2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
import { init, groupByScope, fetchMetricsStore } from './utils.js'
import { Row, Col, Card, Spinner, TabContent, TabPane,
CardBody, CardHeader, CardTitle, Button, Icon } from 'sveltestrap'
import PlotTable from './PlotTable.svelte'
import Metric from './Metric.svelte'
import PolarPlot from './plots/Polar.svelte'
import Roofline from './plots/Roofline.svelte'
import JobInfo from './joblist/JobInfo.svelte'
import TagManagement from './TagManagement.svelte'
import MetricSelection from './MetricSelection.svelte'
import Zoom from './Zoom.svelte'
import StatsTable from './StatsTable.svelte'
import { getContext } from 'svelte'
export let dbid
const { query: initq } = init(`
job(id: "${dbid}") {
id, jobId, user, project, cluster, startTime,
duration, numNodes, numHWThreads, numAcc,
SMT, exclusive, partition, subCluster, arrayJobId,
monitoringStatus, state, walltime,
tags { id, type, name },
resources { hostname, hwthreads, accelerators },
userData { name, email }
const ccconfig = getContext('cc-config'),
clusters = getContext('clusters')
2022-07-08 12:23:24 +02:00
let isMetricsSelectionOpen = false, selectedMetrics = [], isFetched = new Set()
2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
const [jobMetrics, startFetching] = fetchMetricsStore()
getContext('on-init')(() => {
let job = $initq.data.job
if (!job)
selectedMetrics = ccconfig[`job_view_selectedMetrics:${job.cluster}`]
|| clusters.find(c => c.name == job.cluster).metricConfig.map(mc => mc.name)
2022-07-08 11:51:58 +02:00
2022-07-08 12:23:24 +02:00
let toFetch = new Set([
'flops_any', 'mem_bw',
...(ccconfig[`job_view_polarPlotMetrics:${job.cluster}`] || ccconfig[`job_view_polarPlotMetrics`]),
...(ccconfig[`job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics:${job.cluster}`] || ccconfig[`job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics`])])
2022-07-08 11:51:58 +02:00
2022-07-08 12:23:24 +02:00
startFetching(job, [...toFetch], job.numNodes > 2 ? ["node"] : ["node", "core"])
isFetched = toFetch
2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
2022-07-08 12:23:24 +02:00
const lazyFetchMoreMetrics = () => {
let notYetFetched = new Set()
for (let m of selectedMetrics) {
if (!isFetched.has(m)) {
if (notYetFetched.size > 0)
startFetching($initq.data.job, [...notYetFetched], $initq.data.job.numNodes > 2 ? ["node"] : ["node", "core"])
// Fetch more data once required:
$: if ($initq.data && $jobMetrics.data && selectedMetrics) lazyFetchMoreMetrics();
2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
let plots = {}, jobTags, fullWidth, statsTable
$: polarPlotSize = Math.min(fullWidth / 3 - 10, 300)
$: document.title = $initq.fetching ? 'Loading...' : ($initq.error ? 'Error' : `Job ${$initq.data.job.jobId} - ClusterCockpit`)
2022-07-08 11:51:58 +02:00
// Find out what metrics or hosts are missing:
2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
let missingMetrics = [], missingHosts = [], somethingMissing = false
$: if ($initq.data && $jobMetrics.data) {
let job = $initq.data.job,
metrics = $jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics,
metricNames = clusters.find(c => c.name == job.cluster).metricConfig.map(mc => mc.name)
missingMetrics = metricNames.filter(metric => !metrics.some(jm => jm.name == metric))
missingHosts = job.resources.map(({ hostname }) => ({
hostname: hostname,
metrics: metricNames.filter(metric => !metrics.some(jm => jm.metric.scope == 'node' && jm.metric.series.some(series => series.hostname == hostname)))
})).filter(({ metrics }) => metrics.length > 0)
somethingMissing = missingMetrics.length > 0 || missingHosts.length > 0
const orderAndMap = (grouped, selectedMetrics) => selectedMetrics.map(metric => ({ metric: metric, data: grouped.find((group) => group[0].name == metric) }))
<div class="row" bind:clientWidth={fullWidth}></div>
{#if $initq.error}
<Card body color="danger">{$initq.error.message}</Card>
{:else if $initq.data}
<JobInfo job={$initq.data.job} jobTags={jobTags}/>
<Spinner secondary/>
{#if $jobMetrics.data && $initq.data}
width={polarPlotSize} height={polarPlotSize}
2022-07-08 12:23:24 +02:00
metrics={ccconfig[`job_view_polarPlotMetrics:${$initq.data.job.cluster}`] || ccconfig[`job_view_polarPlotMetrics`]}
2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
jobMetrics={$jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics} />
width={fullWidth / 3 - 10} height={polarPlotSize}
.find(c => c.name == $initq.data.job.cluster).subClusters
.find(sc => sc.name == $initq.data.job.subCluster)}
2023-01-18 14:06:32 +01:00
flopsAny={$jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics.find(m => m.name == 'flops_any' && m.metric.scope == 'node')}
memBw={$jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics.find(m => m.name == 'mem_bw' && m.metric.scope == 'node')} />
2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
<Col xs="auto">
{#if $initq.data}
<TagManagement job={$initq.data.job} bind:jobTags={jobTags}/>
<Col xs="auto">
{#if $initq.data}
<Button outline
on:click={() => (isMetricsSelectionOpen = true)}>
<Icon name="graph-up"/> Metrics
<Col xs="auto">
<Zoom timeseriesPlots={plots} />
{#if $jobMetrics.error}
{#if $initq.data.job.monitoringStatus == 0 || $initq.data.job.monitoringStatus == 2}
<Card body color="warning">Not monitored or archiving failed</Card>
<Card body color="danger">{$jobMetrics.error.message}</Card>
{:else if $jobMetrics.fetching}
<Spinner secondary/>
{:else if $jobMetrics.data && $initq.data}
items={orderAndMap(groupByScope($jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics), selectedMetrics)}
{#if item.data}
on:more-loaded={({ detail }) => statsTable.moreLoaded(detail)}
scopes={item.data.map(x => x.metric)}
<Card body color="warning">No data for <code>{item.metric}</code></Card>
{#if $initq.data}
{#if somethingMissing}
<TabPane tabId="resources" tab="Resources" active={somethingMissing}>
<div style="margin: 10px;"><Card color="warning">
<CardTitle>Missing Metrics/Reseources</CardTitle>
{#if missingMetrics.length > 0}
<p>No data at all is available for the metrics: {missingMetrics.join(', ')}</p>
{#if missingHosts.length > 0}
<p>Some metrics are missing for the following hosts:</p>
{#each missingHosts as missing}
<li>{missing.hostname}: {missing.metrics.join(', ')}</li>
<TabPane tabId="stats" tab="Statistics Table" active={!somethingMissing}>
{#if $jobMetrics.data}
2022-07-08 11:51:58 +02:00
{#key $jobMetrics.data}
jobMetrics={$jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics} />
2022-06-22 11:20:57 +02:00
<TabPane tabId="job-script" tab="Job Script">
<div class="pre-wrapper">
{#if $initq.data.job.metaData?.jobScript}
<Card body color="warning">No job script available</Card>
<TabPane tabId="slurm-info" tab="Slurm Info">
<div class="pre-wrapper">
{#if $initq.data.job.metaData?.slurmInfo}
<Card body color="warning">No additional slurm information available</Card>
{#if $initq.data}
bind:isOpen={isMetricsSelectionOpen} />
.pre-wrapper {
font-size: 1.1rem;
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 5px;