
Duration Bin Size
<Input type="select" bind:value={numDurationBins} style="max-width: 120px;">
{#each durationBinOptions as dbin}
<option value={dbin}>{dbin}</option>
<Col class="mb-2 mb-lg-0">
on:set-filter={({ detail }) => filterComponent.updateFilters(detail)}
<Col lg="3" xl="2" class="mb-1 mb-lg-0">
<Col class="mb-1 mb-lg-0">
<Refresher on:refresh={() => {
@ -215,10 +238,12 @@
title="Duration Distribution"
xlabel="Current Runtimes"
xlabel="Job Runtimes"
ylabel="Number of Jobs"
@ -238,16 +263,32 @@
<!-- ROW4+5: Selectable Histograms -->
<Row cols={{ xs: 1, md: 5}}>
<Col xs="12" md="3" lg="2" class="mb-2 mb-md-0">
on:click={() => (isHistogramSelectionOpen = true)}
<Icon name="bar-chart-line" /> Select Histograms
<Col xs="12" md="9" lg="10" class="mb-2 mb-md-0">
<Icon name="bar-chart-line-fill" />
Metric Bins
<Input type="select" bind:value={numMetricBins} style="max-width: 120px;">
{#each metricBinOptions as mbin}
<option value={mbin}>{mbin}</option>
{#if metricsInHistograms?.length > 0}
{#if $stats.error}
@ -267,18 +308,17 @@
{#key $stats.data.jobsStatistics[0].histMetrics}
title="Distribution of '{item.metric} ({item.stat})' footprints"
xlabel={`${item.metric} bin maximum ${item?.unit ? `[${item.unit}]` : ``}`}
ylabel="Number of Jobs"
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ new Config({
target: document.getElementById('svelte-app'),
props: {
isAdmin: isAdmin,
isSupport: isSupport,
isApi: isApi,
username: username,
ncontent: ncontent,
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import { Row, Col } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
import { onMount, getContext } from "svelte";
import EditRole from "./admin/EditRole.svelte";
import EditProject from "./admin/EditProject.svelte";
import AddUser from "./admin/AddUser.svelte";
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
let users = [];
let roles = [];
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config");
function getUserList() {
.then((res) => res.json())
@ -54,6 +56,6 @@
<EditProject on:reload={getUserList} />
<Options />
<Options config={ccconfig}/>
<NoticeEdit {ncontent}/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
@component Support settings wrapper
Properties: None
import { getContext } from "svelte";
import SupportOptions from "./support/SupportOptions.svelte";
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config");
<SupportOptions config={ccconfig}/>
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
const ccconfig = getContext("cc-config");
let message = { msg: "", target: "", color: "#d63384" };
let displayMessage = false;
let cbmode = ccconfig?.plot_general_colorblindMode || false;
async function handleSettingSubmit(event) {
const selector = event.detail.selector
@ -28,6 +29,9 @@
const res = await fetch(form.action, { method: "POST", body: formData });
if (res.ok) {
let text = await res.text();
if (formData.get("key") === "plot_general_colorblindMode") {
cbmode = JSON.parse(formData.get("value"));
popMessage(text, target, "#048109");
} else {
let text = await res.text();
@ -51,4 +55,4 @@
<UserOptions config={ccconfig} {username} {isApi} bind:message bind:displayMessage on:update-config={(e) => handleSettingSubmit(e)}/>
<PlotRenderOptions config={ccconfig} bind:message bind:displayMessage on:update-config={(e) => handleSettingSubmit(e)}/>
<PlotColorScheme config={ccconfig} bind:message bind:displayMessage on:update-config={(e) => handleSettingSubmit(e)}/>
<PlotColorScheme config={ccconfig} bind:cbmode bind:message bind:displayMessage on:update-config={(e) => handleSettingSubmit(e)}/>
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<Card class="h-100">
<CardTitle class="mb-3">Metric Plot Resampling</CardTitle>
<CardTitle class="mb-3">Metric Plot Resampling Info</CardTitle>
<p>Triggered at {resampleConfig.trigger} datapoints.</p>
<p>Configured resolutions: {resampleConfig.resolutions}</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
@component Support option select card
import { Row, Col, Card, CardTitle, Button} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { fade } from "svelte/transition";
export let config;
let message;
let displayMessage;
async function handleSettingSubmit(selector, target) {
let form = document.querySelector(selector);
let formData = new FormData(form);
try {
const res = await fetch(form.action, { method: "POST", body: formData });
if (res.ok) {
let text = await res.text();
popMessage(text, target, "#048109");
} else {
let text = await res.text();
throw new Error("Response Code " + res.status + "-> " + text);
} catch (err) {
popMessage(err, target, "#d63384");
return false;
function popMessage(response, restarget, rescolor) {
message = { msg: response, target: restarget, color: rescolor };
displayMessage = true;
setTimeout(function () {
displayMessage = false;
}, 3500);
<Row cols={1} class="p-2 g-2">
<Card class="h-100">
on:submit|preventDefault={() =>
handleSettingSubmit("#node-paging-form", "npag")}
<!-- Svelte 'class' directive only on DOMs directly, normal 'class="xxx"' does not work, so style-array it is. -->
style="margin-bottom: 1em; display: flex; align-items: center;"
<div>Node List Paging Type</div>
{#if displayMessage && message.target == "npag"}<div
style="margin-left: auto; font-size: 0.9em;"
<code style="color: {message.color};" out:fade
>Update: {message.msg}</code
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="node_list_usePaging" />
<div class="mb-3">
{#if config?.node_list_usePaging}
<input type="radio" id="nodes-true-checked" name="value" value="true" checked />
<input type="radio" id="nodes-true" name="value" value="true" />
<label for="true">Paging with selectable count of nodes.</label>
{#if config?.node_list_usePaging}
<input type="radio" id="nodes-false" name="value" value="false" />
<input type="radio" id="nodes-false-checked" name="value" value="false" checked />
<label for="false">Continuous scroll iteratively adding 10 nodes.</label>
<Button color="primary" type="submit">Submit</Button>
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
export let config;
export let message;
export let displayMessage;
export let cbmode = false;
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
function updateSetting(selector, target) {
@ -265,6 +266,62 @@
// https://personal.sron.nl/~pault/
// https://tsitsul.in/blog/coloropt/
const cvdschemes = {
HighContrast: [
Bright: [
Muted: [
NormalSixColor: [
NormalTwelveColor: [
<Row cols={1} class="p-2 g-2">
