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// Copyright (C) 2022 NHR@FAU, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package auth
import (
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
2022-06-21 17:52:36 +02:00
type LdapAuthenticator struct {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
auth *Authentication
config *schema.LdapConfig
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
syncPassword string
var _ Authenticator = (*LdapAuthenticator)(nil)
func (la *LdapAuthenticator) Init(
auth *Authentication,
conf interface{}) error {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
la.auth = auth
la.config = conf.(*schema.LdapConfig)
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
la.syncPassword = os.Getenv("LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD")
if la.syncPassword == "" {
log.Warn("environment variable 'LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD' not set (ldap sync will not work)")
2022-07-25 17:27:42 +02:00
if la.config != nil && la.config.SyncInterval != "" {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
interval, err := time.ParseDuration(la.config.SyncInterval)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Could not parse duration for sync interval: %v", la.config.SyncInterval)
return err
if interval == 0 {
2023-02-15 11:50:51 +01:00
log.Info("Sync interval is zero")
return nil
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
for t := range ticker.C {
log.Printf("sync started at %s", t.Format(time.RFC3339))
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
if err := la.Sync(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("sync failed: %s", err.Error())
log.Print("sync done")
return nil
func (la *LdapAuthenticator) CanLogin(
user *User,
rw http.ResponseWriter,
r *http.Request) bool {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
return user != nil && user.AuthSource == AuthViaLDAP
func (la *LdapAuthenticator) Login(
user *User,
rw http.ResponseWriter,
r *http.Request) (*User, error) {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
l, err := la.getLdapConnection(false)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while getting ldap connection")
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
return nil, err
2022-02-14 14:22:44 +01:00
defer l.Close()
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
userDn := strings.Replace(la.config.UserBind, "{username}", user.Username, -1)
if err := l.Bind(userDn, r.FormValue("password")); err != nil {
log.Error("Error while binding to ldap connection")
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
return nil, err
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
return user, nil
func (la *LdapAuthenticator) Auth(
rw http.ResponseWriter,
r *http.Request) (*User, error) {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
return la.auth.AuthViaSession(rw, r)
func (la *LdapAuthenticator) Sync() error {
const IN_DB int = 1
const IN_LDAP int = 2
const IN_BOTH int = 3
users := map[string]int{}
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
rows, err := la.auth.db.Query(`SELECT username FROM user WHERE user.ldap = 1`)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while querying LDAP users")
return err
for rows.Next() {
var username string
if err := rows.Scan(&username); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Error while scanning for user '%s'", username)
return err
users[username] = IN_DB
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
l, err := la.getLdapConnection(true)
if err != nil {
log.Error("LDAP connection error")
return err
2022-02-14 14:22:44 +01:00
defer l.Close()
ldapResults, err := l.Search(ldap.NewSearchRequest(
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
la.config.UserBase, ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
la.config.UserFilter, []string{"dn", "uid", "gecos"}, nil))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("LDAP search error")
return err
newnames := map[string]string{}
for _, entry := range ldapResults.Entries {
username := entry.GetAttributeValue("uid")
if username == "" {
return errors.New("no attribute 'uid'")
_, ok := users[username]
if !ok {
users[username] = IN_LDAP
newnames[username] = entry.GetAttributeValue("gecos")
} else {
users[username] = IN_BOTH
for username, where := range users {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
if where == IN_DB && la.config.SyncDelOldUsers {
log.Debugf("sync: remove %v (does not show up in LDAP anymore)", username)
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
if _, err := la.auth.db.Exec(`DELETE FROM user WHERE user.username = ?`, username); err != nil {
log.Errorf("User '%s' not in LDAP anymore: Delete from DB failed", username)
return err
} else if where == IN_LDAP {
name := newnames[username]
log.Debugf("sync: add %v (name: %v, roles: [user], ldap: true)", username, name)
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
if _, err := la.auth.db.Exec(`INSERT INTO user (username, ldap, name, roles) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`,
username, 1, name, "[\""+GetRoleString(RoleUser)+"\"]"); err != nil {
log.Errorf("User '%s' new in LDAP: Insert into DB failed", username)
return err
return nil
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
// TODO: Add a connection pool or something like
// that so that connections can be reused/cached.
func (la *LdapAuthenticator) getLdapConnection(admin bool) (*ldap.Conn, error) {
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
conn, err := ldap.DialURL(la.config.Url)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("LDAP URL dial failed")
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
return nil, err
if admin {
if err := conn.Bind(la.config.SearchDN, la.syncPassword); err != nil {
log.Warn("LDAP connection bind failed")
2022-07-07 14:08:37 +02:00
return nil, err
return conn, nil