This is a Golang backend implementation for a REST and GraphQL API according to the [ClusterCockpit specifications](
[Here]( is a discussion of the reasons why we switched from PHP Symfony to a Golang based solution.
The backend uses [SQLite 3]( as relational SQL database by default.
It can optionally use a MySQL/MariaDB database server.
Finished batch jobs are stored in a file-based job archive following [this specification](
*`./docs`: You can find further documentation here. There is also a Hands-on tutorial that is recommended to get familiar with the ClusterCockpit setup.
*`$ make`: Initialize `var` directory and build svelte frontend and backend binary. Please note that there is no proper prerequesite handling. Any change of frontend source files will trigger a complete rebuild.
cc-backend can be used as a local web-interface for an existing job archive or as a general web-interface server for a live ClusterCockpit Monitoring framework.
Every cc-backend version supports a specific database version.
On startup the version of the sqlite database is validated and cc-backend will terminate if the version does not match.
cc-backend supports to migrate the database schema up to the required version using the `--migrate-db` command line option.
In case the database file does not yet exist it is created and initialized by the `--migrate-db` command line option.
In case you want to use a newer database version with an olden version of cc-backend you can downgrade a database using the external [migrate]( tool.
In this case you have to provide the path to the migration files in a recent source tree: `./internal/repository/migrations/`.
If you start cc-backend with flag `--dev` the GraphQL Playground UI is available at http://localhost:8080/playground .
### Update Swagger UI
This project integrates [swagger ui]( to document and test its REST API.
The swagger doc files can be found in `./api/`.
You can generate the configuration of swagger-ui by running `go run init -d ./internal/api,./pkg/schema -g rest.go -o ./api `.
You need to move the generated `./api/doc.go` to `./internal/api/doc.go`.
You have to enter a JWT key for a user with role API. This user must not be logged in the same browser (have a running session), otherwise Swagger requests will not work.
-`api/` contains the API schema files for the REST and GraphQL APIs. The REST API is documented in the OpenAPI 3.0 format in [./api/openapi.yaml](./api/openapi.yaml).
-`cmd/cc-backend` contains `main.go` for the main application.
-`configs/` contains documentation about configuration and command line options and required environment variables. An example configuration file is provided.
-`init/` contains an example systemd setup for production use.
-`internal/` contains library source code that is not intended to be used by others.
-`pkg/` contains go packages that can also be used by other projects.
-`test/` Test apps and test data.
-`web/` Server side templates and frontend related files:
-`templates` Serverside go templates
-`frontend` Svelte components and static assets for frontend UI