@ -281,7 +338,7 @@
style="margin-bottom: 1em; display: flex; align-items: center;"
<div>Color Scheme for Timeseries Plots</div>
<div>Color Scheme for Timeseries Plots {cbmode ? `(Color Blind Friendly Palettes)` : ``}</div>
{#if displayMessage && message.target == "cs"}<div
style="margin-left: auto; font-size: 0.9em;"
@ -293,7 +350,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="plot_general_colorscheme" />
<Table hover>
{#each Object.entries(colorschemes) as [name, rgbrow]}
{#each Object.entries(cbmode ? cvdschemes : colorschemes) as [name, rgbrow]}
<th scope="col">{name}</th>
@ -333,8 +390,9 @@
.color-dot {
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
margin-left: 1px;
height: 12px;
width: 12px;
border-radius: 50%;
display: inline-block;
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
><Card class="h-100">
<Col class="d-flex justify-content-between"
><Card class="h-100" style="width: 49%;">
@ -173,6 +173,50 @@
<Button color="primary" type="submit">Submit</Button>
<Card class="h-100" style="width: 49%;">
on:submit|preventDefault={() =>
updateSetting("#colorblindmode-form", "cbm")}
<!-- Svelte 'class' directive only on DOMs directly, normal 'class="xxx"' does not work, so style-array it is. -->
style="margin-bottom: 1em; display: flex; align-items: center;"
<div>Color Blind Mode</div>
{#if displayMessage && message.target == "cbm"}<div
style="margin-left: auto; font-size: 0.9em;"
<code style="color: {message.color};" out:fade
>Update: {message.msg}</code
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="plot_general_colorblindMode" />
<div class="mb-3">
{#if config?.plot_general_colorblindMode}
<input type="radio" id="cbm-true-checked" name="value" value="true" checked />
<input type="radio" id="cbm-true" name="value" value="true" />
<label for="true">Yes</label>
{#if config?.plot_general_colorblindMode}
<input type="radio" id="cbm-false" name="value" value="false" />
<input type="radio" id="cbm-false-checked" name="value" value="false" checked />
<label for="false">No</label>
<Button color="primary" type="submit">Submit</Button>
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
style="margin-bottom: 1em; display: flex; align-items: center;"
<div>Paging Type</div>
<div>Job List Paging Type</div>
{#if displayMessage && message.target == "pag"}<div
style="margin-left: auto; font-size: 0.9em;"
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
- `itemsPerRow Number`: Elements to render per row
- `items [Any]`: List of plot components to render
- `renderFor String`: If 'job', filter disabled metrics
@ -15,43 +14,13 @@
export let itemsPerRow
export let items
export let renderFor
let rows = [];
const isPlaceholder = x => x._is_placeholder === true;
function tile(items, itemsPerRow) {
const rows = []
for (let ri = 0; ri < items.length; ri += itemsPerRow) {
const row = []
for (let ci = 0; ci < itemsPerRow; ci += 1) {
if (ri + ci < items.length)
row.push(items[ri + ci])
row.push({ _is_placeholder: true, ri, ci })
return rows
$: if (renderFor === 'job') {
rows = tile(items.filter(item => item.disabled === false), itemsPerRow)
} else {
rows = tile(items, itemsPerRow)
{#each rows as row}
<Row cols={{ xs: 1, sm: 1, md: 2, lg: itemsPerRow}}>
{#each row as item (item)}
<Col class="px-1">
{#if !isPlaceholder(item)}
<slot item={item}/>
<Row cols={{ xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3, lg: itemsPerRow}}>
{#each items as item}
<Col class="px-1">
<slot {item}/>
@ -77,6 +77,13 @@
dispatch("set-filter", { states });
}}>Close & Apply</Button
on:click={() => {
states = [...allJobStates];
pendingStates = [];
}}>Deselect All</Button
on:click={() => {
@ -8,40 +8,6 @@
- `height String?`: Height of the card [Default: '310px']
<script context="module">
function findJobThresholds(job, stat, metricConfig) {
if (!job || !metricConfig || !stat) {
console.warn("Argument missing for findJobThresholds!");
return null;
// metricConfig is on subCluster-Level
const defaultThresholds = {
peak: metricConfig.peak,
normal: metricConfig.normal,
caution: metricConfig.caution,
alert: metricConfig.alert
Footprints should be comparable:
Always use unchanged single node thresholds for exclusive jobs and "avg" Footprints.
For shared jobs, scale thresholds by the fraction of the job's HWThreads to the node's HWThreads.
'stat' is one of: avg, min, max
if (job.exclusive === 1 || stat === "avg") {
return defaultThresholds
} else {
const topol = getContext("getHardwareTopology")(job.cluster, job.subCluster)
const jobFraction = job.numHWThreads / topol.node.length;
return {
peak: round(defaultThresholds.peak * jobFraction, 0),
normal: round(defaultThresholds.normal * jobFraction, 0),
caution: round(defaultThresholds.caution * jobFraction, 0),
alert: round(defaultThresholds.alert * jobFraction, 0),
import { getContext } from "svelte";
import {
@ -55,7 +21,7 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { round } from "mathjs";
import { findJobFootprintThresholds } from "../utils.js";
export let job;
export let displayTitle = true;
@ -69,8 +35,7 @@
const unit = (fmc?.unit?.prefix ? fmc.unit.prefix : "") + (fmc?.unit?.base ? fmc.unit.base : "")
// Threshold / -Differences
const fmt = findJobThresholds(job, jf.stat, fmc);
if (jf.name === "flops_any") fmt.peak = round(fmt.peak * 0.85, 0);
const fmt = findJobFootprintThresholds(job, jf.stat, fmc);
// Define basic data -> Value: Use as Provided
const fmBase = {
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
import uPlot from "uplot";
import { formatNumber } from "../units.js";
import { onMount, onDestroy } from "svelte";
import { formatNumber } from "../units.js";
import { Card } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
export let data;
@ -26,16 +26,31 @@
export let title = "";
export let xlabel = "";
export let xunit = "";
export let xtime = false;
export let ylabel = "";
export let yunit = "";
const { bars } = uPlot.paths;
const drawStyles = {
bars: 1,
points: 2,
function formatTime(t) {
if (t !== null) {
if (isNaN(t)) {
return t;
} else {
const tAbs = Math.abs(t);
const h = Math.floor(tAbs / 3600);
const m = Math.floor((tAbs % 3600) / 60);
if (h == 0) return `${m}m`;
else if (m == 0) return `${h}h`;
else return `${h}:${m}h`;
function paths(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, extendGap, buildClip) {
let s = u.series[seriesIdx];
let style = s.drawStyle;
@ -139,7 +154,7 @@
label: xlabel,
labelGap: 10,
size: 25,
incrs: [1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000],
