The files in this directory assume that you install ClusterCockpit to `/opt/monitoring`.
Of course you can choose any other location, but make sure to replace all paths that begin with `/opt/monitoring` in the `clustercockpit.service` file!
If you have not installed [yarn]( and [go]( already, do that (Golang is available in most package managers).
The `config.json` can have the optional fields *user* and *group*.
If provided, the application will call [setuid]( and [setgid]( after having read the config file and having bound to a TCP port (so that it can take a privileged port), but before it starts accepting any connections.
This is good for security, but means that the directories `web/frontend/public`, `var/` and `web/templates/` must be readable by that user and `var/` writable as well (All paths relative to the repos root).
The `.env` and `config.json` files might contain secrets and should not be readable by that user.
If those files are changed, the server has to be restarted.