Userstring`json:"user" db:"user" example:"abcd100h"`// The unique identifier of a user
Projectstring`json:"project" db:"project" example:"abcd200"`// The unique identifier of a project
Clusterstring`json:"cluster" db:"cluster" example:"fritz"`// The unique identifier of a cluster
SubClusterstring`json:"subCluster" db:"subcluster" example:"main"`// The unique identifier of a sub cluster
Partitionstring`json:"partition" db:"partition" example:"main"`// The Slurm partition to which the job was submitted
ArrayJobIdint64`json:"arrayJobId" db:"array_job_id" example:"123000"`// The unique identifier of an array job
NumNodesint32`json:"numNodes" db:"num_nodes" example:"2" minimum:"1"`// Number of nodes used (Min > 0)
NumHWThreadsint32`json:"numHwthreads" db:"num_hwthreads" example:"20" minimum:"1"`// Number of HWThreads used (Min > 0)
NumAccint32`json:"numAcc" db:"num_acc" example:"2" minimum:"1"`// Number of accelerators used (Min > 0)
Exclusiveint32`json:"exclusive" db:"exclusive" example:"1" minimum:"0" maximum:"2"`// Specifies how nodes are shared: 0 - Shared among multiple jobs of multiple users, 1 - Job exclusive (Default), 2 - Shared among multiple jobs of same user
MonitoringStatusint32`json:"monitoringStatus" db:"monitoring_status" example:"1" minimum:"0" maximum:"3"`// State of monitoring system during job run: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Running or Archiving (Default), 2 - Archiving Failed, 3 - Archiving Successfull
SMTint32`json:"smt" db:"smt" example:"4"`// SMT threads used by job
StateJobState`json:"jobState" db:"job_state" example:"completed"`// Final state of job
Durationint32`json:"duration" db:"duration" example:"43200" minimum:"1"`// Duration of job in seconds (Min > 0)
Walltimeint64`json:"walltime" db:"walltime" example:"86400" minimum:"1"`// Requested walltime of job in seconds (Min > 0)
Tags[]*Tag`json:"tags"`// List of tags
RawResources[]byte`json:"-" db:"resources"`// Resources used by job [As Bytes]
Resources[]*Resource`json:"resources"`// Resources used by job
RawMetaData[]byte`json:"-" db:"meta_data"`// Additional information about the job [As Bytes]
MetaDatamap[string]string`json:"metaData"`// Additional information about the job