incrs: xtime ? [60, 120, 300, 600, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 18000, 21600, 43200, 86400] : [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000],
border: {
show: true,
stroke: "#000000",
@ -149,7 +164,13 @@
size: 5 / devicePixelRatio,
stroke: "#000000",
values: (_, t) => t.map((v) => formatNumber(v)),
values: (_, t) => t.map((v) => {
if (xtime) {
return formatTime(v);
} else {
return formatNumber(v)
stroke: "#000000",
@ -166,17 +187,25 @@
size: 5 / devicePixelRatio,
stroke: "#000000",
values: (_, t) => t.map((v) => formatNumber(v)),
values: (_, t) => t.map((v) => {
return formatNumber(v)
series: [
label: xunit !== "" ? xunit : null,
value: (u, ts, sidx, didx) => {
if (usesBins) {
if (usesBins && xtime) {
const min = u.data[sidx][didx - 1] ? formatTime(u.data[sidx][didx - 1]) : 0;
const max = formatTime(u.data[sidx][didx]);
ts = min + " - " + max; // narrow spaces
} else if (usesBins) {
const min = u.data[sidx][didx - 1] ? u.data[sidx][didx - 1] : 0;
const max = u.data[sidx][didx];
ts = min + " - " + max; // narrow spaces
} else if (xtime) {
ts = formatTime(ts);
return ts;
@ -191,6 +220,7 @@
drawStyle: drawStyles.bars,
width: 1, // 1 / lastBinCount,
lineInterpolation: null,
stroke: "#85abce",
fill: "#85abce", // + "1A", // Transparent Fill
@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
- `height Number?`: The plot height [Default: 300]
- `timestep Number`: The timestep used for X-axis rendering
- `series [GraphQL.Series]`: The metric data object
- `useStatsSeries Bool?`: If this plot uses the statistics Min/Max/Median representation; automatically set to according bool [Default: null]
- `useStatsSeries Bool?`: If this plot uses the statistics Min/Max/Median representation; automatically set to according bool [Default: false]
- `statisticsSeries [GraphQL.StatisticsSeries]?`: Min/Max/Median representation of metric data [Default: null]
- `cluster GraphQL.Cluster`: Cluster Object of the parent job
- `cluster String`: Cluster name of the parent job / data
- `subCluster String`: Name of the subCluster of the parent job
- `isShared Bool?`: If this job used shared resources; will adapt threshold indicators accordingly [Default: false]
- `forNode Bool?`: If this plot is used for node data display; will ren[data, err := metricdata.LoadNodeData(cluster, metrics, nodes, scopes, from, to, ctx)](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend/blob/9fe7cdca9215220a19930779a60c8afc910276a3/internal/graph/schema.resolvers.go#L391-L392)der x-axis as negative time with $now as maximum [Default: false]
- `forNode Bool?`: If this plot is used for node data display; will render x-axis as negative time with $now as maximum [Default: false]
- `numhwthreads Number?`: Number of job HWThreads [Default: 0]
- `numaccs Number?`: Number of job Accelerators [Default: 0]
- `zoomState Object?`: The last zoom state to preserve on user zoom [Default: null]
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
// removed arg "subcluster": input metricconfig and topology now directly derived from subcluster
function findThresholds(
function findJobAggregationThresholds(
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
) {
if (!subClusterTopology || !metricConfig || !scope) {
console.warn("Argument missing for findThresholds!");
console.warn("Argument missing for findJobAggregationThresholds!");
return null;
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
else if (scope == "hwthread") divisor = subClusterTopology.core.length; // alt. name for core
else if (scope == "accelerator") divisor = subClusterTopology.accelerators.length;
else {
console.log('Unknown scope, return default thresholds ', scope)
console.log('Unknown scope, return default aggregation thresholds ', scope)
divisor = 1;
@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
export let metric;
export let scope = "node";
export let width = null;
export let width = 0;
export let height = 300;
export let timestep;
export let series;
export let useStatsSeries = null;
export let useStatsSeries = false;
export let statisticsSeries = null;
export let cluster;
export let cluster = "";
export let subCluster;
export let isShared = false;
export let forNode = false;
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@
export let numaccs = 0;
export let zoomState = null;
export let thresholdState = null;
export let extendedLegendData = null;
if (useStatsSeries == null) useStatsSeries = statisticsSeries != null;
if (useStatsSeries == false && series == null) useStatsSeries = true;
if (!useStatsSeries && statisticsSeries != null) useStatsSeries = true;
const usesMeanStatsSeries = (useStatsSeries && statisticsSeries.mean.length != 0)
const usesMeanStatsSeries = (statisticsSeries?.mean && statisticsSeries.mean.length != 0)
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
const subClusterTopology = getContext("getHardwareTopology")(cluster, subCluster);
const metricConfig = getContext("getMetricConfig")(cluster, subCluster, metric);
@ -152,12 +152,14 @@
const lineWidth =
clusterCockpitConfig.plot_general_lineWidth / window.devicePixelRatio;
const lineColors = clusterCockpitConfig.plot_general_colorscheme;
const cbmode = clusterCockpitConfig?.plot_general_colorblindMode || false;
const backgroundColors = {
normal: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)",
caution: "rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.3)",
alert: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)",
caution: cbmode ? "rgba(239, 230, 69, 0.3)" : "rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.3)",
alert: cbmode ? "rgba(225, 86, 44, 0.3)" : "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)",
const thresholds = findThresholds(
const thresholds = findJobAggregationThresholds(
@ -192,6 +194,7 @@
className && legendEl.classList.add(className);
uPlot.assign(legendEl.style, {
minWidth: extendedLegendData ? "300px" : "100px",
textAlign: "left",
pointerEvents: "none",
display: "none",
@ -205,11 +208,10 @@
// conditional hide series color markers:
if (
useStatsSeries === true || // Min/Max/Median Self-Explanatory
useStatsSeries || // Min/Max/Median Self-Explanatory
dataSize === 1 || // Only one Y-Dataseries
dataSize > 6
dataSize > 8 // More than 8 Y-Dataseries
) {
// More than 6 Y-Dataseries
const idents = legendEl.querySelectorAll(".u-marker");
for (let i = 0; i < idents.length; i++)
idents[i].style.display = "none";
@ -235,12 +237,12 @@
