First working version of anonymize script

This commit is contained in:
Jan Eitzinger 2019-05-09 11:40:47 +02:00
parent 6b26f8b4e9
commit 173ddd5a48

View File

@ -50,86 +50,92 @@ my $sth_select_all = $dbh->prepare(qq{
FROM job;
my $sth_select_job = $dbh->prepare(qq{
SELECT id, user_id, project_id
FROM job
WHERE job_id=?
my $sth_update_job = $dbh->prepare(qq{
SET user_id = ?,
project_id = ?,
flops_any = ?,
mem_bw = ?
project_id = ?
WHERE id=?;
my ($user_id, $num_nodes, $start_time, $stop_time, $queue, $duration, $db_id);
# build user lookup
my $user_index = 0; my $project_index = 0;
my %user_lookup; my %project_lookup;
my %user_group;
my %row;
$sth_select_all->bind_columns( \( @row{ @{$sth->{NAME_lc} } } ));
# build lookups
$sth_select_all->bind_columns( \( @row{ @{$sth_select_all->{NAME_lc} } } ));
while ($sth_select_all->fetch) {
my $user_id = $row->{'user_id'};
my $user_id = $row{'user_id'};
my $project_id = $row{'project_id'};
if ( not exists $user_lookup{$user_id}) {
print "New user $user_id\n";
$user_lookup{$user_id} = $user_index;
$user_group{$user_id} = $project_id;
if ( not exists $project_lookup{$project_id}) {
$project_lookup{$project_id} = $project_index;
write_file("user-conversion.json", encode_json \%user_lookup);
write_file("project-conversion.json", encode_json \%project_lookup);
print "$user_index total users\n";
print "$project_index total projects\n";
# convert database
$sth_select_all->bind_columns( \( @row{ @{$sth_select_all->{NAME_lc} } } ));
while ($sth_select_all->fetch) {
my $user_id = 'user_'.$user_lookup{$row{'user_id'}};
my $project_id = 'project_'.$project_lookup{$row{'project_id'}};
# print "$row{'id'}: $user_id - $project_id\n";
# convert job meta file
opendir my $dh, $basedir or die "can't open directory: $!";
while ( readdir $dh ) {
next if $_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..';
my $jobID = $_;
my $needsUpdate = 0;
my $jobmeta_json = read_file("$basedir/$jobID/meta.json");
my $job = decode_json $jobmeta_json;
my @row = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_select_job, undef, $jobID);
my ($db_id, $db_user_id, $db_job_id, $db_cluster_id, $db_start_time, $db_stop_time, $db_duration, $db_num_nodes);
# print Dumper($job);
my $user = $job->{'user_id'};
my $project;
if ( @row ) {
$db_num_nodes) = @row;
my $footprint = $job->{footprint};
# print "$footprint->{mem_used}->{avg}, $footprint->{flops_any}->{avg}, $footprint->{mem_bw}->{avg}\n";
if ( exists $user_lookup{$user}) {
$project = $user_group{$user};
$user = 'user_'.$user_lookup{$user};
} else {
print "$jobID NOT in DB!\n";
die "$user not in lookup hash!\n";
if ( exists $project_lookup{$project}) {
$project = 'project_'.$project_lookup{$project};
} else {
die "$project not in lookup hash!\n";
$job->{user_id} = $user;
$job->{project_id} = $project;
$jobmeta_json = encode_json $job;
# print "$jobmeta_json\n";
write_file("$basedir/$jobID/meta.json", $jobmeta_json);
closedir $dh or die "can't close directory: $!";
print "$wrongjobcount of $jobcount need update\n";