The job archive specifies an exchange format for job meta and performance metric
data. It consists of two parts:
* a [SQLite database schema]( for job meta data and performance statistics
* a [Json file format]( together with a [Directory hierarchy specification](
By using an open, portable and simple specification based on files it is
possible to exchange job performance data for research and analysis purposes as
well as use it as a robust way for archiving job performance data to disk.
# SQLite database schema
## Introduction
A SQLite 3 database schema is provided to standardize the job meta data
information in a portable way. The schema also includes optional columns for job
performance statistics (called a job performance footprint). The database acts
as a front end to filter and select subsets of job IDs, that are the keys to get
the full job performance data in the job performance tree hierarchy.
## Database schema
The schema includes 3 tables: the job table, a tag table and a jobtag table
representing the MANY-TO-MANY relation between jobs and tags. The SQL schema is