function update(u) {
const { left, top } = u.cursor;
const width = u.over.querySelector(".u-legend").offsetWidth;
const width = u?.over?.querySelector(".u-legend")?.offsetWidth ? u.over.querySelector(".u-legend").offsetWidth : 0;
legendEl.style.transform =
"translate(" + (left - width - 15) + "px, " + (top + 15) + "px)";
if (dataSize <= 12 || useStatsSeries === true) {
if (dataSize <= 12 || useStatsSeries) {
return {
hooks: {
init: init,
@ -309,13 +311,6 @@
const plotSeries = [
label: "Runtime",
value: (u, ts, sidx, didx) =>
didx == null ? null : formatTime(ts, forNode),
const plotData = [new Array(longestSeries)];
if (forNode === true) {
// Negative Timestamp Buildup
@ -332,6 +327,15 @@
plotData[0][j] = j * timestep;
const plotSeries = [
// Note: X-Legend Will not be shown as soon as Y-Axis are in extendedMode
label: "Runtime",
value: (u, ts, sidx, didx) =>
(didx == null) ? null : formatTime(ts, forNode),
let plotBands = undefined;
if (useStatsSeries) {
@ -346,13 +350,13 @@
label: "min",
scale: "y",
width: lineWidth,
stroke: "red",
stroke: cbmode ? "rgb(0,255,0)" : "red",
label: "max",
scale: "y",
width: lineWidth,
stroke: "green",
stroke: cbmode ? "rgb(0,0,255)" : "green",
label: usesMeanStatsSeries ? "mean" : "median",
@ -362,21 +366,66 @@
plotBands = [
{ series: [2, 3], fill: "rgba(0,255,0,0.1)" },
{ series: [3, 1], fill: "rgba(255,0,0,0.1)" },
{ series: [2, 3], fill: cbmode ? "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)" : "rgba(0,255,0,0.1)" },
{ series: [3, 1], fill: cbmode ? "rgba(0,255,0,0.1)" : "rgba(255,0,0,0.1)" },
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
scope === "node"
// Default
if (!extendedLegendData) {
scope === "node"
? series[i].hostname
: scope + " #" + (i + 1),
scale: "y",
width: lineWidth,
stroke: lineColor(i, series.length),
: scope === "accelerator"
? 'Acc #' + (i + 1) // series[i].id.slice(9, 14) | Too Hardware Specific
: scope + " #" + (i + 1),
scale: "y",
width: lineWidth,
stroke: lineColor(i, series.length),
// Extended Legend For NodeList
else {
scope === "node"
? series[i].hostname
: scope === "accelerator"
? 'Acc #' + (i + 1) // series[i].id.slice(9, 14) | Too Hardware Specific
: scope + " #" + (i + 1),
scale: "y",
width: lineWidth,
stroke: lineColor(i, series.length),
values: (u, sidx, idx) => {
// "i" = "sidx - 1" : sidx contains x-axis-data
if (idx == null)
return {
time: '-',
value: '-',
user: '-',
job: '-'
if (series[i].id in extendedLegendData) {
return {
time: formatTime(plotData[0][idx], forNode),
value: plotData[sidx][idx],
user: extendedLegendData[series[i].id].user,
job: extendedLegendData[series[i].id].job,
} else {
return {
time: formatTime(plotData[0][idx], forNode),
value: plotData[sidx][idx],
user: '-',
job: '-',
@ -432,13 +481,13 @@
u.ctx.textAlign = "start"; // 'end'
u.ctx.fillStyle = "black";
u.ctx.fillText(textl, u.bbox.left + 10, u.bbox.top + 10);
u.ctx.fillText(textl, u.bbox.left + 10, u.bbox.top + (forNode ? 0 : 10));
u.ctx.textAlign = "end";
u.ctx.fillStyle = "black";
u.bbox.left + u.bbox.width - 10,
u.bbox.top + 10,
u.bbox.top + (forNode ? 0 : 10),
// u.ctx.fillText(text, u.bbox.left + u.bbox.width - 10, u.bbox.top + u.bbox.height - 10) // Recipe for bottom right
@ -496,10 +545,12 @@
legend: {
// Display legend until max 12 Y-dataseries
show: series.length <= 12 || useStatsSeries === true ? true : false,
live: series.length <= 12 || useStatsSeries === true ? true : false,
show: series.length <= 12 || useStatsSeries,
live: series.length <= 12 || useStatsSeries,
cursor: { drag: { x: true, y: true } },
cursor: {
drag: { x: true, y: true },
@ -535,17 +586,9 @@
onMount(() => {
// Setup Wrapper
if (series[0].data.length > 0) {
if (forNode) {
plotWrapper.style.paddingTop = "0.5rem"
plotWrapper.style.paddingBottom = "0.5rem"
plotWrapper.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor();
plotWrapper.style.borderRadius = "5px";
if (plotWrapper) {
render(width, height);
// Init Plot
render(width, height);
onDestroy(() => {
@ -553,22 +596,20 @@
if (uplot) uplot.destroy();
// This updates it on all size changes
// Condition for reactive triggering (eg scope change)
$: if (series[0].data.length > 0) {
// This updates plot on all size changes if wrapper (== data) exists
$: if (plotWrapper) {
onSizeChange(width, height);
<!-- Define Wrapper and NoData Card within $width -->
<div bind:clientWidth={width}>
{#if series[0].data.length > 0}
<div bind:this={plotWrapper}/>
<Card class="mx-4" body color="warning"
>Cannot render plot: No series data returned for <code>{metric}</code></Card
<!-- Define $width Wrapper and NoData Card -->
{#if series[0]?.data && series[0].data.length > 0}
<div bind:this={plotWrapper} bind:clientWidth={width}
style="background-color: {backgroundColor()};" class={forNode ? 'py-2 rounded' : 'rounded'}
<Card body color="warning" class="mx-4"
>Cannot render plot: No series data returned for <code>{metric}</code></Card
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
let timeoutId = null;
const lineWidth = clusterCockpitConfig.plot_general_lineWidth;
const cbmode = clusterCockpitConfig?.plot_general_colorblindMode || false;
// Helpers
function getGradientR(x) {
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
return Math.floor(x * 255.0);
function getRGB(c) {
return `rgb(${getGradientR(c)}, ${getGradientG(c)}, ${getGradientB(c)})`;
return `rgb(${cbmode ? '0' : getGradientR(c)}, ${getGradientG(c)}, ${getGradientB(c)})`;
function nearestThousand(num) {
return Math.ceil(num / 1000) * 1000;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import { getContext } from "svelte";
import { getContext, createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
import {
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
const onInit = getContext("on-init")
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics")
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
let newMetricsOrder = [];
let unorderedMetrics = [...metrics];
@ -128,6 +129,8 @@
throw res.error;
dispatch('update-metrics', metrics);
@ -175,6 +178,7 @@
<Button color="primary" on:click={closeAndApply}>Close & Apply</Button>
<Button color="secondary" on:click={() => (isOpen = !isOpen)}>Cancel</Button>
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import {
} from "@urql/svelte";
import { setContext, getContext, hasContext, onDestroy, tick } from "svelte";
import { readable } from "svelte/store";
import { round } from "mathjs";
* Call this function only at component initialization time!
@ -303,8 +304,19 @@ export function stickyHeader(datatableHeaderSelector, updatePading) {
export function checkMetricDisabled(m, c, s) { // [m]etric, [c]luster, [s]ubcluster
const metrics = getContext("globalMetrics");
const result = metrics?.find((gm) => gm.name === m)?.availability?.find((av) => av.cluster === c)?.subClusters?.includes(s)
return !result
const available = metrics?.find((gm) => gm.name === m)?.availability?.find((av) => av.cluster === c)?.subClusters?.includes(s)
// Return inverse logic
return !available
export function checkMetricsDisabled(ma, c, s) { // [m]etric[a]rray, [c]luster, [s]ubcluster
let result = {};
const metrics = getContext("globalMetrics");
ma.forEach((m) => {
// Return named inverse logic: !available
result[m] = !(metrics?.find((gm) => gm.name === m)?.availability?.find((av) => av.cluster === c)?.subClusters?.includes(s))
return result
export function getStatsItems(presetStats = []) {
@ -344,6 +356,38 @@ export function getStatsItems(presetStats = []) {
return [...result];
export function findJobFootprintThresholds(job, stat, metricConfig) {
if (!job || !metricConfig || !stat) {
console.warn("Argument missing for findJobThresholds!");
return null;
// metricConfig is on subCluster-Level
const defaultThresholds = {
peak: metricConfig.peak,
normal: metricConfig.normal,
caution: metricConfig.caution,
alert: metricConfig.alert
Footprints should be comparable:
Always use unchanged single node thresholds for exclusive jobs and "avg" Footprints.
For shared jobs, scale thresholds by the fraction of the job's HWThreads to the node's HWThreads.
'stat' is one of: avg, min, max
if (job.exclusive === 1 || stat === "avg") {
return defaultThresholds
} else {
const topol = getContext("getHardwareTopology")(job.cluster, job.subCluster)
const jobFraction = job.numHWThreads / topol.node.length;
return {
peak: round(defaultThresholds.peak * jobFraction, 0),
normal: round(defaultThresholds.normal * jobFraction, 0),
caution: round(defaultThresholds.caution * jobFraction, 0),
alert: round(defaultThresholds.alert * jobFraction, 0),
export function getSortItems() {
const globalMetrics = getContext("globalMetrics")
@ -405,7 +449,7 @@ function getMetricConfigDeep(metric, cluster, subCluster) {
export function convert2uplot(canvasData) {
export function convert2uplot(canvasData, secondsToMinutes = false, secondsToHours = false) {
// Prep: Uplot Data Structure
let uplotData = [[],[]] // [X, Y1, Y2, ...]
// Iterate if exists
@ -413,11 +457,21 @@ export function convert2uplot(canvasData) {
canvasData.forEach( cd => {
if (Object.keys(cd).length == 4) { // MetricHisto Datafromat
uplotData[0].push(cd?.max ? cd.max : 0)
uplotData[1].push(cd?.count ? cd.count : 0)
} else { // Default -> Fill Histodata with zero values on unused value placing -> maybe allows zoom trigger as known
if (secondsToHours) {
let hours = cd.value / 3600
console.log("x seconds to y hours", cd.value, hours)
} else if (secondsToMinutes) {
let minutes = cd.value / 60
console.log("x seconds to y minutes", cd.value, minutes)
} else {
} else { // Default
return uplotData
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- `clusters [String]`: List of cluster names
- `subClusters map[String][]string`: Map of subclusters by cluster names
- `links [Object]`: Pre-filtered link objects based on user auth
- `direction String?`: The direcion of the drop-down menue [default: down]
@ -18,45 +19,83 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
export let clusters;
export let subClusters;
export let links;
export let direction = "down";
{#each links as item}
{#if item.listOptions}
<Dropdown nav inNavbar {direction}>
<DropdownToggle nav caret>
<Icon name={item.icon} />
<DropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu-lg-end">
All Clusters
<DropdownItem divider />
{#each clusters as cluster}
<Dropdown nav direction="right">
<DropdownToggle nav caret class="dropdown-item py-1 px-2">
<DropdownItem class="py-1 px-2"
href={item.href + '?cluster=' + cluster.name}
All Jobs
<DropdownItem class="py-1 px-2"
href={item.href + '?cluster=' + cluster.name + '&state=running'}
Running Jobs
{#if item.title === 'Nodes'}
<Dropdown nav inNavbar {direction}>
<DropdownToggle nav caret>
<Icon name={item.icon} />
<DropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu-lg-end">
{#each clusters as cluster}
<Dropdown nav direction="right">
<DropdownToggle nav caret class="dropdown-item py-1 px-2">
<DropdownItem class="py-1 px-2"
href={item.href + cluster.name}
Node Overview
<DropdownItem class="py-1 px-2"
href={item.href + 'list/' + cluster.name}
Node List
{#each subClusters[cluster.name] as subCluster}
<DropdownItem class="py-1 px-2"
href={item.href + 'list/' + cluster.name + '/' + subCluster}
{subCluster} Node List
<Dropdown nav inNavbar {direction}>
<DropdownToggle nav caret>
<Icon name={item.icon} />
<DropdownMenu class="dropdown-menu-lg-end">
All Clusters
<DropdownItem divider />
{#each clusters as cluster}
<Dropdown nav direction="right">
<DropdownToggle nav caret class="dropdown-item py-1 px-2">
<DropdownItem class="py-1 px-2"
href={item.href + '?cluster=' + cluster.name}
All Jobs
<DropdownItem class="py-1 px-2"
href={item.href + '?cluster=' + cluster.name + '&state=running'}
Running Jobs
{:else if !item.perCluster}
<NavLink href={item.href} active={window.location.pathname == item.href}
><Icon name={item.icon} /> {item.title}</NavLink
@ -8,64 +8,6 @@
- `height String?`: Height of the card [Default: '310px']
<script context="module">
function findJobThresholds(job, metricConfig) {
if (!job || !metricConfig) {
console.warn("Argument missing for findJobThresholds!");
return null;
// metricConfig is on subCluster-Level
const defaultThresholds = {
peak: metricConfig.peak,
normal: metricConfig.normal,
caution: metricConfig.caution,
alert: metricConfig.alert
NEW: Footprints should be comparable: Always use Unchanged Single Node Thresholds, except for shared jobs.
HW Clocks, HW Temperatures and File/Net IO Thresholds will be scaled down too, even if they are independent.
'jf.stats' is one of: avg, min, max -> Always relative to one nodes' thresholds as configured.
if (job.exclusive === 1) {
return defaultThresholds
} else {
const topol = getContext("getHardwareTopology")(job.cluster, job.subCluster)
const jobFraction = job.numHWThreads / topol.node.length;
return {
peak: round(defaultThresholds.peak * jobFraction, 0),
normal: round(defaultThresholds.normal * jobFraction, 0),
caution: round(defaultThresholds.caution * jobFraction, 0),
alert: round(defaultThresholds.alert * jobFraction, 0),
/* OLD: Based on Metric Aggregation Setting
// Job_Exclusivity does not matter, only aggregation
if (metricConfig.aggregation === "avg") {
return defaultThresholds;
} else if (metricConfig.aggregation === "sum") {
const topol = getContext("getHardwareTopology")(job.cluster, job.subCluster)
const jobFraction = job.numHWThreads / topol.node.length;
return {
peak: round(defaultThresholds.peak * jobFraction, 0),
normal: round(defaultThresholds.normal * jobFraction, 0),
caution: round(defaultThresholds.caution * jobFraction, 0),
alert: round(defaultThresholds.alert * jobFraction, 0),
} else {
"Missing or unkown aggregation mode (sum/avg) for metric:",
return defaultThresholds;
import { getContext } from "svelte";
import {
@ -80,7 +22,7 @@
} from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import Polar from "../generic/plots/Polar.svelte";
import { round } from "mathjs";
import { findJobFootprintThresholds } from "../generic/utils.js";
export let job;
export let jobMetrics;
@ -97,8 +39,7 @@
const unit = (fmc?.unit?.prefix ? fmc.unit.prefix : "") + (fmc?.unit?.base ? fmc.unit.base : "")
// Threshold / -Differences
const fmt = findJobThresholds(job, fmc);
if (jf.name === "flops_any") fmt.peak = round(fmt.peak * 0.85, 0);
const fmt = findJobFootprintThresholds(job, jf.stat, fmc);
// Define basic data -> Value: Use as Provided
const fmBase = {
@ -213,6 +213,8 @@
@ -226,6 +228,8 @@
@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ import Systems from './Systems.root.svelte'
new Systems({
target: document.getElementById('svelte-app'),
props: {
displayType: displayType,
cluster: infos.cluster,
subCluster: infos.subCluster,
from: infos.from,
to: infos.to
context: new Map([
['cc-config', clusterCockpitConfig]
['cc-config', clusterCockpitConfig],
['resampling', resampleConfig]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
@component Cluster Per Node List component; renders current state of SELECTABLE metrics for ALL nodes
- `cluster String`: The nodes' cluster
- `subCluster String`: The nodes' subCluster
- `ccconfig Object?`: The ClusterCockpit Config Context [Default: null]
- `selectedMetrics [String]`: The array of selected metrics
- `systemUnits Object`: The object of metric units
import { getContext } from "svelte";
import { queryStore, gql, getContextClient, mutationStore } from "@urql/svelte";
import { Row, Col, Card, Table, Spinner } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { stickyHeader } from "../generic/utils.js";
import NodeListRow from "./nodelist/NodeListRow.svelte";
import Pagination from "../generic/joblist/Pagination.svelte";
export let cluster;
export let subCluster = "";
export let ccconfig = null;
export let selectedMetrics = [];
export let selectedResolution = 0;
export let hostnameFilter = "";
export let systemUnits = null;
export let from = null;
export let to = null;
// Decouple from Job List Paging Params?
let usePaging = ccconfig?.node_list_usePaging || false
let itemsPerPage = usePaging ? (ccconfig?.plot_list_nodesPerPage || 10) : 10;
let page = 1;
let paging = { itemsPerPage, page };
let headerPaddingTop = 0;
".cc-table-wrapper > table.table >thead > tr > th.position-sticky:nth-child(1)",
(x) => (headerPaddingTop = x),
// const { query: initq } = init();
const initialized = getContext("initialized");
const client = getContextClient();
const nodeListQuery = gql`
query ($cluster: String!, $subCluster: String!, $nodeFilter: String!, $metrics: [String!], $scopes: [MetricScope!]!, $from: Time!, $to: Time!, $paging: PageRequest!, $selectedResolution: Int) {
cluster: $cluster
subCluster: $subCluster
nodeFilter: $nodeFilter
scopes: $scopes
metrics: $metrics
from: $from
to: $to
page: $paging
resolution: $selectedResolution
) {
items {
metrics {
metric {
unit {
series {
statistics {
statisticsSeries {
const updateConfigurationMutation = ({ name, value }) => {
return mutationStore({
client: client,
query: gql`
mutation ($name: String!, $value: String!) {
updateConfiguration(name: $name, value: $value)
variables: { name, value },
// Decouple from Job List Paging Params?
function updateConfiguration(value, page) {
name: "plot_list_nodesPerPage",
value: value,
}).subscribe((res) => {
if (res.fetching === false && !res.error) {
nodes = [] // Empty List
paging = { itemsPerPage: value, page: page }; // Trigger reload of nodeList
} else if (res.fetching === false && res.error) {
throw res.error;
if (!usePaging) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
let {
} = document.documentElement;
// Add 100 px offset to trigger load earlier
if (scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - 100 && $nodesQuery?.data != null && $nodesQuery.data?.nodeMetricsList.hasNextPage) {
let pendingPaging = { ...paging }
pendingPaging.page += 1
paging = pendingPaging
$: nodesQuery = queryStore({
client: client,
query: nodeListQuery,
variables: {
cluster: cluster,
subCluster: subCluster,
nodeFilter: hostnameFilter,
scopes: ["core", "socket", "accelerator"],
metrics: selectedMetrics,
from: from.toISOString(),
to: to.toISOString(),
paging: paging,
selectedResolution: selectedResolution,
requestPolicy: "network-only", // Resolution queries are cached, but how to access them? For now: reload on every change
let nodes = [];
$: if ($initialized && $nodesQuery.data) {
if (usePaging) {
nodes = [...$nodesQuery.data.nodeMetricsList.items].sort((a, b) => a.host.localeCompare(b.host));
} else {
nodes = nodes.concat([...$nodesQuery.data.nodeMetricsList.items].sort((a, b) => a.host.localeCompare(b.host)))
$: if (!usePaging && (selectedMetrics || selectedResolution || hostnameFilter || from || to)) {
// Continous Scroll: Reset list and paging if parameters change: Existing entries will not match new selections
nodes = [];
paging = { itemsPerPage, page: 1 };
$: matchedNodes = $nodesQuery.data?.nodeMetricsList.totalNodes || matchedNodes;
<div class="col cc-table-wrapper">
<Table cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">
class="position-sticky top-0 text-capitalize"
style="padding-top: {headerPaddingTop}px;"
{cluster} Node Info
{#if $nodesQuery.fetching}
<Spinner size="sm" style="margin-left:10px;" secondary />
{#each selectedMetrics as metric (metric)}
class="position-sticky top-0 text-center"
style="padding-top: {headerPaddingTop}px"
{metric} ({systemUnits[metric]})
{#if $nodesQuery.error}
<Card body color="danger">{$nodesQuery.error.message}</Card>
{#each nodes as nodeData}
<NodeListRow {nodeData} {cluster} {selectedMetrics}/>
<td colspan={selectedMetrics.length + 1}> No nodes found </td>
{#if $nodesQuery.fetching || !$nodesQuery.data}
<td colspan={selectedMetrics.length + 1}>
<div style="text-align:center;">
Loading nodes {nodes.length + 1} to
{ matchedNodes
? `${(nodes.length + paging.itemsPerPage) > matchedNodes ? matchedNodes : (nodes.length + paging.itemsPerPage)} of ${matchedNodes} total`
: (nodes.length + paging.itemsPerPage)
<Spinner secondary />
{#if usePaging}
on:update-paging={({ detail }) => {
if (detail.itemsPerPage != itemsPerPage) {
updateConfiguration(detail.itemsPerPage.toString(), detail.page);
} else {
nodes = []
paging = { itemsPerPage: detail.itemsPerPage, page: detail.page };
.cc-table-wrapper {
overflow: initial;
.cc-table-wrapper > :global(table) {
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0px;
table-layout: fixed;
.cc-table-wrapper :global(button) {
margin-bottom: 0px;
.cc-table-wrapper > :global(table > tbody > tr > td) {
margin: 0px;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 0px;
th.position-sticky.top-0 {
background-color: white;
z-index: 10;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
@component Cluster Per Node Overview component; renders current state of ONE metric for ALL nodes
- `ccconfig Object?`: The ClusterCockpit Config Context [Default: null]
- `cluster String`: The cluster to show status information for
- `selectedMetric String?`: The selectedMetric input [Default: ""]
import { queryStore, gql, getContextClient } from "@urql/svelte";
import { Row, Col, Card, Spinner } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { init, checkMetricsDisabled } from "../generic/utils.js";
import MetricPlot from "../generic/plots/MetricPlot.svelte";
export let ccconfig = null;
export let cluster = "";
export const subCluster = "";
export let selectedMetrics = null;
export let hostnameFilter = "";
export let from = null;
export let to = null;
const { query: initq } = init();
const client = getContextClient();
const nodeQuery = gql`
query ($cluster: String!, $metrics: [String!], $from: Time!, $to: Time!) {
cluster: $cluster
metrics: $metrics
from: $from
to: $to
) {
metrics {
metric {
unit {
series {
statistics {
$: selectedMetric = selectedMetrics[0] ? selectedMetrics[0] : "";
$: nodesQuery = queryStore({
client: client,
query: nodeQuery,
variables: {
cluster: cluster,
metrics: selectedMetrics,
from: from.toISOString(),
to: to.toISOString(),
let rawData = []
$: if ($initq.data && $nodesQuery?.data) {
rawData = $nodesQuery?.data?.nodeMetrics.filter((h) => {
if (h.subCluster === '') { // Exclude nodes with empty subCluster field
console.warn('subCluster not configured for node', h.host)
return false
} else {
return h.metrics.some(
(m) => selectedMetrics.includes(m.name) && m.scope == "node",
let mappedData = []
$: if (rawData?.length > 0) {
mappedData = rawData.map((h) => ({
host: h.host,
subCluster: h.subCluster,
data: h.metrics.filter(
(m) => selectedMetrics.includes(m.name) && m.scope == "node",
disabled: checkMetricsDisabled(
.sort((a, b) => a.host.localeCompare(b.host))
let filteredData = []
$: if (mappedData?.length > 0) {
filteredData = mappedData.filter((h) =>
{#if $nodesQuery.error}
<Card body color="danger">{$nodesQuery.error.message}</Card>
{:else if $nodesQuery.fetching }
<Spinner />
{:else if filteredData?.length > 0}
<!-- PlotGrid flattened into this component -->
<Row cols={{ xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3, lg: ccconfig.plot_view_plotsPerRow}}>
{#each filteredData as item (item.host)}
<Col class="px-1">
<h4 style="width: 100%; text-align: center;">
style="display: block;padding-top: 15px;"
>{item.host} ({item.subCluster})</a
{#if item?.disabled[selectedMetric]}
<Card body class="mx-3" color="info"
>Metric disabled for subcluster <code
<!-- "No Data"-Warning included in MetricPlot-Component -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
@component Displays node info, serves links to single node page and lists
- `cluster String`: The nodes' cluster
- `subCluster String`: The nodes' subCluster
- `cluster String`: The nodes' hostname
import {
InputGroupText, } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
export let cluster;
export let subCluster
export let hostname;
export let dataHealth;
export let nodeJobsData = null;
// Not at least one returned, selected metric: NodeHealth warning
const healthWarn = !dataHealth.includes(true);
// At least one non-returned selected metric: Metric config error?
const metricWarn = dataHealth.includes(false);
let userList;
let projectList;
$: if (nodeJobsData) {
userList = Array.from(new Set(nodeJobsData.jobs.items.map((j) => j.user))).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
projectList = Array.from(new Set(nodeJobsData.jobs.items.map((j) => j.project))).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
<Card class="pb-3">
<CardHeader class="d-inline-flex justify-content-between align-items-end">
<h5 class="mb-0">
<a href="/monitoring/node/{cluster}/{hostname}" target="_blank">
<div class="text-capitalize">
<h6 class="mb-0">
{cluster} {subCluster}
{#if healthWarn}
<Icon name="exclamation-circle"/>
<Button color="danger" disabled>
{:else if metricWarn}
<Icon name="info-circle"/>
<Button color="warning" disabled>
Missing Metric
{:else if nodeJobsData.jobs.count == 1 && nodeJobsData.jobs.items[0].exclusive}
<Icon name="circle-fill"/>
<Button color="success" disabled>
{:else if nodeJobsData.jobs.count >= 1 && !nodeJobsData.jobs.items[0].exclusive}
<Icon name="circle-half"/>
<Button color="success" disabled>
<Icon name="circle"/>
<Button color="secondary" disabled>
<hr class="my-3"/>
<!-- JOBS -->
<InputGroup size="sm" class="justify-content-between mb-3">
<Icon name="activity"/>
<InputGroupText class="justify-content-center" style="width: 4.4rem;">
<Input class="flex-grow-1" style="background-color: white;" type="text" value="{nodeJobsData?.jobs?.count || 0} Job{(nodeJobsData?.jobs?.count == 1) ? '': 's'}" disabled />
<a title="Show jobs running on this node" href="/monitoring/jobs/?cluster={cluster}&state=running&node={hostname}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-outline-primary" role="button" aria-disabled="true" >
<Icon name="view-list" />
<!-- USERS -->
<InputGroup size="sm" class="justify-content-between {(userList?.length > 0) ? 'mb-1' : 'mb-3'}">
<Icon name="people"/>
<InputGroupText class="justify-content-center" style="width: 4.4rem;">
<Input class="flex-grow-1" style="background-color: white;" type="text" value="{userList?.length || 0} User{(userList?.length == 1) ? '': 's'}" disabled />
<a title="Show users active on this node" href="/monitoring/users/?cluster={cluster}&state=running&node={hostname}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-outline-primary" role="button" aria-disabled="true" >
<Icon name="view-list" />
{#if userList?.length > 0}
<Card class="mb-3">
<div class="p-1">
{userList.join(", ")}
<!-- PROJECTS -->
<InputGroup size="sm" class="justify-content-between {(projectList?.length > 0) ? 'mb-1' : 'mb-3'}">
<Icon name="journals"/>
<InputGroupText class="justify-content-center" style="width: 4.4rem;">
<Input class="flex-grow-1" style="background-color: white;" type="text" value="{projectList?.length || 0} Project{(projectList?.length == 1) ? '': 's'}" disabled />
<a title="Show projects active on this node" href="/monitoring/projects/?cluster={cluster}&state=running&node={hostname}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-outline-primary" role="button" aria-disabled="true" >
<Icon name="view-list" />
{#if projectList?.length > 0}
<div class="p-1">
{projectList.join(", ")}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
@component Data row for a single node displaying metric plots
- `cluster String`: The nodes' cluster
- `nodeData Object`: The node data object including metric data
- `selectedMetrics [String]`: The array of selected metrics
import {
} from "@urql/svelte";
import { Card, CardBody, Spinner } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { maxScope, checkMetricDisabled } from "../../generic/utils.js";
import MetricPlot from "../../generic/plots/MetricPlot.svelte";
import NodeInfo from "./NodeInfo.svelte";
export let cluster;
export let nodeData;
export let selectedMetrics;
const client = getContextClient();
const paging = { itemsPerPage: 50, page: 1 };
const sorting = { field: "startTime", type: "col", order: "DESC" };
const filter = [
{ cluster: { eq: cluster } },
{ node: { contains: nodeData.host } },
{ state: ["running"] },
const nodeJobsQuery = gql`
query (
$filter: [JobFilter!]!
$sorting: OrderByInput!
$paging: PageRequest!
) {
jobs(filter: $filter, order: $sorting, page: $paging) {
items {
resources {
$: nodeJobsData = queryStore({
client: client,
query: nodeJobsQuery,
variables: { paging, sorting, filter },
// Helper
const selectScope = (nodeMetrics) =>
(a, b) =>
maxScope([a.scope, b.scope]) == a.scope ? b : a,
const sortAndSelectScope = (allNodeMetrics) =>
.map((selectedName) => allNodeMetrics.filter((nodeMetric) => nodeMetric.name == selectedName))
.map((matchedNodeMetrics) => ({
disabled: false,
data: matchedNodeMetrics.length > 0 ? selectScope(matchedNodeMetrics) : null,
.map((scopedNodeMetric) => {
if (scopedNodeMetric?.data) {
return {
disabled: checkMetricDisabled(
data: scopedNodeMetric.data,
} else {
return scopedNodeMetric;
let refinedData;
let dataHealth;
$: if (nodeData?.metrics) {
refinedData = sortAndSelectScope(nodeData?.metrics)
dataHealth = refinedData.filter((rd) => rd.disabled === false).map((enabled) => (enabled.data.metric.series.length > 0))
let extendedLegendData = null;
$: if ($nodeJobsData?.data) {
// Get Shared State of Node: Only Build extended Legend For Shared Nodes
if ($nodeJobsData.data.jobs.count >= 1 && !$nodeJobsData.data.jobs.items[0].exclusive) {
const accSet = Array.from(new Set($nodeJobsData.data.jobs.items
.map((i) => i.resources
.filter((r) => r.hostname === nodeData.host)
.map((r) => r.accelerators)
extendedLegendData = {}
for (const accId of accSet) {
const matchJob = $nodeJobsData.data.jobs.items.find((i) => i.resources.find((r) => r.accelerators.includes(accId)))
extendedLegendData[accId] = {
user: matchJob?.user ? matchJob?.user : '-',
job: matchJob?.jobId ? matchJob?.jobId : '-',
// Theoretically extendable for hwthreadIDs
{#if $nodeJobsData.fetching}
<CardBody class="content-center">
<NodeInfo nodeJobsData={$nodeJobsData.data} {cluster} subCluster={nodeData.subCluster} hostname={nodeData.host} {dataHealth}/>
{#each refinedData as metricData (metricData.data.name)}
{#key metricData}
{#if metricData?.disabled}
<Card body class="mx-3" color="info"
>Metric disabled for subcluster <code
{:else if !!metricData.data?.metric.statisticsSeries}
<!-- "No Data"-Warning included in MetricPlot-Component -->
<div class="my-2"/>
{#key extendedLegendData}
@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
const header = {
"username": "{{ .User.Username }}",
"authlevel": {{ .User.GetAuthLevel }},
"clusters": {{ .Clusters }},
"roles": {{ .Roles }}
"username": "{{ .User.Username }}",
"authlevel": {{ .User.GetAuthLevel }},
"clusters": {{ .Clusters }},
"subClusters": {{ .SubClusters }},
"roles": {{ .Roles }}
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{{define "javascript"}}
const isAdmin = {{ .User.HasRole .Roles.admin }};
const isSupport = {{ .User.HasRole .Roles.support }};
const isApi = {{ .User.HasRole .Roles.api }};
const username = {{ .User.Username }};
const filterPresets = {{ .FilterPresets }};
@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
{{define "javascript"}}
const displayType = {{ .Infos.displayType }};
const infos = {{ .Infos }};
const clusterCockpitConfig = {{ .Config }};
const resampleConfig = {{ .Resampling }};
<script src='/build/systems.js'></script>
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ type Page struct {
Roles map[string]schema.Role // Available roles for frontend render checks
Build Build // Latest information about the application
Clusters []schema.ClusterConfig // List of all clusters for use in the Header
SubClusters map[string][]string // Map per cluster of all subClusters for use in the Header
FilterPresets map[string]interface{} // For pages with the Filter component, this can be used to set initial filters.
Infos map[string]interface{} // For generic use (e.g. username for /monitoring/user/<id>, job id for /monitoring/job/<id>)
Config map[string]interface{} // UI settings for the currently logged in user (e.g. line width, ...)
@ -114,6 +116,15 @@ func RenderTemplate(rw http.ResponseWriter, file string, page *Page) {
if page.SubClusters == nil {
page.SubClusters = make(map[string][]string)
for _, cluster := range archive.Clusters {
for _, sc := range cluster.SubClusters {
page.SubClusters[cluster.Name] = append(page.SubClusters[cluster.Name], sc.Name)
log.Debugf("Page config : %v\n", page.Config)
if err := t.Execute(rw, page); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Template error: %s", err.Error())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user